Lawrence 4-H Clover Clinic: Sewing & Quilting

Hello –

As part of your 4-H Sewing or Quilting Project, you are invited to the 4-H Clover Clinics for Sewing & Quilting. These clinics will be hosted by our 4-H Committee and 4-H alumni who have a special talent in these areas and are willing to share with you! You will spend time doing hands-on learning activities to help guide you with your project. Even if you are not enrolled in both a quilting and sewing project, you are invited to participate in any of interest to you:

  • Quilting: Tuesday, April 19th, 6:00pm at Cindy Lambert’s Home, Kitts Hill, OH 
  • Sewing: Saturday, April 30th, 10:00am at Mamre’s Ministry Center, Kitts Hill, OH

Please register by April 10th, To register visit: 4-H Clover Clinic – Sewing & Quilting Registration

If you have any questions, let me know.


Lawrence County 4-H Dog Obedience

Welcome to the 4-H Dog Obedience Crew 2022 –

The Lawrence County 4-H Dog Obedience program will kick off Wednesday, March 30th, 6:00pm at the Extension Office, 111 South 4th Street, Ironton, OH.  During this informational meeting, dogs are not permitted and one parent is expected to attend.

Before the meeting,

If needed, copies will be available at the March 30th. However, forms are expected to be completed before participating in trainings with your dog.

Also, Dog Obedience Project and Resource Books are available through order with your 4-H Club Advisor or by contacting the Extension Office directly, 740-533-4322.

The Dog Obedience Training is a 10 week course ending with judging prior to Fair.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Lawrence County 4-H Market Chickens

Hello & Welcome to our 2022 4-H Market Chicken Crew:

We hope you are excited about completing your Market Chicken Project this year and just wanted to highlight a few things to help you be successful:

1st – Market Chicken Project Books can be purchased by ordering through your club or directly at the Extension Office.

2nd – Market Chicken Orders must be placed and paid for by April 1st. All market chickens must be ordered through our bulk order. Place your order by visiting: Market Chicken Order Form

3rd – All Market Chicken youth must attend Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance options can be found at: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

4th – Please be aware, we have received notice Avian Influenza is spreading, please make sure you are following all Biosecurity measures, for more information please visit: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza | Ohioline (

5th – Familiarize yourself with the Lawrence County Junior Fair Livestock Rules found here: 2022 Lawrence County Fair Rules_1.pdf (

& lastly, if you are also enrolled and planning to exhibit Fancy Poultry, exhibitors must complete and submit the Fancy Poultry form by June 1st.

If you have any questions – please let me know,



Lawrence County 4-H Horse Crew

4-H Project Books are on sale in the county office, work with your advisor to place an order or contact our office.

Familiarize yourself with the Lawrence County 4-H Horse Rules, found at 2022 horse rules.pdf (

Each member must complete the Horse ID Form. The Horse ID Form must be complete by March 31st to continue your eligibility for exhibition! The form can be found here:  Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions If you need a paper copy, please contact our office.

Equistep Safety Training must also be completed to be eligible for exhibition.  There will be an in-person training option on Tuesday, March 29th at 6:00pm at Collins Career Center.  -OR- you can complete the training online. The online training can be found at: Once you complete online, you must submit a copy of your certification to: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management. Training must be complete by May 1.

Lastly, we would like to invite you to an upcoming Back to the Basics 4-H Horse Clinic, please see flyer below:

Lawrence County 4-H News, March 2022

“4-H: What a Crew in 2022” 

Wow! It’s March 1st and the 4-H Club Member Enrollments are rolling in! Deadline to enroll for project exhibition at the county fair is March 15th. Each member and volunteer needs to enroll for the current 4-H year by visiting

4-H Enrollment Rosters: Enrollment rosters, as of 10:30am on 3/1, have been emailed to at least one club advisor. Please review and contact us if you have any questions. Please pay close attention to new members and reach out to them regarding upcoming club meetings and other club expectations. Please note, clubs must offer at least 6 club meetings and members must attend at least 5 meetings by July 1 for county and state fair eligibility.

Club Advisor Training: All 4-H volunteers need to complete their 4-H volunteer trainings. If you have not already done so, please complete the:

4-H Project Book Orders: Clubs submitting a project book order for their members should submit 2022 Ohio 4-H Project Books and Resources Volunteer Order Form to our office by April 1. Project books are usually available at our county office, or can be here within the week you order, if members are responsible for project book ordering – please contact our office prior to stopping by so we can check our inventory.

As you are enrolling in your project, we would like to remind you of a few things:

  1. If you have taken a general 4-H project, year after year, and the project is written as a 1 year project – we encourage you to try something new!
  2. Always be sure to check out the rules and expectations of your project before committing to a project.
    1. Lawrence County Junior Fair Livestock Rules
    2. 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook 

4-H Clover Clinics: The 4-H Committee is working hard to provide members with 4-H project clinics in many different project areas. So far, a Horse Clinic has been set for April 2nd at LCHA and a Nature Clinic with Wayne National Forest has been scheduled for June 7th at 5:00pm. We will update you as more dates are scheduled and plans are made.

Lawrence County 4-H Dog Obedience: The Dog Obedience courses, offered by Leslie Milleson, will begin Wednesday, March 30th, 6:00pm at the Extension Office. Dogs are not permitted at this first informative meeting, however – please complete 2022 Permission to Participate Form & 2022 Dog ID form and Vaccine Certificate

Lawrence County Livestock Quality Assurance: All livestock exhibitors must complete Quality Assurance by May 1st. Options can be found at: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence (

We still have a few county-wide virtual options, there are quite a few 4-H Club advisors trained to offer in their club, and there is a YQCA online training option.

Lawrence County 4-H Horse Projects: All horse exhibitors must complete their Horse ID form, due March 31, and Equistep Training , due May 1.

Lawrence County 4-H Market Chicken Orders: All exhibitors planning to exhibit Market Chickens at the county fair must purchase their chickens through our office, order form can be found: 2022 Market Chicken Order Form

Lawrence County 4-H Scholarship Opportunities are available: We encourage graduating seniors and last year 4-H members to check out the 2 different scholarship opportunities available this year through Lawrence County: Lawrence County 4-H Scholarship Opportunities | Lawrence (

Canter’s Cave 4-H Camping Opportunities: 

  • May 31 – June 3: Adams, Brown, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike Beginner Camp (3rd – 5th grade)
  • June 11-12: Cloverbud Camp
  • June 12 – 15th: Adams, Brown, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike Jr. High Camp (6th – 8th grade)
  • June 24 – 27th: Canter’s Cave 4-H Teen Camp
  • June 29 – July 1: Canter’s Cave STEM Camp (5th – 7th grade)

More dates and camp scholarship application can be found at: 4-H Camp | Lawrence (

Please, please, please remember to take a look at our 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook & the Lawrence County Livestock Rules to help keep you and your 4-H friends up to date with all the Lawrence County 4-H happenings in 2022 and as always please let us know if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns! We are here to help 🙂