If you are an instructor and you receive any Panopto “ready to view” emails, you might be wondering which link is which.
Long story short, choose the “View” link. We suggest you actually click on it, make sure it plays fine, and then copy the link from the web browser instead of your email.
Otherwise, here is a breakdown of an example “ready to view” message.
View: This is the link you want to share with students! We suggest you click on it to make sure it works properly. Then copy this link from your web browser and paste it into Canvas (or an email or however you want to share it with others).
Edit: If you know how to make some basic edits to your lecture, this link will take you to the Panopto website. You’ll need to log in if you aren’t already.
Share: Please do not confuse this with the View link! This allows you to check the sharing settings on your lecture.
Additional output formats: You will likely not use this, but if you do, you get different options on the ways your lecture can be viewed. These options are mainly for video and audio podcast versions.