MGV Minutes for April 13, 2023

I.             Opening and Pledge of Allegiance (President and Stephanie Hughes)

a.    Secretary Recording – Kathy C

b.    Committee Chairperson Topic Discussion

·         Community Outreach –Bob recognized Thresea H. and she told us letters for Good Natured Partners will be sent out the last week in April and she’s soon start working on the schedule for Veggies and More.  Lois then told us about the plans for CityScape on June 3rd. We will meet at Penguin Brewery and have breakfast at 9am. Lunch is also planned. If you plan on attending give Lois your name and shirt size for a CityScape T shirt. Patty has scheduled the 1st meeting with Jr Master Gardeners on April 25th. Everyone is excited to get started and new kids are signing up.

·         Education – Stephanie B – There are 2 requests for speakers below in the administrative report. Anyone can sign up even if you’re not on the education committee, just notify Kristen.

·         Spring Workshop – Marianna E. reported 32 people signed up for April 22nd and 31 for April 29th for the Spring Garden Workshops. The duty assignments were distributed. MGVs working and want to eat lunch need to pay $10 to Candace or Kristen. Goodie bags will be done at 10am on Thursday and the room will be set up at 10am on Friday.

·         Hospitality – Bob thanked everyone who brought in food during the MGV training. Pam and Natalie passed around a sign-up sheet for bring baked goods to the Spring Workshops.

·         Plant and Pest Clinic – David S. reported the Clinic has started. In Mahoning County, it is Monday and Thursday mornings from 9 am to 12 pm. We have been getting a lot questions, so if you want something to do those morning, stop by and they will have a job for you to get some hours.

·         Grounds – Mike B.  reported a good turnout for the grounds meeting and thanked Natalie, Chester, Cindy Beveridge, Paula Kohler and Deb Poppke for helping clean the extension grounds.

·         Veterans -Mike said he is working with Canfield Village Cemetery as a new location to place the memorial wreaths.

II.        MGV Officers Items

a.    MGV Training 2023 Class – Trainees will do their presentations next Tuesday. A count was taken of the MGVs planning to attend for meal planning and hospitality.

b.    Garden Workshop – (April 22 & 29) Pam passed a signup sheet for hospitality food donations.

c.    New subcommittee (Member Recruiting and Retention) Bob circulated a signup sheet for interested members to join this new committee. He will contact the committee members and schedule an initial meeting in May to develop a strategy.

d.   Garden Art Monthly Series – Pam needs help on April 25th at 10:00 am to help prepare chains to use for class. Let Pam know if you can help.

e.    Mornings with the Masters Series – (Contact Peg to help) MGVs were asked to volunteer and filled all the openings.

III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

a.    Jewish Community Center– They would like three different topics on different days for youth ages 3 to 5 years old. Topics include Butterflies/Pollinators, Bugs, and Planting seeds. There would be about 15-20 kids for 30 minutes. Peg Zeleznik has volunteered. Please let Peg know if you are willing to help.

b.    Broadway Recovery Services– They need some guidance on getting a garden started. They would like to do raised beds with vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, onions, and lettuce. Plus a few flowers as well! Please let Kristen know if you are willing to help.

c.    BOTO Chairperson – Kristen told us the chairperson of this committee has resigned. The office will fill the role as chairperson. The event will be planned to be held  in August as usual.

d.   Kristen thanked MGVs for their help with the new MGV class.

e.    Victory Garden Seeds Kristen stated seeds were distributed for communities through 5 libraries.

f.     Questions about soil testing around East Palestine will be handled by Haley and the extension office.


Adjournment of Admin Meeting – Education meeting follows (Presenter- Stephanie Barkay- First hour of IPM and explanation of mandatory hours.)

IV.       Reminders:

  • May 9th- Morning with the Masters- Everything about Herbs by Carol Woodring -See Peg to help. May 3d -Garden Arts- Rustic Clay Pot windchimes – See Pam to help

·         Marge G. promoting the Smucker House geranium sale. She would be happy to take orders and bring them to the extension office or another location when they arrive. They are available in white, red, salmon, pink and deep pink for $1.25 each. Delivery May 19. Call her if interested. Order Form is attached.

·          Mike B, chairman of the Veterans Committee, is asking for our members’ to continue recommend sites for a cemetery to place our wreaths on this year.

·          Mahoning Plant & Pest clinic started on 3 April and the Columbiana clinic started on 5 April.

·         Vindy Articles for Eric

Minutes Submitted by Kathy Costa