MGV Minutes for May 12, 2022
Bob Eister opened the meeting welcoming us and leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. New 2022 MGV’s in attendance were asked to stand and introduce themselves. All those having May birthdays were asked to stand and were honored as we sang “Happy Birthday” to them. At this time Bob thanked all the volunteers that helped make the Spring Seminar a success. He requested that ideas for improvement of this event be emailed to him.
Committee Reports:
Bring One Take One-Pinky Steffen announced that her committee will be meeting at 5:30 on June 9th before our regular MGV meeting at the OSU Ext. Office. She suggests that committee members bring suggestions to the meeting. All can help by propagating plants for this upcoming event to be held on August 20th.
Canfield Fair-Carolyn Fankhauser and Rhonda Harris are requesting yellow and white potted flowers for this year’s fair theme “Bringing in Sunshine and Tranquility into Your Gardens”. White flowers will be used in the center and yellow flowers (like sunflowers) along the outside of the floral display/decorations. Please plan on helping out by loaning your pots of flowers for this big event.
Community Outreach-Thresea Harris announced that Local Flavor will now be called “Veggies and More Tour”. The first date for this is Monday, June 6 (time and place to be announced). A calendar sign-up sheet for all of these tours was passed around. Thresea will be adding event places and times to the Monday night events when she receives the information.
Kary Shively informed us that City Scape is on June 14th (possible meeting at 9am that day).
Patty Kacenski was pleased to announce that the Junior Master Gardeners are very enthusiastic and planted potatoes, helped trim apple trees with Eric. Lana Ilain and 9 children attended and also helped Kary with the pollinator garden.
Education-Marilyn McKinley is inviting anyone interested in pollinator presentations to contact her. On Sat. May 14 at 1:30 she is presenting “Pizza in the Park” in Salem at the Pavilion. There will be Pollinator sessions on May 17 and 19 at 10 a.m. in Salem. She said there are many opportunities to be a guest speaker and encouraged us to get involved in this area. Bob added that we make a difference in speaking and that using technology isn’t always necessary.
Marge Greenisen discussed field trip opportunities and educational events and distributed signup sheets for them. Please see the following Education Report from Marge:
Education Report
Field Trips
- Trolley Tours – Mill Creek Park
- Public Tour
- Every Sunday and Tuesday at 1:30pm and 3pm from now through the end of October.
- Costs for the public tours are:
- Mahoning County Residents – Adults $10
- Non-Residents – Adults $12
- Seniors/Youth 12 and younger: Residents $7 and non-residents $9.
- Note: All MGV’s are considered Mahoning Residents if tour is registered through OSU Ext. Office
- 1 hour tour
- Might be arranged for another day
- Private Tour
- Schedule as desired.
- $350 plus $50 for docent
- Two-hour tour
- Perennial Post
- June or July Field Trip
- June 17 9-11 Coffee with Clara – Hostas
- July 22 9-11 Coffee with Clara – Daylilies, Phlox, Echinacea
- Evening in the Garden 6=8 – we suggest date need at least 6 people to sign
- Public Tour
Educational programs
- June 9 MGV –Hour 2 IPM
- Smucker House – May 17 Pruning Tools and Techniques
- Waterworth Park – “What’s Bloomin” and their Pollinator Friends”
- All programs start at 6:30
- May 19
- June 30
- August 11
- September 15
- Bee City Week – June 19 – 25
- June 20 – Waterworth Park Open House 5-8 pm
- June 22 – Smucker House – 6:30-8:00 pm
- June24 – Burchfield Homestead Museum Garden Party 5-8 pm.
*Speaker needed – June 12 1:30 – Boardman Park Mahoning Valley DS Topic – Garden Related, Insects, or Pollinators
Garden Art– Lil Quaranta thanked everyone for their beautiful, creative donations and their time in helping at the Spring Seminars. The April 23rd sales totaled $393 and April 30th sales were $344.
Hospitality- Peg Zeleznik thanked all those that helped provide food donations for the Spring Seminars. All enjoyed the tasty treats.
Plant and Pest Clinic– David Sprague says that the clinic is now open Mondays and Thursdays 9-12 and welcomes anyone who can help,
OSU Extension Grounds– Mike Beaudis is in need of more assistance with grounds keeping. There are 16 volunteers on this committee. If you sign up – Please show up to help. There is a work clean up on May 18th from 5-7pm. We have a special guest visiting on May 19th and really need help getting our grounds looking good.
Veterans- If anyone signed up and only wants to help with the Veterans’ Wreath event, please let him or Al Leonhart know. Mike announced that wreaths will continue to be purchased from Tractor Supply for the Veterans graves in December.
Administrative Report- Kristen announced the following HOC trainings:
— Tuesday, May 17th 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm – Interns Account HOC Set-Up
— 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Anyone can come for HOC help or to enter hours
Kristen told us about the Riverfest opportunity. It is a community event at the old B&O Rail Station on Sunday, June 12 from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm. This would be an outreach event and we would need to set up a table and have MGVs present during the event.
ODA Victory Garden Seed Giveaways- We will be giving out packets of free seeds at 5 locations in Youngstown and Sebring.
Good Natured Garden Partners- This will be led by MGVs assisting youth in planting and caring for a garden. There will be a Harvest Party to show what was grown.
Business and Discussion– A thank you was given to Lillian Quaranta and Carolyn Fankhauser for speaking at the Ridgewood Garden Club. The club gave a $50 donation to the MGVs.
Bob and Marianna thanked everyone again who took any part in the two Spring Conference sessions. Bob asked for members who participated to send email on things that could be improved so they can be discussed in our event after action briefing.
The bio and pictorial directory are still being worked on. If you haven’t turned in your bio information, please turn it in.
Mike told us some people donated $70 for flowers for the grounds and suggested we buy something at Parks Garden Center. Mike also said he cleaned out the shed and he put the pots in the trailer. Some of the MGVs suggested the pots could be used for our Bring One Take One event and for the Canfield Fair.
Marilyn told us about a new pollinator garden in Lisbon at the Columbiana County Fairgrounds. A grant was received for this pollinator garden. Marilyn told the MGV to remember our mission statement.
Submitted by,
Marie Belfast
Kathy Costa
Addendum: MGV Mission Statement
OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Mission Statement
We are Ohio State University Extension-trained volunteers empowered to educate others with timely research-based gardening information
Statewide Initiatives for OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers
Integrated pest management
Invasive species
Backyard and local foods
Environmental horticulture
More information about our four initiatives across the state are at this link:
If you do not have a copy of the our handbook for our local MGV program, please ask Eric or Kristen for a copy.