
Direct Marketing Meat – Pricing Strategies

If you are direct marketing beef (and other meat), there are some great Extension resources from Michigan State and Wisconsin to help you plan you pricing strategy. Included are pricing sheets, including a downloadable Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to use at your farm. The information includes a video on how to use the materials.  The spreadsheet will help you calculate your cost of production to be sure you are including all costs in pricing decisions.

Details can be found at:

Once you know your costs, you need to choose a pricing strategy based on the values/benefits of your product. It is grass fed? Free range? Corn fed? Here is a great factsheet outlining pricing strategies to meet your farm’s goals:

Authenticity at Farmers Markets: Free Webinar – April 16, 12pm

Greetings –

Join us tomorrow – April 16, 2015, at 12pm, for our monthly Ohio Direct Food & Ag Marketing Team Webinar!

Christie Welch and Eric Barrett will review tips for making your farmers market the best it can be. We’ll cover the why’s and how’s of being authentic to serve both vendors and customers. We’ll discuss farm inspections, branding your farmers’ market, helping vendors, building customer relationships and more.

To join us in this discussion, goto:

After clicking on the link, simply use the Guest login tab to enter, and when prompted for a log in name under Guest, just enter your name.  If you have any problems getting in to the webinar, please call Charissa McGlothin at 740.289.2071 ext. 132. She will help you navigate our webinar system.

The Ohio Direct Food & Ag Marketing Team brings you easy access to direct marketing resources thanks to the contributions of numerous collaborators . Great things are happening in Ohio. Be a part of Ohio’s # 1 industry – food and agriculture.

 You don’t want to miss this webinar!

Agritourism Webinar: How to do a Farm Safety Day Camp at Your Farm

Don’t forget –  can help your farm plan a Farm Safety Day Camp. Join our FREE webinar @ 12pm TODAY!

Join us for a Lunch and Learn on March 26, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. for a  “How To Do Farm Safety” webinar on planning a farm safety day camp at your operation. During this webinar, we will address the following topics: identifying your target audience (age group), age-appropriate messages, day camp format (educational stations with rotations vs. open house), available resources, camp evaluation, and safety precautions during the event.

To join the webinar on March 26, 2015 at 12:00 pm, just click this link.

We hope you can join us!

Agritourism Farms: “How To Do Farm Safety” webinar on planning a farm safety day camp

Are you a farm operation or agritourism business that invites visitors, school groups, or other members of the public to your agricultural operation? Are you a person interested in coordinating an agricultural safety event for your school or community? If so, here is a training program to help you incorporate Ag Safety and Health activities into your new or existing educational format.

Join us for a Lunch and Learn on March 26, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. for a  “How To Do Farm Safety” webinar on planning a farm safety day camp at your operation. During this webinar, we will address the following topics: identifying your target audience (age group), age-appropriate messages, day camp format (educational stations with rotations vs. open house), available resources, camp evaluation, and safety precautions during the event.

To join the webinar on March 26, 2015 at 12:00 pm, just click this link.

We hope you can join us!

For questions, please contact Kathy Mann at

Farm Grants & Low Interest Loans

Thanks for those attending the FARM Conference in Warren, OH today!

Grants are an option for farms, but do not focus on start up and daily operations. Grants are to help with marketing, research and education (for the most part). Low interest loans are a great option to pay for equipment and related expenses. Here are some slides to help you with grants and low interest loans for your farm.


Grants and Low Interest Loans

Farm Marketing Ideas: Lessons from the 2015 Super Bowl Ads

Join us today to talk about marketing lessons from the Super Bowl ads this year. What trends did we see? How does this relate to your farm?

You can log into our webinar today at 12pm by going here:

We’ll review the trends and give you tips on each one to use in your farm’s marketing plan.

Read the entire list and tips, here: Marketing Trends We Saw in Super Bowl Ads 2015

FREE Direct Marketing Webinars Continue in 2015 – First up – Legal Aspects of Direct Marketing 1/22/15

Greetings –

Plan to join us on the third Thursday of the month in 2015 for a FREE one-hour session relating to direct marketing. We’ll have experts sharing the latest information with you to assist with your marketing and business plans.

January 2015

TOPIC: The Legal Aspects of Direct Market with OSU Extension Legal Educator, Peggy Hall

DATE: Thursday, January 22     TIME: 12pm

Join us to learn about the ins-and-outs of legal issues which apply to the direct marketing of food products. Peggy will review everything from liability to rules for certain products grown or made within Ohio.

To join us, simply log in to:

Be sure to log in 15-20 minutes early to be sure your connection and sound work for the program.

Ohio Hops Conference & Trade Show

Have you thought about a new specialty crop for the farm this year?

Join us at the Ohio Hops and the Ohio Craft Brewers Association Conference & Trade Show that will be taking place on February 5th & 6th at Fisher Auditorium and Shisler Conference Center, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, Ohio.


For a recent press release on this event you can go to


There are just two more weeks to register – space is limited and we are filling up fast! 

Go to: 2015ohio_hopsconference for the agenda and additional information and to register go to 2015hopsconferenceregistration 





Charissa E. McGlothin
Program Assistant
Ohio MarketMaker Coordinator

Staff Advisory Council Representative
College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Ohio State University South Centers
Research and Extension, 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon, OH 45661
740.289.2071 Ext. 132 Office / 740.289.4591 Fax










Webinar: Direct Marketing Meat from Your Farm – 9/25

The OSU Extension Direct Food & Agriculture Marketing team will be hosting a FREE webinar on the topic- Marketing Meat, this Thursday, September 25th.   The webinar will start at 12 noon (it works best to log in a few minutes early – 8-10 minutes).

OSU Extension Educator Mark Mechling will be the host of this topic. Mark has been involved in agriculture for over 30 years, with his most recent assignment in Muskingum County where he serves the agriculture and natural resources community.

To be a part of this discussion go to

If you are a guest click on the Guest login tab to enter, when prompted for a log in name under Guest, just enter your name.  If you have any problems getting in to the webinar, please call Charissa at 740.289.2071 ext. 132.

The Ohio Direct Marketing Team brings you easy access to direct marketing resources thanks to the contributions of numerous collaborators . Great things are happening in Ohio. Be a part of Ohio’s # 1 industry – food and agriculture.

 QUESTIONS? – Charissa E. McGlothin 740-289-2071 Ext. 132 or