New OSU Extension Factsheet – Mobile Media Marketing

OSU Extension has a new factsheet for direct marketers!

As part of our updated DeviceReady program to farm and food direct marketers, we’ve published a new factsheet that summarizes what marketers need to do in order to manage their online presence. From new businesses to experienced ones, this information helps you keep up to date on how your business is viewed online, what information is out there about your business and how to connect it all with a consistent online presence. It has several tips and tools of the trade to manage your online presence.

Download the factsheet at:

DeviceReady: Managing Your On-Line Presence

The DeviceReady curriculum helps you manage your online presence to be consistent across all platforms and devices. It helps you direct your resources to better manage your brand.

During the workshop, participants learn to:

  • How do customers view you online?
  • Can customers find you online?
  • Can customers find what you want them to find out about you online?
  • Are you meeting their digital needs?


DOWNLOAD WORKBOOK: DeviceReady Workbook – 2017-02 – Updated-1vwuu7n

This workbook goes along with presentations by Rob Leeds and Eric Barrett at the 2017 North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) Annual Convention.

Part 1 – Managing Your On-Line Presence

Part 2 – Customer Service in Social Media and the Digital World