Bike, Walk, & Carpool Resources for Commuters

Photo of me and 3 coworkers. From left to right, Henry, Lucy, Liv, and Queenie.My coworkers and I rode downtown for festivities, then back to OSU for Bike To Work Columbus today! There were several booths handing out breakfast foods including yogurt parfaits, fresh OJ, and a scrumptious breakfast pizza by Late Night Slice that changed my life a little. I also picked up a free bike bell, registered my bike with the city, and found out about a ton of resources for commuters! Here are links for all the pamphlets I picked up… Continue reading Bike, Walk, & Carpool Resources for Commuters

Bike & Breakfast with our Mayor

And no I’m not talking Foursquare-mayor! Click the pic for details.Screen shot of bike to work columbus webpage, featuring a photo of mayor Coleman, a red banner w/ the skyline of columbus, and the following text. Join Bike to Work Day, on Friday, May 16 rain or shine by riding into downtown along one of seven pre-planned routes described below and mapped here  (open using Chrome). Each group ride will end at Columbus Commons for breakfast, awards, booths, and networking at 8:00AM. Mayor Michael B. Coleman will ride with the group that has the most committed riders. Registration is now open.Sign up for the route meeting at Third & Hollywood if you want to go with my group. Otherwise, take whichever route is most convenient for you, and I’ll see you at the Commons!  Continue reading Bike & Breakfast with our Mayor

Achievement Unlocked: Crow Pose

Me in Crane poseFor the first time last night, I successfully took off in crow pose for 3 tiny seconds, something that has been a low key bucket list item since my first intro to yoga class, which OSU offers for free to health plan members! No risk; all reward.

People always say “I’m not flexible enough for yoga.” That’s like saying “I’m not fit enough to exercise.” Don’t be intimidated. Yoga is Continue reading Achievement Unlocked: Crow Pose

Actually, Money Can Buy Happiness

Illustration of a man with a piggy bank for a brain.I listened to The Money Paradox over the weekend, and heard some really fascinating research on money and how we interact with it. There’s an hour of great content here, on how we use money like monkeys, how your mother language dictates the way you invest (or don’t), and even how you can in fact, buy happiness. So throw this on your speakers while you do some Spring cleaning around the house, then Continue reading Actually, Money Can Buy Happiness

Runners & Tabletop Nerds Unite!

Hand holding iPhone w/ Run An Empire App open on screen.Let’s just put it out there right now: I hate cardio. But knowing it’s something I need to do for my well being, I’ll take any ounce of motivation I can get. On Kickstarter until April 17, Run An Empire is an app that turns running into a super simple game reminiscent of Fences and Risk. Like  other  Continue reading Runners & Tabletop Nerds Unite!

My Favorite Healthy Desk Snacks

Green zip top bag of roasted low sea salt whole almondsNo disappointing vending machine runs for you! Save your time, save your health, and save your wallet by stocking up on healthy snacks to keep at the office. Here are 3 of my favorites to keep at the office.

Roasted low sea salt whole almonds
My very own bag pictured here, you can usually find this big green zip-top pouch on a shelf somewhere in the Giant Eagle produce section. They’re tasty, crunchy, toasty, and have mystical powers to control appetite. These are also great tossed into a salad with leafy greens, apple slices, and a touch of balsamic. Continue reading My Favorite Healthy Desk Snacks

Gratitude and Health

As a manager, it’s my job not only to make sure my staff get paid on time, but to ensure our cohesiveness as a team and motivation to keep being awesome employees. As a friend, it’s easy to think that those around me know how much I appreciate them…and maybe they do, but what’s the harm in saying so? In fact, studies show it’ll make me healthier.

Two images. On left, a box of multicolored generic thank you cards. On right, three OSU themed cards.

According to Robert Emmons, Ph.D., professor of psychology at UC Davis and author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happierthose who practice grateful Continue reading Gratitude and Health