AEV Codes

Basic Arduino Function Call Glossary

celerate(m,p1,p2,t) – accelerates or decelerates motor(s) m from start speed (%) p1 to end speed (%) p2 over a duration of seconds

motorSpeed(m,p) – initializes motor at percent power p

goFor(t) – runs the motors at their initialized state for seconds

brake(m) – brakes motor(s) m (Note: this does NOT brake the AEV, just stops the motors from spinning)

reverse(m) – reverses the polarity of motor(s) m

goToRelativePosition(n) – continues the previous command for marks from the vehicle’s current position. can be positive or negative, with positive meaning the vehicle is moving forward, negative meaning the vehicle is moving backward

goToAbsolutePosition(n) – continues the previous command for marks relative to the overall starting position of the AEV

(“Lab Manual Preliminary Research and Design,” 2017)