Buckeye Rangers Meeting Minutes 5.3.20

Written by Leah Stroup, News Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4 H club held their first ever online meeting on Sunday, May 3, 2020. The meeting started with roll call and a Secretary’s report given by Kenzie Valery. Since the club had been unable to meet, a lot had happened from our last meeting till now. The club had donated Easter items to the HELP House in London.  Reminder that fair entry’s will be opening soon online.

In new business, a discussion was held on the voting of our club t-shirt. All members were reminded to pay their club dues as soon as possible. The money goes to the club t-shirts, fair passes, pizza parties and more.

The virtual Q and A dates were discussed to remind everyone to get that finished. The cancelation of the Skill a thon was also talked about. The new sheep and swine tag in guidelines were also discussed.

Since the club was unable to meet, the advisors planted the flowers this year at the Fire House which is one of the club community projects.

Demonstrations were done by Natalie Madden and Kenzie Vallery.  The meeting was then adjourned.

The front of the Range Township Fire Hall

Buckeye Rangers Meeting Minutes 3.8.2020

Written by Leah Stroup, News Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4 H Club held a regular meeting at the Range Township Fire Hall on Sunday, March 8, 2020. The meeting started with pledges lead by Jacob Williams, Aaron Tepee, Kyle Vallery and Carter Quire. A litter report was given by Ava Mace reminding us to pick up trash. A safety report was given by Kyle and Carter about the colors on the traffic light. Reminder of the enrollment to 4-H will be on March 15. In new business, a discussion was held on the upcoming community projects. We are to bring in Easter items for the Help House in London. Each member can also submit a drawing of a t-shirt design for our fair shirt. All members were reminded to pay their club dues before the next meeting and that a Quality Assurance needs to be completed before May 1. Demonstrations were done by Anna and Leah Stroup, Colt Hughes and Cameron Hood.  Cloverbuds did a demonstration on why they were lucky. The meeting was then adjourned.

Buckeye Ranger Cloverbuds on why they are lucky

Leah and Anna Stroup giving a demonstration on basketball gear

Buckeye Rangers Meeting Minutes 2.16.2020

Written by Leah Stroup (9), News Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4 H club held a regular meeting at the Range Township Fire hall on Sunday, February 16, 2020. The meeting started with pledges lead by Leah Stroup, Anna Stroup, Kyle Vallery and Carter Quire. Reminder of the enrollment to 4-H will be on March 15. In new business, officers were elected. President- Paint Mace, Vice President- Keyairra Helton, Secretary-Kenzie Vallery, Treasure- Zoey Patrick, Saftey- Carter Quire and Kyle Vallery, New Reporter- Leah Stroup, Litter- Ava Mace, Health- Logan Patrick and Recreation- Jesiah Emerick. All members were reminded to pay their activity fees before the next meeting and that a Quality Assurance needs to be completed before May 1. Demonstrations were done by Paint Mace, Hannah Morrow and Keyairra Helton.  Cloverbuds worked with their “hands” by molding a clover with homemade play dough. The meeting was adjourned and cookies and juice were enjoyed by everyone.


Above: 2020 Officers of the Buckeye Ranger 4-H Club

Above: Buckeye Rangers Cloverbuds with their homemade play dough!

Buckeye Rangers Club Meeting Minutes 5.14.19

Written By Anna Stroup, News Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4-H club held a regular meeting at the Range Township Fire hall on Sunday, May 14, 2019. The pledges were led by Keyairra Helton and Hannah Morrow. A Safety report was given by Hannah Morrow on never getting into a car with a stranger. A reminder that skill-a-thon must be completed on either June 18 or 26. Also, the deadline for fair sign-ups are June 1. Club t-shirts designs were voted on and the winner was Anna Stroup. The winner will receive $25.  Demonstrations were done by the Clover buds, Leah Stroup, Ted Madden, Cooper Hughes and Carter Quire on “4-H means to me”. Also, Logan and Zoey Patrick did a demonstration on different cattle disease.  After the short meeting, all members and families met outside to plant flowers as a community service project. A dedication of a small stepping stone was presented to the family of Master Gardner, Lynda Junk, who passed away in late 2018. Mrs. Junk in the past helped the Buckeye Rangers with the flower planting. The next meeting will be held at 4-H advisor, Susan Hughes home for a pot luck meal and a swine demonstration.


Buckeye Rangers 4-H Club Meeting Minutes 4.7.19

Written by Anna Stroup, Club Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4-H club held a regular meeting at the Range Township Fire hall on Sunday, April 7, 2019.

A Health report was given by Lane Caudill on the correct ways to recycle tires. A Safety report was given by Hannah Morrow on never talking to strangers.

Community projects were discussed which will be planting flowers at the fire house and Rock-in on the Run. One community project already completed was a collection of Easter items to be given to the “Help House” in London, Ohio. A

ll members were reminded that a  Quality Assurance needs to be completed  before May 1, swine ear notch forms and sheep breeding forms must be turned in to the fairgrounds on May 4, skill-a-thon must be completed on either June 18 or 26 and club t-shirt contest entries are due at the meeting on May 14.

Demonstrations were done by Lane Caudill on a sample of a WW2 cannon made from a WW2 airplane wing and by Clayton on the wrestling. The meeting was adjourned and cookies and juice were enjoyed by everyone.

Members with community service project of collecting Easter items for the Help House.