Curing Traffic Congestion Will Take More Than New Roads

Traffic congestion in cities across the nation is on a disarming trendline heading upward, fueled, in part, by a strong economy and car-centered transportation networks. American drivers spent an average of 54 hours in traffic in 2017, according to the 2019 Urban Mobility Report, recently released by the Texas A&M University Transportation Institute. This finding is 15 percent higher than it was five years ago. The study reviewed traffic in 494 urban areas nationwide. “Usually, the first step of doing anything is understanding the problem,” said Bill Eisele, a co-author of the report. “And I think what we do a good job of is explaining just how extensive the problem is, and then from there we can begin to have the policy and other discussions about what we can do to fix it.” Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Government Technology

Urban October: Using Mixed Reality Technology for Inclusive and Participatory Planning

The fingerprints of the digital revolution are becoming increasingly evident in the work of urban planning. Big data, the internet of things, and sensor networks offer new ways for urban managers to make informed decisions. Autonomous vehicles and drones will change mobility infrastructure in cities. The availability of satellite imagery and digital urban maps are revolutionizing the way that city extensions are planned to ensure job proximity for new urban residents and improved transportation. The sharing economy is creating new job opportunities and ways to make business as cities become increasingly dynamic. In recognizing the potential of digital technologies to contribute to urban sustainability, the UN’s New Urban Agenda asks member states to commit to “adopting a smart-city approach that makes use of opportunities from digitization, clean energy, and technologies.” Follow this link to learn more.

Soured from: UN-Habitat

Preparing for Drones to Fly in Cities

Drones, or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), are regulated for aircraft safety and flight operations under the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Many cities, municipalities, and states add their own regulations related to their areas of traditional authority. Traditional city and state authorities include:

  • planning and zoning for land-use,
  • determining take-off and landing locations for drones,
  • law enforcement operations and community safety, and
  • privacy policies and considerations.

Cities will not be on the sidelines as drones take flight. Updates to current regulations and safety decisions at FAA are in progress, but to get ahead of the next transportation technology shift, cities should prepare and consider their role to make the most of this new technology. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Cities Speak

America Still Loves Cars, But Some Cities Are Starting to Ditch Them

For years, many cities have pushed their residents to adopt car-free lifestyles. Doing so can help limit further traffic congestion and pollution, while also saving people money and improving their physical fitness. By and large, though, the vast majority of Americans aren’t ready to ditch their vehicles. According to the latest Census Bureau estimates, only 8.7 percent of U.S. households reported not having any vehicles available last year. That’s actually down slightly from a year ago and is at about the same level as before the Great Recession. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Governing

Columbus, Ohio Takes Multi-Strategy Approach to Electric Vehicle Adoption

Rapid rise in the number of electric vehicles (EV) humming down the streets of Columbus is not an accident. The growth has been part of a deliberate four-year effort to accelerate next-generation mobility, not only for this city, but also for others like it. Ohio’s capital region has set a goal of increasing EV adoption five-fold. In 2015, less than half of 1 percent of cars sold there qualified as EV. The aim now is to get that number to more than 2 percent by 2020, doing so through growing partnerships with the car dealership community, local electric providers, businesses, and others. This strategy, guided by Smart Columbus, has led to a 121 percent increase in EV registrations from the beginning of 2017 to end of 2018, according to Smart Columbus statistics. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Government Technology

Artificial Intelligence in America’s Digital City

Cities are an engine for human prosperity. By putting people and businesses in close proximity, cities serve as the vital hubs to exchange goods, services, and even ideas. Each year, more and more people move to cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas to take advantage of the opportunities available in these denser spaces. Technology is essential to make cities work. While putting people in close proximity has certain advantages, there are also costs associated with fitting so many people and related activities into the same place. Whether it’s multistory buildings, aqueducts and water pipes, or lattice-like road networks, cities inspire people to develop new technologies that respond to the urban challenges of their day. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Brookings

Racial Bias in Facial Recognition Technology: What City Leaders Should Know

On July 1 the City of San Francisco effected a ban on facial recognition technology—the first of its kind in the nation. Aimed at leading with transparency, accountability and equity, the ban passed as part of the city’s Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance. While the city stopped testing facial recognition technology in 2007 and has not been using the software in the years leading up to the ban, this legislation is significant because it expands upon action taken by other cities to require board of supervisors approval for any law enforcement or city agency use or purchase of new surveillance technologies. It is also the first ordinance of its kind to specifically address facial recognition technology, which has seen increased use and controversy in recent years. Follow this link to read more.

Sourced from: Cities Speak

Where Next for Smart Cities?

“Smart cities are those who manage their resources efficiently. Traffic, public services, and disaster response should be operated intelligently in order to minimize costs, reduce carbon emissions, and increase performance.” – Eduardo Paes. The global buzz surrounding smart cities has been growing steadily louder over the past few years, and as we head into the 2020s, most cities strive for the label “smart city.” But what does that mean and where is this trend going? Follow this link learn about smart city developments, plans, and ongoing challenges.

Sourced from: Government Technology