
Meeting 3:

Date: 2/1/2018

Location: Hitchcock Hall

Time: 2:00-3:00

Attendees: Bertina Xue, Corinna Nowicki, Lauren Lankard, Vaardan Gangal

Notes: Team Q discussed the different AEV designs each person came up with. Each team member was also assigned a list of tasks to complete before the next meeting. The next meeting time was decided. Corinna Nowicki printed out black title block worksheets for team members who had yet to complete his or her AEV sketch. Bertina Xue and Lauren Lankard met with the Lab instructor to discuss what the team could do since there were problems downloading the Arduino data onto the computer during lab. The team was given permission to use the test EEProm data in Progress Report 1.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Website update 2
  • Progress Report 1


Meeting 4:

Date: 2/5/2018

Location: Thompson Library

Time: 4:30-5:30

Attendees: Bertina Xue, Corinna Nowicki, Lauren Lankard, Vaardan Gangal

Notes: Team Q completed exercises 3 and 5 for the Preliminary R&D. All members discussed each other’s designs and filled out the concept screening and scoring spreadsheets. All team members were then assigned different parts to Progress Report 1 and Website update 2. Team Q decided that everyone would communicate through the group text by 10:00pm Monday regarding updates to their assigned tasks. One team member will then compile and submit Progress Report 1 and Website Update 2.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Website update 2
  • Progress Report 1


Meeting 5:

Date: 2/11/2018

Location: Thompson Library

Time: 8:00-9:00

Attendees: Corinna Nowicki, Lauren Lankard, Vaardan Gangal

Notes:Team members discussed the grant proposal and how our proposal was going to be presented. Team Q decided that our design tested in Lab 07 was not the most efficient so we will resort back to our original team design. The decision was made that Lauren and Corinna are going to give the 60-90 second pitch on why the grant would help improve our structure. Vardaan is in charge of completing the solid works AEV structure to present in the grant proposal. Upcoming due dates were discussed and it was decided that we will be planning another meeting for a later day this week.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Grant Proposal
  • Committee Meeting 1


Meeting 6:

Date: 2/18/2018

Location: Thompson Library

Time:  5-6 pm

Attendees: Corinna Nowicki, Lauren Lankard, Beritna Xue, Vardaan Gangal

Notes: The team began the meeting by talking about the design of the AEV and the different ways we wanted to test it. The team also discussed the oral presentation, how it should be set up and who would speak about what. The team came to the conclusion that Lauren would introduce the team and discuss the team’s approach and Corinna would conclude the presentation. This was because they worked mostly on documentation and the design of the AEV. Vardaan would touch on the different aspects tested and Bertina would explain the data. They mostly worked on the code and retrieving graphs, making them more knowledgeable in this area. After the oral presentation, the team will have a quick meeting and discuss the next steps in the process.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Oral presentation


Meeting 7:

 Date: 2/27/2018

Location: Hitchcock Hall

Time:  10-10:30 am

Attendees: Corinna Nowicki, Lauren Lankard, Beritna Xue, Vardaan Gangal

Notes: The team assessed the oral presentation to have gone well, accomplishing all the goals they set out to. The team also discussed the progress of the AEV. Although there is still work to be done, the team is confident in their abilities to get the AEV to complete the tasks at hand.  With performance testing coming up, the team knows that we must stay focused and on top of all our work to ensure we can get the AEV to complete the tasks at hand.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Progress report 2