Minutes MGV Meeting August 13 2020
- The August Master Gardener Volunteer virtual meeting took place via Zoom hosted by Kristen Eisenhouer and presided by Carol Smith and Pam Baytos. Carol started the meeting off by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Eric said to watch the next newsletter for information about the new MGV and OCVN volunteers. Pam asked about counting volunteer hours for this year. Eric replied that you can do some volunteer work now or wait till after the pandemic is over. Just make sure you are following social distancing guidelines if doing something in person. There are many, many things you can do without going out of the house or being around people. Articles can be written and classes can be given or taken along with some local observation and community service. There is great flexibility with hours. Contact Eric if you have specific quesetions.
- If you are interested in teaching a class, call or send Kristen an email. She will show you how to give a Zoom presentation. We would like to keep everyone engaged, and have ways to connect when fall and winter come so we can be supportive of each other (and talk about something other than the pandemic!)
- Eric commented about Valley Grows articles in the newspaper. If you do not want to write an article, you may want to write a plug for the page. (e.g. Roses looking bad? Find out what diseases you might have by checking out this fact sheet). Send the plug and the fact sheet to Eric.
- Dave commented that the Pest and Plant Clinic has been doing good and they have answered well over 100 questions so far this season.
- Pam reported that Garden Art has been currently doing online classes. The next class will be doing a leaf casting demonstration. If anyone wants to do any type of garden or floral type of class let us know.
- Theresa commented on Local Flavor. We will be having the Garden Party on August 24th for the youth in the Good Nature Garden Partners program . We will have social distancing along with face mask protocol. We will be doing a trunk load competition by putting garden items in the trunk of the car or on a table for display. Gardeners are still working with the children.
- Kary reported the Junior Master Gardeners garden at St Pats is doing well. The sun flowers are looking great and (5) dandelion detective kits have been given out.
- Theresa said instead of decorating a tree at Fellows we could decorate a tree at the OSU extension office this year if possible.
- Kristen said the Wreath for Veterans Program has been approved for December 12th at 10:00 am. It will be held at the cemetery near Lake Milton off of Grandview. We have an exemption from OSU to do this in-person program. Mike is planning the details with Chester and will get the wreaths ordered.
- Eric commented on the Recognition Banquet. It will be held Dec 3rd at 6:00pm. This years banquet will be a surprise!! “ More to Come!!! ”
- Kristen commented on the OSU Extension Office Grounds Committee. The 2nd meeting of the committee had a clean up of the landscaping on August 3rd. Mike wanted to thank Bob. Pat, Henrietta, Chester, Natalie, Diana, Rhonda, and Rick for a nice job. Next clean up session is Tuesday August 25th at 4:00 pm till 7:00pm. By this fall Eric, Margaret and Sheila are going to mark and display the names of plants in the pollinator garden ( south west corner of the property ) and the landscape around the extension office.
- Marge reported on the Smucker House Gardens in Salem. There is plan for planting the garden area and the project is moving forward with great enthusiasm.
- Pinky reported on the pollinator garden in Waterworth Memorial Park in Salem. She welcomes all to come and see the garden. It has come a long way in a short time.
- Eric displayed a paniculata hydrangea.( great star hydrangea). This is one of the few fertile flowers that give a lot of pollen and nectar which is good nutrition for the pollinators into the fall. The paniculata gets about 7’ tall. The limelight by the office gets about 10’ tall. The vanilla strawberry 8’ tall and bobo will say under 30” .
- Danita received mystery seeds from China in the mail. (Unsolicited seed packets sent out from China to mailboxes all over the country.) She called the USDA and reported it. She dropped the seeds off at the Trumbull County Extension Office. Eric answered question about the seeds during a radio broadcast on WKBN radio.
- Carol will be doing a Zoom presentation on September 15th at 11:00 am on her trip to Ecuador also Carol and Johanne will be doing a Zoom presentation on herbal teas.
Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting Thursday, September 10th.
– Rick Patterson Secretary MGV