Adding Extra Credit in Canvas

Several instructors have reached out to learn about how to add extra credit points in Canvas classrooms.  If you are a learn-at-your-own-pace type, most of the information of this post comes from this article on the Canvas Instructor Guide.

The method for adding extra points to a class depends on whether your Gradebook uses Assignment Groups or not.  Assignment groups allow you to put your assignments/quizzes/tests, etc. in groups and then give a certain amount of weight to each group. You can read more about them at the link provided.

Adding Extra Credit on an Assignment/Quiz

To add extra credit to an assignment, you can manually “bump” grades up in the grade book.  For example, in my sandbox I have decided to curve the grades on my Ocean Life Quiz by adding 2 points for each student who took the quiz:

To do this, I can simply click into each student’s grade cell and re-enter a score that is 2 points higher:

Note: Once you have manually input a new grade, this grade will stay, so be sure this is what you want to do. If you want to add an entire extra credit assignment, see the section below: “Adding Extra Credit to an Entire Course”.

Quizzes offer another feature called “fudge points” in SpeedGrader.  To add fudge points, go to the bottom of the quiz result in SpeedGrader and enter positive or negative points to adjust the grade. This adjusts an individual’s grade.

Adding Extra Credit to an Entire Course

If your course uses weighted grades, then you can add an assignment category that’s worth the extra percentage you want (for example, 1%). Make sure that when you add the non-extra-credit assignment group weights, they add up to 100%.  Inside your extra credit group, you can put an actual graded assignment (worth 10 points, for example). The final grade for the course will be out of 101%. If someone doesn’t do the extra credit assignment, their grade won’t be harmed since their grade is still out of 100%.

If your course is using points-based grades, then you can create a grade item worth 0 points. After figuring out how many bonus points to give (such as 10 points), you can then give students this as the grade for this grade item (for example, 10/0). Again, if someone doesn’t do this assignment, it won’t hurt their overall grade.

If you have specific questions about extra credit that were not answered in this post, feel free to contact us and let us know how we can help you!

HSL Liaison Librarian News

Read the latest from the College of Nursing’s Health Sciences Library liaison, Kerry Dhakal, in her March 2017 newsletter. Find out how a library liaison can assist you with your teaching and scholarly pursuits, learn more about citation managers, and explore HSL’s new subscription to Embase and its PICO interface.

Liaison Librarian News March 2017

Student Printing When Lab is Reserved

At certain times of the year, the computer lab in room 220 Newton Hall is reserved for proctored exams or other purposes.  When the lab is reserved, students may still use printing services according to the below instructions.

When an instructor or staff member schedules the lab, they will be asked to also schedule a Newton Hall classroom to use as an alternate lab. The room number of the alternate lab space will be posted on the door of the 220 computer lab.  If the alternate computer lab is not listed, you can find out where it is by asking one of the IT staff members in rooms 260 or 208.  In the alternate space, students can then check out a laptop from the laptop cart and use it as they would in the lab, and send the print jobs to the new printer on top of the laptop cart.

Students, faculty and staff can see the lab schedule by following this link, or looking at the “Computer Lab Closures” list at the bottom of the Student Web homepage:

To Students: If you need technical support or have any concerns about IT services at the College of Nursing, feel free to let us know at