Lawrence County 4-H News, July 2024

2024 Pre-Fair Updates

First, I have a few quick requests:
• I was recently talking to a friend about leadership and then googled the definition of leader, “the best definition of a leader” was given as an option to view, I clicked it and it read “in general, the role of a leader is to coach, guide, and inspire others. They foster a collaborative culture and lead by example”. I share this because, during the county fair year after year – we get the opportunity to witness this throughout our youth, volunteers, and families. I encourage each of us to continue coaching, guiding, and inspiring; setting good examples along the way. Be positive and encouraging to one another!

• At 4-H Camp, we say, we always want to leave it better than we found it… let’s take pride July 6-13th in the beautiful fairgrounds we have available to us and leave it better than we found it. Walk through a dirty aisle in the barn? Grab some helpers and clean it up. Notice a bunch of trash in the stands? Throw it in the trash can as you walk by! It only takes a few seconds of many, to make light work!

Schedule Updates & Information

• Booth set up will not be happening from 9-12 on Saturday morning as indicated on the schedule. Please be aware the Pageant interviews will be taking place during that time and the 4-H Expo Center will be closed for the duration of judging. Booth set up, beautification check in will begin approximately around 2:00pm and the building will be left open for set up until 8pm. There will be time on Sunday, too! Please leave trash cans and flower pots to be judged near the 4-H shelter. At the end of the week, please remember to take this down by Saturday, July 13th at 6:00pm.

• Also note, Skillathon check in will now be at the 4-H Rabbit/Chicken Show Shelter. Members will check in, wait in the bleachers for their turn to participate in the skillathon. To help with flow, we hope clubs will utilize the following schedule:

  • 12:00pm – Andis Cornhuskers, Arabia All-Stars,Backroad Haybalers, Barnbusters, Copperheads, Country Cousins & Kids
  • 1:00pm –Country Rebels, Decatur Buckles & Boots, Dog Fork Haymakers, Farm Buddies, Farm Hands, Five-Mile Frontiersmen
  • 2:00pm –Getaway Go-Getters, Gingham & Denim, Greasy Ridge Gang, Hilltop Crops & Critters
  • 3:00pm –Kitts Hill Willing Workers, Over Yonder, Power Ranchers, Rabbiteers, Ranch Hands, Rome Guys & Gals
  • 4:00pm –Scottown Farmer & Farmerettes, Silver Spurs, Southern Showstoppers, Starlite, Teen Leaders 4-H Club

Livestock exhibitors are expected to attend a barn meeting. There will be one at 10:30am and one at 6:00pm, Saturday July 6th.

• Due to the Feeder/Breeder show being moved back to Thursday, we have alotted time for the Old Timer Show after each of the large animal shows. We hope our “Old Timers” will still come out and support our 4-H and FFA organizations with their participation.

• Cloverbuds are invited to participate in the Cloverbud Interviews and Parade. Cloverbuds are encouraged to dress as their favorite animal in the parade and for the interview bring something they’ve worked on this 4-H year, something about their favorite animal, or both on Tuesday, July 9th at 1:00pm. After, Cloverbuds are invited to display the item they shared in the Cloverbud Corner on display in the building between the 4-H Expo Center and the Rabbit/Chicken Barn. Cloverbuds will also have carnival games on Thursday at 1:00pm at the 4-H Shelter.

• 4-H Experience It! Is an opportunity for youth to participate in an activity related to the 4-H projects being judging that day.

• Spice of Life Costume Contest is an fun time for livestock exhibitors to dress up in a costume with their project for a chance to win some fun prizes!

• NEW ANNOUNCEMENT! In the club packets, you will find Pizza Party ticket for all of our members! These tickets are to be used on Thursday! Thursday, the Finley Family, will be hosting a Pizza Party for our youth at the Senior Citizens Building from 11:00 – 2:00pm during this time the Senior Fairboard will be opening the rides from 11:30 – 1:30pm for all 4-H and FFA members only! Separate from this open ride time for our members, the Fairboard is also providing our youth with a ticket to be used on any day of their choice to be redeemed at the ride ticket booth for a free ride day!

• 4-H Showcase will highlight many successes throughout the week! We encourage our sewing projects to participate in the style show, our 4-H seniors will be recognized and special awards for our 4-H scholarship winners, volunteer recognition, overall 4-H project awards, and skillathon awards!

Wish there was a way to keep up with the schedule, shows, and any special 4-H related announcements during the week of the Fair? We are trying something new! Follow us on the Band App!
• Yes, this is different then the 4-H Now app that holds all of our 4-H specific information. This is a Band channel for 4-H Family communication during the week of the Fair. We hope to utilize it to make special announcements, keep people updated on show progress, and more! If this interests you, click to download the app:

Join our ‘4-H & FFA at the County Fair’ group on the BAND app. Get updates and stay connected!


4-H Code of Conduct
The County Fair is a place where the most 4-H members, volunteers, and families are all in one place at one time, participating in many events representing the Ohio 4-H and Lawrence County 4-H program. Please be mindful of the 4-H Code of Conduct youth and parents sign each year! Take a minute to read over the 4-H Code of Conduct for a quick reminder of those expectations!

Stall Assignments & Tack
Livestock exhibitors stall cards will be up by end of day Wednesday, July 3rd. We do this in hopes to give members time to prepare their pens for the fair. Do not move stall cards.

Large Animal Barn: Tack will have designated areas and two tents have been ordered for outside of the barn. The expectation is for grooming chutes to be in the beef tent or in other designated areas indicated throughout the outside of the barn. The lamb/goat tent will be for grooming and tack. Hogs will utilize the outside parameter of the hog end inside the barn for tack. There should be no tack up against the end outside row of pens.We hope this will allow for more air flow, more space for people to work with their animals, and cut down on the crowding in the barn.
Small Animal Barn: There is shelving provided for your feed and supplies. You will not need carpet squares, it is provided. Please keep the shelves clean and neat and be sure to ask if you need to borrow something from a neighbor! Your pen is your responsibility to clean out and it should be done at least twice a day. We know many times you are sharing with another exhibitor, create a schedule and share the duty.

Also, remember to hang your Thank You Signs for our Buyers! There will be a contest again this year and we love recognizing so many throughout or community who support our youth at the Livestock Sale.

Project Judging
This is a special time for our members to showcase their projects. Help them finalize their projects and be sure to read through the rules and guidance provided for your project type.
• 4-H Projects judged on Wednesday and Thursday should take a look at the project judging requirements in the 4-H Guidebook.
• Livestock Projects should make sure they are following the Junior Fair Livestock Rules.
Need to take a look at them again? They are available on our website at or our blog at and on our 4-H Now App!

Which leads me to our last point… please, please, please check out our blog, website, 4-H Now, and/or Facebook page! These are fabulous resources for all Lawrence 4-H information. We try hard to be available for your questions as they arise and many times, but not always, answers can be found in these resources! We are always willing to help you by-pass these resources and get your answers to you as fast as we can. But over the next 10 days – we know sometimes, we are a little slow at responding due to the high volume of calls, texts, emails, fires, and celebrations… so before you panic take a look at these resources – I promise they will be helpful too!