Family: Mustard, Brassicaceae.
Habitat: Wasteland, roadsides, grain and other fields crops, primarily in northern Ohio.
Life cycle: Annual annual or summer annual.
Growth Habit: 1-2 feet high, branched and erect.
Leaves: Alternate, 2-7 inches long. Lower leaves have petioles and are irregularly lobed and toothed with bristly hairs; upper leaves are smaller and may not be lobed; petioles lacking or short.
Stem: Branched near top, bristly.
Flower: June – October. 1/2 inch, bright yellow, four-petal flowers borne in small terminal clusters.
Fruit: Slender, slightly curved, smooth seedpod about 1 inch long; borne on upper branches.
Similar plants: The yellow rocket looks similar but has rounded lower leaves that are more heart shaped.
Continue reading Ohio Noxious Weed Identification – Week 18 Wild Mustard