FREE WEBINAR: Jan 30 Agritourism Emergency Management

Join us for the first OSU Extension Direct Food & Ag Marketing Webinar of 2014!

Log-in on on Jan 30 for the program on Agritourism and Emergency Management by Eric Barrett. The address is:

Eric will review the new OSU Extension Agritourism Emergency Preparedness Bulletin. This program will help farms from berry patches to corn mazes, and any festival event or related activity on a farm or at a fair. Learn how to prepare for emergencies for the future of your customers and your business.

Our 2014 Webinar Series will be every month on the last Thursday of the month. One hour webinars will be offered to bring exceptional speakers to your home, office or local Extension center. If you’re interested in finding out more about marketing issues visit the website for details.

Ohio Christmas Tree Growers 2014 – Branding The Farm

Image is ultimately important for direct marketing food and agricultural products. Branding the farm through the use of a logo, color scheme, employee training and other tactics will help create an important image and increase net farm income.

Use this presentation to start or update the brand at your farm. Learn about everything beyond the logo which you need to think about on your farm. The attached activity sheet will help you analyze your brand through your family, management team, and even customers.  Use the sheet several times to get ‘other eyes’ on your farm business.

A copy of the handouts and activity to use at your home farm is available at

Going to OPGMA Conference? Get a marketing check-up!

If you plan on attending the OPGMA Conference in Sandusky, OH, on January 19-22, visit with the OSU Direct Food & Ag Marketing Team to get a marketing check-up. Getting a outsider to view your materials may be all it takes to spark an idea to improve your marketing and your brand for 2014.

Bring all of your marketing materials – from business cards to flyers, print ads, coupons, pictures or anything else you use to market your business.  Pictures of your farmstand, farmstead or even your booth at the farmers’ market will be a big help us analyze your marketing strategy and give you a few tips for 2014.

We will be in the OPGMA Congress Resource Center during most of the conference and we’ll have a booth. We’d love to visit with you!  If you would like to schedule a time at the Congress, please send an email to