Greetings 4-H Families!
2021 is finally here! While it may not be the magical “fix” to everything going on in the world, it is a good opportunity to set out minds on what truly matters. As we move into another 4-H year, I urge you all to keep an open mind, be creative, and continue to “make the best better” (cheezy, I know!). We proved last year that our youth and volunteers are resilient and have GRIT! So, embrace those virtual club meetings, invite a friend to join in on the fun, get an early start on those project books.
January is also Mental Health month and Ohio 4-H is starting the new year with a focus on mental health. As the country grapples with a global pandemic, economic downturn, and recent conversations on racial injustice, youth are experiencing added stressors and seeking new ways to cope. There are a variety of activities for youth and volunteers to better understand the importance of positive mental health located at go.osu.edu/MentalHealthMonth. Resources include virtual training opportunities for volunteers, tip sheets, “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” a 4-H Special Interest Club, and more. Read on for details and join 4-H for a month of positive mental health!
In this issue:
- 2021 Calendar of Events
- County Wide Club Meetings
- 4-H Trip Scholarship Information
- 2021 Family Guide Available
- Extension Office Hours Reminder
- Ohio 4-H Guidelines Reminder
- Volunteer Reminders and Training dates
- County Fair Update – Help Wanted for Livestock Committee!
- Market Beef Tag In
- Statewide SPIN Club Opportunities – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body; New Year, New Me!; STEM World Changers
2021 4-H Calendar Available
Mark your calendar and save the dates now for important county events and deadlines! Updates will be added to the website and this calendar as we receive them, as well as emailed to all 4-H families.
Please note: dates, times, and locations, and format are subject to change based on OSU and county health and safety guidelines. We will keep you informed as time progresses.
A printable calendar can be found here.
2021 Enrollment Available NOW!![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2021/01/4h-inspires-300x222.png)
You are now available to enroll your family for 2021! Visit oh.4honline.com and log in your same email and password that you used before. If you forgot your password/email, contact our office – DO NOT create a new account unless you are a NEW family to 4-H!
The system will look different from previous years, but hopefully more user friendly! Click here for instructions and a help sheet with screenshots to help you enroll. If you have any issues, do not hesitate to call our office or email Arlene at duffey.2@osu.edu for assistance.
County Wide Club Meetings
Since we are all “stuck”, we want to make it easier for you to host engaging club meetings this Winter/Spring! This is completely optional, but we hope it can help in your planning!
We are hosting a series of virtual club meetings starting January 10-March 28 on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 2pm. Each meeting will include county updates, Q&A time, and an engaging guest speaker for a total of 45 minutes, then advisors can select the option to lead a breakout room with your club officers to host your business meeting!
Advisors can also request the 4-H educator to “pop in” to their meeting for an additional activity, clarify something, etc.
CLUB REGISTRATION: In order to have these count as a club meeting, advisors MUST register in advance for a breakout room HERE: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0UkEjx3PVzdDdbv
FAMILY REGISTRATION: Families can attend on their own, but it will only count as a club meeting if they attend their individual club meeting in the breakout session after the guest speaker with their club advisors/officers. Families will register for each session HERE: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Tv182ymIwT0NYV
Dates and Topics are listed below. All are Sundays from 2-4pm. The guest speaker and county updates will be 45 minutes-1 hour, and then clubs can have time in their breakout rooms for however long they need!
- January 10 – Fire Safety on the Farm
- January 24 – Cooking Safety
- February 14 – Paleontology
- February 28 -Solar Energy Fun
- March 14 – Maple Syrup Making
- March 28 – Chocolate Science
Find Your Spark with 4-H!![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2021/01/4H_Icons_Grouped-300x96.jpg)
While we cannot have our in-person 4-H Rally Night this year, we are hosting a series of virtual activies for current members and new/anticipated 4-H members to participate in to learn more about 4-H projects available and win prizes, like 4-H camp registrations, free project books, 4-H goodies, and more!
Starting February 1, you can visit go.osu.edu/mc4hspark where you will find videos from key leaders, livestock committee members, and other volunteers describing various project areas, what you need, what you learn, etc. There will also be videos from our own 4-H members that have done really well in certain project areas sharing their insight!
Additionally, there will be some live zoom Q&A sessions for newer and potential 4-H members (and current members too!) Below are the tentative dates. More information for registering will be available in February!
February 10: Welcome to 4-H 101 – How to enroll, where to find projects, and more! Opportunities to meet with clubs that are open to new members.
February 15: Small and Large Animal Information Night: Meet with livestock committee members and project experts to ask more specific questions about what you need for projects
February 22: Special Interest/Cloverbud Information Night: Meeting with project key leaders and advisors to learn more about specific project areas such as nutrition, sewing, STEM, art, and more!
*Additional project specific times may be added throughout February and March. Enrollment is due March 15!
4-H Trip Scholarships![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/11/Youth-Trip-Scholarships-300x300.png)
There are many opportunities available to youth outside of our county programs! The Madison County 4-H Committee sponsors trips for our youth to help them gain leadership skills and represent our county! Trips include: State Leadership Camp, Shooting Sports camps, Citizenship Washington Focus (trip to D.C.), and many more!
Applications ASAP for early registrations (CWF, Buckeye Leadership Workshop, etc.) or 6 weeks in advance of registration for event.
Download the application here! Opportunities are available for 4-H youth of all ages!
2021 Family Guide Available NOW!
The 2021 Family Guide is now available for download at ohio4h.org/familyguide!
You can view sample pages of project books, see comments from families that have enrolled in the project, etc. at projectcentral.ohio4h.org!
Now is the PERFECT time to browse the 4-H projects available for next year! Contact our office with any questions about projects, purchasing books, etc.!
OSU Extension Office Hours
Office Hour Update: As a reminder, our office is open by appointment only, Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm. Please continue to call ahead before coming into the office, wear your mask when inside, and stay home if you are sick.
In-Person 4-H Meetings and Events Update
As we head into winter months and flu season, in addition to COVID-19, remember to follow our meeting guidelines for any in-person 4-H meetings and events that you may be attending: That information, along with any new updates, is at https://ohio4h.org/families/stay-connected.
Given the rise of COVID-19 in Ohio and in an effort to keep our 4-H families, volunteers and communities safe, effective December 7, 2020 all 4-H meetings and events are to be canceled, postponed, or held virtually until January 15, 2021. After the 15th, all meetings and events can resume under the previous approved exemption and guidelines (masks required, less than 50 attendees, etc.) Contact the extension office with questions.
As part of an academic institution, we follow science and model what the CDC, Ohio Department of Health and other experts stress is important in addressing this virus. All 4-H volunteers are expected to follow these guidelines regarding 4-H meetings and events. Volunteers who are not in compliance will receive a first warning. A second incident disregarding our effort to protect the health, safety and well-being of members, families and communities will result in immediate termination of volunteer status.
Currently, all OSU Extension offices are closed through January 3rd. We will be open based on the current Ohio Public Health Advisory System. If a county is purple or approaching purple, OSU Extension offices will be closed and employees will be working virtually. If a county is red, OSU Extension offices will be staffed by appointment only. You will need to call in advance to schedule a time to go to the office. Please note there may be additional guidelines from county health departments.
Upcoming Events![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/06/2020-shirt-design-300x256.png)
1 – New Year’s Day – Extension Office Closed; Fair Possession Deadline for Market Steer projects
4 – 4-H Advisory Committee Meeting – 6:30pm – Virtual
8 – Ohio 4-H Achievement Forms due to County office
9 – Market Steer Weigh In & Tag In – Madison County Fairgrounds, 9:00am-12:00pm – RSVP Required
10 – Virtual County-Wide Club Meeting – 2:00pm – Fire Safety on the Farm – RSVP at go.osu.edu/mc4hmeetings
11 – 4-H Volunteer Training – 10-11:30am OR 7-8:30pm – Topic: Youth Sparks, Virtual
18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Extension Office Closed
20 – 4-H Club Update – 10am-12pm OR 7pm-9pm (Virtual – Each club must send 2 adult or 1 adult & 1 teen reps)
24 – Virtual County-Wide Club Meeting – 2:00pm – Cooking Fire Safety – RSVP at go.osu.edu/mc4hmeetings
27 – 4-H Rally Night – 6:30 to 8:00pm – Virtual Open House
30 – State 4-H Horse Advisor Training – Virtual
30 – Trauma 101 Training for 4-H Volunteers – 9:30am-11:30am – Virtual
31 – DNA/EID Kits due for 2021 Ohio State Fair Market Beef Show (via mail)
COUNTY JR. FAIR UPDATES![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/07/junior-fair-logo.png)
Livestock Committee Members Needed!
2021 is bringing some fresh changes to our Jr. Fair structure! In lieu of Livestock Key Leaders, the Jr. Fair Livestock program is moving to a committee structure to help encourage sustainability and limit the amount of work for the one person, creating a team effort!
If interested in being a part of this committee, contact madisoncountyjfb@gmail.com to learn more.
The 3 Committees will now consist of:
- Equine Committee (has been in place for several years, If interested, contact Colleen Martin at stephighatlfs@aol.com for information on meetings times, dates, etc.)
- Small Animal/Specialty: includes rabbit, poultry, dog, alpaca, and small animal
- Large Animal Committee: Includes beef, dairy, swine, goat, and sheep!
Responsibilities of these committees will include:
- Species specific rule recommendations to JFB (timely and accurate oversight and revisions)
- Judge recommendations
- Develop and maintain volunteers
- Fundraising/Budget
- Fair format/show bill/arena and facility set up, recs
- Assist extension office with skillathons
2021 Market Steer Tag In![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/12/Steer-tag-in-1-300x251.png)
If you are taking a Market Steer project in 4-H/FFA this coming year, you must attend the Steer Tag in on January 9th, 2021 from 9am-12pm at the Madison County Fairgrounds.
Sign up for a timeslot for your family at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45a5a82ea4f8c34-steer
If you are planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair, the DNA sample kits and EID tags are avialable for pick up in the Fair office and due back via mail on your own by January 31st.
Contact the Madison County Sales Committee with any questions at madisoncountysalescommittee@gmail.com.
Equine Committee Tack Sale – February 6
Save the date for the Horse Tack Sale, hosted by the Madison County Equine Committee on February 6, 2021, from 8am-2pm at the Champion Center (4122 Laybourne Road, Springfield, OH).
Vendors are also needed! Contact Colleen Martin at 614-374-6149 for more information on vendor space. For chance auction donations, contact Barb Tracy at 614-619-0992. For general questions, contact Sam Seidenstricker at 937-561-8500.
Livestock Quality Assurance Dates Announced!![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/04/Livestock-Quality-Assurance-300x300.png)
To be eligible for participation in the Madison County Junior Fair, potential youth exhibitors must participate in one of the following Quality Assurance Education Programs. The deadline to complete QA Education for the Madison County Fair is May 15, 2021.
4-H & FFA Members in these projects must attend Quality Assurance Education: All Dairy Cattle, Market & Dairy Goats, Breeding Goats, Market Rabbits (Pen of 3), Beef (Mkt. Steers, Beef Feeders, Breeding Beef), Dairy Feeder Calves, Swine, Breeding and Market Sheep, Market Poultry (Pen of 4 Broilers, Mkt. Turkeys and Market Ducks)
This year, all the sessions will be held VIRTUALLY via zoom, just like last year. If you need an accomodation, please contact the Madison County Extension Office to make alternative arrangements.
Please save the dates for the below sessions. Youth must attend one session. Additional sessions may be added as needed. Sessions will be limited to 40 participants:
- Session 1: Monday, March 22, 6:00-7:30pm
- Session 2: Tuesday, April 6, 6:00-7:30pm
- Session 3: Wednesday, April 14, 7:00-8:30pm
- Session 4: Saturday, April 17, 10:00-11:30am
- Session 5: Sunday, April 25, 4:00-5:30pm
- Session 6: Thursday, April 29, 6:00-7:30pm
- Session 7: Thursday, May 6, 7:00-8:30pm
- Session 8: Wednesday, May 12, 6:00-7:30pm
- NEW: 1st-3rd Year 4-H Members Only! New Member Quality Assurance – Thursday, April 19th, 7:00-8:30pm – Covers an overview of what Quality Assurance is and activities are geared toward younger members! Perfect for newer members or those just getting started with livestock projects!
You may also choose to complete QA through the online YQCA certification on your own time. There is a $12 cost with this program. Contact the extension office for more information.
CLUB/VOLUNTEER UPDATES ![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/09/volunteer-pic-300x251.jpg)
Volunteer Trainings: An email was sent out with information regarding the requirements for 2021 volunteer training. Visit go.osu.edu/virtualvolunteertraining to RSVP for a volunteer training session.
If you would like to complete an in-person training, contact Frances directly at foos.61@osu.edu or call the Extension Office to set up alternative arrangements.
4-H Club Update Event: NEW for 2021, we will be having a 4-H Club Update on January 20th. There will be a 10:00-11:30am time and a 7:oo-8:30pm timeslot.Register at go.osu.edu/virtualvolunteertraining
This will cover any updates for 4-H for the year (calendars, policies, new events, fair updates, etc.) so that the volunteer trainings can focus on more educational and applicable topics that will help you as volunteers. We will require at least 2 representatives from each club to attend – either 2 adult volunteers or 1 adult volunteer and 1 teen leader representative. This will count as a training opportunity for volunteers as well.
County Wide Club Meetings: Visit go.osu.edu/mc4hmeetings for all the information! Since we are all “stuck”, we want to make it easier for you to host engaging club meetings this Winter/Spring! This is completely optional, but we hope it can help in your planning! We are hosting a series of virtual club meetings starting January 10-March 28 on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 2pm. Each meeting will include county updates, Q&A time, and an engaging guest speaker for a total of 45 minutes, then advisors can select the option to lead a breakout room with your club officers to host your business meeting. Advisors can also request the 4-H educator to “pop in” to their meeting for an additional activity, clarify something, etc. CLUB REGISTRATION: In order to have these count as a club meeting, advisors MUST register in advance for a breakout room HERE: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0UkEjx3PVzdDdbv
Officer Training Resources: Visit https://ohio4h.org/officerresources for some brand new officer training resources! We were excited to add these new resources under the “Officer Resources” tab. These resources are quick guides that offer information on the importance of campaigning for club offices, officer position descriptions, and tips for holding elections.
Club Achievement Packets: Make sure you are picking up your club achievement packets at the extension office! If you plan to meet with your club, be sure to follow the Ohio 4-H Guidelines. Contact Frances with any questions. This goes for any meetings, fundraisers, community service, and other get-togethers!
Background Checks: If you are up for a background check this year, you have received an email from Arlene in December and will receive a follow up in the mail again soon. Please get this done ASAP! Contact the Extension Office with questions.
4-H Online Update: Enrollment is now open on our NEW system! Visit oh.4honline.com, same link as usual, and log in with your same informationand submit your enrollment. Contact our office with any questions. If you forgot your password, contact us to reset it. DO NOT create a new account for you or any of your families!
New Volunteers: If you are adding someone to your club as a volunteer, make sure they fill out a new volunteer application ASAP to get the process started! Contact Frances for more information
Mental Health Training Opportunities: You are invited to attend the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Mental Health Training series each Wednesday in January. These trainings will be held virtually on ZOOM from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Each training is stand alone, so you can pick and choose which training(s) you’d like to attend.Click here for a flyer that gives detailed descriptions of each training: Mental Health Advisor Training Flyer. To register for any of the trainings, please go to http://go.osu.edu/4HMHtraining.
- January 6 – Mental Health 101
- January 13 – Typical Adolescence vs. Emerging Mental Health Problems
- January 20 – Trauma Informed Approaches Training
- January 27 – Recognizing the signs and symptoms of Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury
Be sure to check Ohio4H.org for the most recent state 4-H information and follow the “Ohio State – 4-H Youth Development” Facebook page!
January is Mental Health Month!![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2021/01/mental-heath-month-300x251.jpg)
January is Ohio 4-H Mental Health MonthJanuary is Mental Health Month and we encourage you to check out what Ohio 4-H is offering. The following activities are happening live (virtually) throughout the month. Registration is required to receive the link at go.osu.edu/MentalHealthMonth
- January 6th, 6:00pm:Volunteer Training: Mental Health 101
- January 12th, 5:30pm:Mindful Wellness Activity
- January 13th, 6:00pm:Volunteer Training: Typical Adolescence vs. Emerging Mental Health Problems
- January 19th, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#1 in series)
- January 20th, 6:00pm:Volunteer Training: Trauma Informed Approaches
- January 26th, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#2 in series
- January 27th, 6:00pm:Volunteer Training: Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self Injury
- February 2nd, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#3 in series)
- February 9th, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#4 in series)
- February 16th, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#5 in series)
- February 23rd, 5:30pm:Youth Special Interest Club: Healthy Body Healthy Mind (#6 in series)
You can also access Mental Health tip sheets, a review of the Your Thoughts Matter: Navigating Mental Health 4-H project book, and an activity card for you to complete during January. All these dates, links, and resources can be found at go.osu.edu/MentalHealthMonth.
Healthy Body Healthy Mind SPIN Club![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/12/yoga-spin-300x251.png)
All 4-H youth ages 8-18 (and your friends!) are invited to learn fun ways to keep our body and mind healthy through Yoga for kids, games, activities and more all in the comfort of your own home and in our virtual SPIN club setting! Each meeting will have time to practice yoga, explore a healthy living tool, play a game, and complete a challenge.
Sessions are on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm, January 19-February 23!
It is FREE to join, but you must register by January 14th at go.osu.edu/healthymindsSPIN
Contact foos.61@osu.edu with any questions!
New Year New Me SPIN Club for Middle Schoolers![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/12/New-Year-Flyer-FINAL-212x300.jpg)
January starts a new year, let’s make a new you. We are excited to offer New Year, New You: Making YOUR Best Better (targeted at youth in 5th-8th Grades). We will tackle topics that will help you be informed to make the best choices for the best you. You will receive a fun swag bag in the mail when you sign up that contains items that relate to the weekly topics. Each week we will have guest speaker(s), activities, and time to talk with other youth when we meet for about an hour.
You are invited to join New Year, New You: Making YOUR Best Better series being held on Sundays February 7 – March 14. These sessions will be held virtually on ZOOM from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Register by January 15 at go.osu.edu/spinnyny More information will be given to youth once registered.
Weekly session topics:
- February 7 New Year, New You, and the Awesome Things You Can Do!
- February 14 Boys, Girls, Crushes and Feelings…Oh My! What’s Appropriate, Safety & Etiquette.
- February 21 TikTok, Snapchat, Insta are They Just Fun? Seriously is Human Trafficking a Thing?
- February 28 Work’n for a Live’n…jobs, image, and beyond.
- March 7 What’s up with Vaping, Marijuana, and Alcohol?
- March 14 New Year, Healthy You! Be Your Best Physically, Mentally and Emotionally
OSU Virtual Junior Swine Day – February 20, 2021
2021 OSU Virtual Junior Swine Day is Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9:00am-12:00pm
Sessions include: Evaluting and Selecting your pig project, Nutrition and Feed Management, Meat Science, When Science and Pig Shows Collide, Vaccinations/Pig Health, Showmanship, and more!
After you fill out the registration form below you will receive an email confirming your registration. An additional email will be sent to you 48 hours prior to the event which will contain the Zoom Link and password that are needed to view the Virtual Jr. Swine Day. Please register once per household.
Jr. Swine Day is free of charge! Registration Deadline is Wednesday, February 16, 2021. Register at go.osu.edu/jsd2021
Virtual Jr. Swine Day will not fulfill your requirement for QA. You must complete QA in your county.
For more information, contact Dale Ricker (ricker.37@osu.edu)
4-H World Changers – For Middle and High School Youth!
Learn to program your own game using p5.js, a JavaScript library created especially for artists and designers! This programs is completely virtual and free, designed for 5th-12th graders with an interest in STEM and coding.
Register at www.surveymonkey.com/r/4HWorldChangers.
Contact Margo Long, long.1632@osu.edu for more information!
4-H Winter Stay at Home Activities![](https://u.osu.edu/madison4h/files/2020/12/winter-300x205.jpg)
Looking for something fun to do at home? Check out these easy “at-home” winter themed activities to do as a family here.