Buckeye Rangers Meeting Minutes 5.3.20

Written by Leah Stroup, News Reporter

The Buckeye Rangers 4 H club held their first ever online meeting on Sunday, May 3, 2020. The meeting started with roll call and a Secretary’s report given by Kenzie Valery. Since the club had been unable to meet, a lot had happened from our last meeting till now. The club had donated Easter items to the HELP House in London.  Reminder that fair entry’s will be opening soon online.

In new business, a discussion was held on the voting of our club t-shirt. All members were reminded to pay their club dues as soon as possible. The money goes to the club t-shirts, fair passes, pizza parties and more.

The virtual Q and A dates were discussed to remind everyone to get that finished. The cancelation of the Skill a thon was also talked about. The new sheep and swine tag in guidelines were also discussed.

Since the club was unable to meet, the advisors planted the flowers this year at the Fire House which is one of the club community projects.

Demonstrations were done by Natalie Madden and Kenzie Vallery.  The meeting was then adjourned.

The front of the Range Township Fire Hall

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