The new 4-H year kicked off November 1st, 2021 and with that comes lots of exciting news:
- 2022 4-H Enrollment: The system is open for enrollment. All new and returning volunteers and members need to enroll by March 15th.
- When you enroll, you are committing to:
- Attending 5 Club Meetings
- Completing all requirements for your project/service. Member examples: Quality Assurance, Skillathon, Project Books & Judging, etc.
- A Lawrence County 4-H Volunteer & Member Guidebook is coming soon, as a helpful resource for participation information & requirements.
- When you enroll, you are committing to:
- Junior Fair Livestock Information, can be found here: Lawrence County Fair | Lawrence ( Information includes:
- 2022 Livestock Rules & Regulations
- 2022 Junior Fair Tag In Dates
- Upcoming soon: Market Steer Tag-In, December 18th from 10:00am – 12:00pm
- 2022 Quality Assurance Requirements & Training Opportunities
- Upcoming Training Option Soon: December 27, 2:00pm, ZOOM, click QA registration to register for your space.
- Volunteer Trainings: All volunteers are required to complete Policy 1.50 and one other Volunteer Training Competency. Policy 1.50 will be completed using the Canvas Course, like we did in 2021. Course registration will be available in January. The Volunteer Training Competencies will be offered via ZOOM & In-Person, volunteers only need to attend 1, in addition to completing the Policy 1.50 at your own pace through the canvas course.
- Our next ZOOM training date is scheduled for: December 2nd at 7:30pm.
- To register for our next ZOOM training:
- In person training is scheduled for February 15th at the Symmes Valley Library, 6:00pm – Quality Assurance Assistant Instructor Training will be held then, too!
- Our next ZOOM training date is scheduled for: December 2nd at 7:30pm.
- 2021 Club Year End Documents
- Yearly Financials – fillable PDF.pdf ( Due to our office or by January 31
- Ohio 4-H Charter Checklist ( Due to our office or by January 31
- If changes have been made since last submitted: Club Constitution
- If changes have been made since last submitted: Club Equipment Inventory
- Community Service Opportunities
- Adopt a Cemetery – Veteran Services is interested in partnering with 4-H clubs for Wreaths Across America in December and Flag Placements before Memorial Day. If your club is interested in Adopting A Cemetery – contact Tim Carpenter at 740-533-4327
- Make-It, Give It – No Sew Blankets: Ohio 4-H Foundation and JOANN Fabrics awarded us a community service grant, so we are seeking 4-H clubs and members interested in making a no-sew blanket and giving it to organizations serving youth this Holiday Season to make the blankets. We have plenty available at the Extension Office. Contact us to arrange for pick-up, 740-533-4322 or
- 4-H Camp Dates have been released: 4-H Camp | Lawrence (
- 4-H Camp Counselor applications will be available soon! Interested youth ages 14 and up, should apply!
- 4-H Health Rocks We are excited to offer students ages 8-14 years of the age, the opportunity to participate in the 4-H Health Rocks! program. This program will provide opportunities for participants to build life skills, such as communication, coping and decision-making skills through work with trained adult and teen mentors regularly throughout the 2021-2022 program year. Participants will have opportunities to participate in camps, field trips and healthy living activities.The program will assign the youth to a group with a teen mentor. That trained mentor will help engage youth in fun, hands-on learning opportunities designed to help youth build life skills which lead to healthy lifestyle choices related to tobacco, drug and alcohol use prevention. Participants in the 4-H Health Rocks! program do not have to be enrolled in 4-H; there is no fee to participate; and all materials and supplies will be provided. Participants will have an opportunity to complete a pre, mid and end of program study survey. Participation in the 4-H Health Rocks! research study is optional. There is no penalty for declining this invitation to participate in the program or research study. The program will kickoff with an informal parental meeting on Monday, November 22nd at 5:30pm via ZOOM – at this time parents will learn more about the program and secure a mentee spot for their child, as we only have 25 spots! The program will run until July 31, 2022. To register for the informal parent meeting, please visit