MGV Minutes for May 12, 2022

MGV Minutes for May 12, 2022

Bob Eister opened the meeting welcoming us and leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  New 2022 MGV’s in attendance were asked to stand and introduce themselves. All those having May birthdays were asked to stand and were honored as we sang “Happy Birthday” to them. At this time Bob thanked all the volunteers that helped make the Spring Seminar a success.  He requested that ideas for improvement of this event be emailed to him.

Committee Reports:

Bring One Take One-Pinky Steffen announced that her committee will be meeting at 5:30 on June 9th before our regular MGV meeting at the OSU Ext. Office. She suggests that committee members bring suggestions to the meeting.  All can help by propagating plants for this upcoming event to be held on August 20th.

Canfield Fair-Carolyn Fankhauser and Rhonda Harris are requesting yellow and white potted flowers for this year’s fair theme “Bringing in Sunshine and Tranquility into Your Gardens”. White flowers will be used in the center and yellow flowers (like sunflowers) along the outside of the floral display/decorations. Please plan on helping out by loaning your pots of flowers for this big event.

Community Outreach-Thresea Harris announced that Local Flavor will now be called “Veggies and More Tour”. The first date for this is Monday, June 6 (time and place to be announced).  A calendar sign-up sheet for all of these tours was passed around.  Thresea will be adding event places and times to the Monday night events when she receives the information.
Kary Shively informed us that City Scape is on June 14th (possible meeting at 9am that day).

Patty Kacenski was pleased to announce that the Junior Master Gardeners are very enthusiastic and planted potatoes, helped trim apple trees with Eric. Lana Ilain and 9 children attended and also helped Kary with the pollinator garden.

Education-Marilyn McKinley is inviting anyone interested in pollinator presentations to contact her. On Sat. May 14 at 1:30 she is presenting “Pizza in the Park” in Salem at the Pavilion. There will be Pollinator sessions on May 17 and 19 at 10 a.m. in Salem. She said there are many opportunities to be a guest speaker and encouraged us to get involved in this area. Bob added that we make a difference in speaking and that using technology isn’t always necessary.

Marge Greenisen discussed field trip opportunities and educational events and distributed signup sheets for them. Please see the following Education Report from Marge:

Education Report

Field Trips

  • Trolley Tours – Mill Creek Park
    • Public Tour
      • Every Sunday and Tuesday at 1:30pm and 3pm from now through the end of October.
      • Costs for the public tours are:
        • Mahoning County Residents – Adults $10
        • Non-Residents – Adults $12
        • Seniors/Youth 12 and younger: Residents $7 and non-residents $9.
      • Note: All MGV’s are considered Mahoning Residents if tour is registered through OSU Ext. Office
      • 1 hour tour
      • Might be arranged for another day
    • Private Tour
      • Schedule as desired.
      • $350 plus $50 for docent
      • Two-hour tour
    • Perennial Post
      • June or July Field Trip
      • June 17 9-11 Coffee with Clara – Hostas
      • July 22 9-11 Coffee with Clara – Daylilies, Phlox, Echinacea
      • Evening in the Garden 6=8 – we suggest date need at least 6 people to sign


Educational programs

  • June 9 MGV –Hour 2 IPM
  • Smucker House – May 17 Pruning Tools and Techniques
  • Waterworth Park – “What’s Bloomin” and their Pollinator Friends”
    • All programs start at 6:30
    • May 19
    • June 30
    • August 11
    • September 15
  • Bee City Week – June 19 – 25
  • June 20 – Waterworth Park Open House 5-8 pm
  • June 22 – Smucker House – 6:30-8:00 pm
  • June24 – Burchfield Homestead Museum Garden Party 5-8 pm.


*Speaker needed – June 12 1:30 – Boardman Park Mahoning Valley DS Topic – Garden Related, Insects, or Pollinators

Garden Art– Lil Quaranta thanked everyone for their beautiful, creative donations and their time in helping at the Spring Seminars. The April 23rd sales totaled $393 and April 30th sales were $344.

Hospitality- Peg Zeleznik thanked all those that helped provide food donations for the Spring Seminars. All enjoyed the tasty treats.

Plant and Pest Clinic– David Sprague says that the clinic is now open Mondays and Thursdays 9-12 and welcomes anyone who can help,

OSU Extension Grounds– Mike Beaudis is in need of more assistance with grounds keeping. There are 16 volunteers on this committee. If you sign up – Please show up to help. There is a work clean up on May 18th from 5-7pm. We have a special guest visiting on May 19th and really need help getting our grounds looking good.

Veterans- If anyone signed up and only wants to help with the Veterans’ Wreath event, please let him or Al Leonhart know. Mike announced that wreaths will continue to be purchased from Tractor Supply for the Veterans graves in December.

Administrative Report- Kristen announced the following HOC trainings:

—  Tuesday, May 17th 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm – Interns Account                  HOC Set-Up

— 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Anyone can come for HOC help or to enter     hours

Kristen told us about the Riverfest opportunity. It is a community event at the old B&O Rail Station on Sunday, June 12 from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm. This would be an outreach event and we would need to set up a table and have MGVs present during the event.

ODA Victory Garden Seed Giveaways- We will be giving out packets of free seeds at 5 locations in Youngstown and Sebring.

Good Natured Garden Partners- This will be led by MGVs assisting youth in planting and caring for a garden. There will be a Harvest Party to show what was grown.

Business and Discussion– A thank you was given to Lillian Quaranta and Carolyn Fankhauser for speaking at the Ridgewood Garden Club. The club gave a $50 donation to the MGVs.

Bob and Marianna thanked everyone again who took any part in the two Spring Conference sessions. Bob asked for members who participated to send email on things that could be improved so they can be discussed in our event after action briefing.

The bio and pictorial directory are still being worked on. If you haven’t turned in your bio information, please turn it in.

Mike told us some people donated $70 for flowers for the grounds and suggested we buy something at Parks Garden Center. Mike also said he cleaned out the shed and he put the pots in the trailer. Some of the MGVs suggested the pots could be used for our Bring One Take One event and for the Canfield Fair.

Marilyn told us about a new pollinator garden in Lisbon at the Columbiana County Fairgrounds. A grant was received for this pollinator garden. Marilyn told the MGV to remember our mission statement.

Submitted by,

Marie Belfast

Kathy Costa


Addendum: MGV Mission Statement

OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Mission Statement

We are Ohio State University Extension-trained volunteers empowered to educate others with timely research-based gardening information

Statewide Initiatives for OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers

Integrated pest management

Invasive species

Backyard and local foods

Environmental horticulture

More information about our four initiatives across the state are at this link:

If you do not have a copy of the our handbook for our local MGV program, please ask Eric or Kristen for a copy.

2021 – Temporary Hours Sheet

Greetings –

Until the new on-line system is operational, you are welcome to use this sheet to record your hours:

Activity Record 2021  – MS Word

Activity Record 2021 – PDF file

Once the new system is ready, we will alert you about trainings to assist with inputting these hours for 2021. Each MGV is responsible to enter their hours in the new system.

Thanks! -Eric


MGV Minutes – April 2021

April 8, 2021 – MGV Meeting

Presentation – Pettiti’s, Noelle Clark presented on Rain Gardens.  She was invited to speak and introduced by Keri.

The meeting began 7:26, after the presentation. There were 31 on the zoom meeting.  Reports given as follows:

  • Kathy King’s last day was today. She will be leaving for Florida to scout of snowbird accommodations for winter. We wish her well and a long, happy retirement!
  • Grounds – Mike – Yesterday a grounds get together of about four took place. 5to 6 plants were moved, areas were mulched.  Next week we will try to do wood chips fence.  The property line needs investigated.  Lowe’s is a preferred vendor meaning discounts and free delivery.  The committee is putting together a supply list.
  • Pollinator Garden – Donations have increased, including a portion of a multi-faceted donation from a family trust to be shared with nutrition. May be able to get a benches, picnic table, and pollinator vines to replace the hops.  Sheila and Marilyn have been working with Eric and Mike to get the plan together for expansion. New plants are coming from the OSU pollinator project (Denise Ellsworth). Thus, topsoil will be added soon with plants arriving in two shipments – the last week of April and just after May 5.
  • Victory Gardens – MGVs have been sorting. We thank them for all of this time!! The  seeds will help with community and victory gardens.
  • Clinic – Dave – The virtual clinic ended a couple weeks ago. We are now back to two days per week – Mondays and Thursdays from 8-10am. There were many inquires, 8-10 today.  Three people at a time are allowed in.  A clinic refresher class will be held April 20th.
  • BOTO – Pinky – The date of August 21st has been set. Emails have been sent to committee members.  Please check your email then respond.  The date could also serve for a plant sale.  The sale could be held in the “new” back room.  We need Garden Art to sale.  Parking overflow to be determined. Pinky and Pam will talk about a possible ‘yard sale’ addition to the event.  It could be done along with BOTO for increased cooperation.
  • Jr. Master Gardeners – Kary – Soil samples have been sent and group is awaiting results. Many samples have been sent for analysis.
  • Smucker House – Marge – The Federation of Women Club is busy cleaning up the grounds. A 4H club is helping with weeds and mulch.
  • Salem Gardens are moving along. They are developing a handout to help get the word out on activities and goals.
  • Office Update – Vindicator articles are still needed. 400 (ish) words.  Great feedback is received from Vindy readership.  4,700 are signed up to receive our newsletter.  An expanded presence on social media is being investigated.  400 packs of milkweed have been sold at $2 suggested donation per pack.
  • Local Flavor & Community Gardens – Valeria – We have been working to put in raised beds at The Dorothy Day House. It has been hard to garden because of the thistle, therefore the need for raised beds We are usually there Tuesday’s 9 to 12 with lunch provided. Broadway Boys have been helping. More examples of successful city gardens are needed.  YNDC and Reverend Macklin have been contacted for input in how to expand this area.
  • Good Natured Garden – Pat Fuller will again give tomatoes and peppers. Registrations are open to any group in Youngstown.
  • Miscellaneous – New VMS system not ready.  Eric will send out form to record hours on.  Eric and Kristen have begun training on new system.   Eric will attempt to get an exemption allowing an in person meeting for May.
  • Requests – Continue Zoom meetings after things open up to accommodate members who are unable to attend in person.
  • Reminder, the in person fruit tree pruning clinic is April 17. Talk to Eric if you want to volunteer.
  • Wrap Up & Open Discussion on What Blooming in your Yard?!

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Meeting Facilitator – Eric Barrett

Next Meeting March 11th at 6:30PM

– Carol E. Smith, Acting  Secretary MGV

MGV Meeting Minutes – February 2021

February 11, 2021 – MGV Meeting

  • Carolyn Fankhouser made an announcement that she is giving away a dozen windows that could be used for cold frames or hot boxes.
  • Carol presided over the meeting and started off by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • David reported on the winter activity in the Virtual Pest and Plant Clinic.  Some IT equipment is starting to move into the clinic for the work stations we are going to be using.
  • Lori said to keep the newsletter articles coming in and she is planning on having the newsletter come out the last Friday of the month or the following Monday.
  • Pam reported that she has been sending out things of interest from Columbus such as current webinars we could  attend. Pam also said that if the Canfield Fair goes on this year each committee could have a display table, much the same as what was planned for last year. She will put out more information in the next newsletter. Our area at the fairgrounds will be the same as the previous two years.
  • Pinky said that Bring One Take One is looking to be held late summer or early fall. Pam brought up the possibility of having a garden garage sale to go along with the event together with the shrub sale.
  • Theresa said Local Flavor might do a Zoom presentation and Mill Creek Park is planning a meeting in April sometime to discuss opening of Fellows Riverside Garden facility.
  • Pam mentioned a good field trip would be The OSU Phenology Garden at Hiram Biological Station in Garrettsville.
  • Lori mention that Mike Beaudis was out a couple of times this winter to work on the landscaping to the right of the shed in the back of the Extension Office.
  •  Marilyn said we need to come up with a project for state awards. Lori will be sending out another email to all MGVs to signup for committee work.  Lil was thinking of the Pest and Clinic video as part of a  state awards presentation . Lil was added to the list of committee members to explore ideas for state awards.
  • Kristen said we are scheduling Zoom presentations into April. Pam has been sharing the zoom presentations with other MGV coordinators. They are also shared on the website and Facebook. Give Kristen a call if you want to do a Zoom presentation.
  • Kristen wants some help with the a project about starting a vegetable garden with the Boys and Girls Club of Youngstown. If you are interested in helping with this project please give Kristen a call.  Lil suggested giving Carol Conaster a call to help with the planning.  Theresa said the club used to have a raised bed garden. The garden is located 3 or 4 blocks from St.Patrick’s Church on Oak Hill.
  • Kristen said a few smaller projects will be coming up. She will send out a volunteer survey to see if anyone would  be interested in doing these projects.
  • The VMS system is changing. MGV hours should be put in by February 15th.  The present VMS system will then be shut down.   VMS recommends backing up all your hours just in case things go sideways. Please keep a record of your volunteer hours until the new VMS system goes back on line sometime in March and training for the system can take place.  Marilyn said the value of a MGV is now up to $27.20 @ hour.
  • Lori and Kristen put the group into Zoom breakout rooms. There were 3 to 4 Master Gardeners at random per Zoom break out room for about 15 minutes . The topic of conversation was plans for a spring garden or what ever you have been doing. This turned out to be a lot of fun with plans to do it again at the next MGV meeting.


Meeting Adjourned at 7:40 PM

Next Meeting March 11th at 6:30PM

– Rick Patterson  Secretary MGV













MGV Meeting Minutes – January 2021

January 14th 2021 – MGV Meeting

  • Pam presided over the January meeting in the absence of Carol Smith, who had another commitment.  A recertification e-mail will be sent out to ask members to recertify after the MGV/VMS site gets “reset.” This has been a challenge because we thought we were moving to a new system, but that will not happen until July 1. Please be patient with those working with the hours (VMS) system. It is appreciated!
  • Eric submitted the new totals for membership for 2021. There are 64 active,  11 interns and 13 emeriti  MGV members. This is the FINAL number for 2021.  The state only recognizes the active members for fees, awards and related activities.  If you have any changes in email and cell phones please call before we send out the new listing (email to
  • Pam said a notice will be sent out on the next MGV chat date we will be having on February 23rd at 1:00 pm. Lori will be sending an email to all members for sign ups for all the committee work. We still need chairpersons for Field Trips, Publicity, Garden Art Series, and Mentoring New MGV’s committees, along with a secretary to fill in for Rick who is leaving  soon. Kristen’s doing Zoom presentation classes on January 26 at 10:00 am and February 23rd at 3:00pm.
  • Eric is calling for MGV members to submit more articles for the Valley Grows Section of the vindicator.  Even if you have only enough words for part of an article you might give Eric a call to see if you are on the right track to finish it. Kristen will be sending out a list of classes that the community might be interested in having an article written about.  Pam submitted we are always looking for new ideas for MGV classes.
  • Dave said the virtual clinic is still running through the winter months every two weeks on Thursday. They had five questions today which is pretty good for January.
  • Need ideas for a new cemetery site in Mahoning County for the Wreaths for Veterans Program. The ideal location would be around 100 veteran grave sites, recent burials so families can be involved in the 2021 ceremony, and the possibility of a partnership to take over after two years.  Let Mike Beaudis know of the contact person for the cemetery if you have a cemetery in mind.
  • Pinky talked about the Bring One Take One / Shrub Sale.  The event  will be in August, depending on the pandemic. We have a license to have a plant sale. We will be having it at the extension office in the big back room and outside – with both events planned in conjunction, but maybe at different times. Pinky will lead the efforts!
  • Marilyn suggested we should work on state awards for our area because of the amount of successful MGV events coming out of Mahoning County compared to the rest of the state. Need to get a committee together to explore ideas.
  • We will be working on Community Outreach with the Pollinator Gardens and Smucker House in Salem when the weather breaks this spring.
  • Kary has some plans for a Three Sister Garden for the Jr. Master Gardeners this year. Kristen said we are having the 1.50 child abuse  Zoom training classes on January 21st and February 9th. Any volunteers for the committee would be greatly appreciated, please let Kary know. Any MGV working with a youth program MUST attend the in person training.
  • Kristen suggested that anyone writing an article for the Vindicator would also be able to teach a zoom class using the same material.  Eric suggested that he and Bill Snyder could do a “Stump The Expert” Zoom seminar.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm, next meeting February 11th

-Rick Patterson  MGV Secretary

MGV Minutes – October 2020

MGV Zoom Meeting – October 8th

  • We had a rather informal meeting covering not only items from our Oct. newsletter but questions and information from our members.
  • Kristen informed us that the office hours are now Monday Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 4:00 but are only offering curbside service.  From experience it’s best to call before you go to office to make sure the office staff are not attending zoom meetings.  Our virtual classes are being scheduled through next March.  We need master gardeners to sign up to teach these classes.  Kristen will gladly help you with subject matter and get you all set up to present.  It’s really a painless process!  BE BRAVE A shout out to Patty Kacenski and Marge Greenisen members of the 2020 class for volunteering to lead a zoom class.  Make sure to “tune in” and support them.
  • Marilyn informed us that the VMS system we now use will be changing next year.  You should save your hours on paper (after entering them Oct. 31 for this year) and the new system should be in effect by June 2021.  ——–NOTICE THIS IS OLD NEWS. READ FUTURE MINUTES FOR CORRECT, NEW INFO.
  • Wreaths for Veterans is being held Dec. 12th at Vaughn Cemetery Lake Milton Ohio.  This where we held it last year and will again order the wreaths from Tractor Supply complete with bows.  More information will be sent as event gets closer.
  • Our virtual banquet will be held Dec. 3rd at 6pm.  Lori and Kristen have been working on this for us and we will be enjoying dessert (of our choice!) together and they also have games for us to enjoy.  This will also have more information coming as our banquet gets closer.
  • If you are interested in being a person to look and report sightings of the spotted lanternfly call the office to watch the information video on how to go about this process.  This is an opportunity to get some volunteer hours and exercise at the same time.
  • Our listings of upcoming zoom classes are on the OSU website calendar.  If you have missed one call Kristen and she can send you the link to view the recording.
  • Articles are needed for the Valley Grows page. Eric sent an email with a few suggestions, but at this time fall going into winter articles are the best.  Drop an email to Eric or Kristen with subject matter to make sure another person isn’t writing about the same thing.
  • Eileen Novotny brought a new project idea to us concerning the rebuilding of the nature classroom at Hilltop Elementary School.  The idea is going to be presented to Eric for approval and information of this project (should we do it) will become available and committee will be formed.
  • The MGV virtual state conference is being held Oct. 22-23.  The conference is both days from 8:45am -12:30pm and costs $40. This includes a copy of keynote Brie Arthur’s book Gardening with Grains.  The Awards program is Oct. 22 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm and is free to all.   You must register for both of these events at
  • The clinic has served 250 people as of last month.  Thanks to Dave and his committee who have kept this service open to the public during this shutdown!
  • We discussed methods for storing elephant ear, canna, and dahlia bulbs over winter……this would be a great Vindy article.
  • Remember to log on to our next MG zoom chat on Oct. 20th at 1pm.  Hope to see you then.

– Rick Patterson  Secretary  MGV

MGV Minutes – November 2020

November 2020 MGV Meeting

  • The November MGV Meeting kicked off by President Carol Smith leading us all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Kristen reported that a virtual wrap up meeting took place at the Pest and Plant Clinic on Tuesday November 9th. The members of the clinic have chosen to continue virtual clinic through the winter months. The clinic will meet every other Thursday from 10:00 am to 12 noon, November to April. The clinic will then meet again as a group in March to see what the environment is like to start back up for regular clinic.  David wants to think of ways for the new MGV trainees to get involved with the clinic.
  • Pam will be presenting Holiday Container and Arrangements the first week of December.
  • Eric reported on the Valley Grows Section of the Newspaper.  Articles are still needed and he is asking all of us to write about what interests us for the paper.  Eric sent out an email on November 19 with a list of ideas about gardening and nature that may spark our creative juices.  The paper is improving about including pictures with the articles. Just send the caption with the photo. You can also send a plug for the page by sending Eric a sentence of interest along with the fact sheet.  Drop Eric an email with the subject matter to make sure another person is not writing about the same thing.
  • Grounds Committee did a lot of clean up of the landscaping at the Extension Office last Tuesday. The large room in the back of the office acquired since the BMV moved out, is getting a new 20 year plus warranty floor.  Some wood working will be required to renovate the countertops.
  • The Wreaths For Vets will take place December 12th at 10:00 am at the Vaughn Cemetery at Lake Milton.  If you are not on the committee and want to help, give Mike an email asking him what time for you to be there to help lay wreaths at the veteran grave sites.
  • Kari reports that the Junior Master Gardeners have cleaned up and finished for the year and are making plans for next year.
  • Thresea reported that the kids had fun and learned some gardening skills as well in the Good Nature Garden Partners with help from Kristen.
  • Kristen asked if anyone wants to do an online class, please give her a call because she is looking at dates in January and February
  • The Virtual Recognition Banquet this year will be held December 3rd at 6:30 pm.  Lori and Kristen have been working on putting together a lot of fun activities for us to enjoy. Enjoy your favorite desert while attending the banquet.
  • The VMS system is going away.  Keep your hours after November 1st on paper until the new system arrives.

– Rick Patterson  Secretary  MGV

MGV Minutes – September 10, 2020

Minutes MGV Meeting September 10 2020

  • The September meeting of the of the Master Gardener Volunteers took place via Zoom hosted by Kristen Eisenhower and Lori Moff presided by Carol Smith.  David started the meeting by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • New Business : Pam will be out for awhile due to husband’s surgery.  Kristen is still looking for presenters from now till the end of the year. All dates are open. 70 seed packets were given out downtown and at the office. Lori and Kristen have been working on the end of the year Recognition Banquet.
  • David said they had 17 questions in the virtual clinic today. They have served over 220 people so far this season.
  • Kristen said that Carol has the Coffee Series Presentation for the September entitled “Herbal Teas.” September 21st at 10:00am.  Eric said we will be doing a holiday container program the first week of December.
  • Eric has had a steady stream of articles for the Vindicator Valley Grows  Section of the newspaper and needs articles that are more fall related.  If you do not have pictures for your articles, Eric has a library of pictures you can use. If you do have pictures send them as separate attachments with you article.  The Valley Grows articles appear in Vindicator and the Tribune which explains the increase activity in the Plant and Pest Clinic.
  • Theresa commented on Local Flavor: The gardens went ok this year despite the pandemic.  The Good Nature Garden Partners went very well, thanks in part to Kristen who also put the results on line for all to see.
  • Kary reported that the Junior Master Gardeners had a lot of fun this year and are beginning to wind down with some clean up to do in the next couple of weeks.
  • Kristen said that Mike has ordered the wreaths for the Wreaths for Veterans Program. The event will be held December 12th at the Lake Milton Cemetery off of Grandview.
  • Marilyn reported on the State Awards: The state conference will be held on line October 22nd and 23rd this year. Registration will be the last week in September and will cost $40. Mahoning county has been doing more in the way of master gardening than most counties in Ohio. She is also trying to get us into the Lisbon and Salem newspapers. A suggestion was made of a give away contest to be offered as an incentive to get more people to attend virtual master gardener meetings. Some counties are doing Zoom Chats, where as someone hosts a Zoom meeting and members call in and chat about anything in order to stay in touch and share ideas.  Marylin volunteered to host the first Zoom Chat.  Jennifer Andon has filled Dennis Johnson’s position (after her retirement) as Master Gardener Volunteer State Program Coordinator.
  • Lil suggested that since we are presently doing a virtual clinic why can’t we continue the clinic through the winter. We could have it live from April 1st to October 31st, then November 1st till March 31st we could be a virtual clinic. Eric thought it to be a good idea. The virtual clinic runs now on Thursdays from 10:00am till 12:00 noon. To get on, go to our website where there is a zoom link, click  on the link and join in to talk to a master gardener. You can also call in and ask your question, where as a form will be filled out and given to a master gardener.
  • Carol thanked Kristen and Lori for all there help with her presentation on Ecuador.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM next meeting October 8th at 6:30 PM

Rick Patterson, Secretary MGV

Values Based Customer Service in Extension

Customer service is the backbone of Extension at the county level and beyond. For years, we’ve been training front line staff to be good at customer service. Sometimes we succeed, and we offer great customer service. Other times we leave lots of room for improvement. We all have good intentions to be the best we can be and to provide the best customer service possible. Consistency is just the start of the challenges we face as a statewide campus of our universities. What we ultimately lack, though, is a focus on values within the organization as the backbone to the customer service plan. This presentation will share an innovate approach to values-based customer service. We will share examples of designing and implementing a values-based customer service plan for the organization based on simplifying the organization’s values into 3-4 memorable keys that every employee is introduced to at orientation. Then, the keys are repeated and used throughout the training process to emphasize what Extension does. These keys help the organization stay focused on the values it which it believes and guarantees customer service is delivered in the best possible ways using the keys. Beyond the values-based plan, we will review the four steps to writing a plan for and providing excellent, awesome customer service. The plan elements include Prepare, Respond, Recover and Improve Practices. This cyclical process approach to the customer plan that is based on organizational values ensures continues improvement, versus a concept that is often talked about but rarely implemented across the board.

Customer service is the brand in action. Knowing what customers think of you and how they interpret your image is a great way to start a plan to improve customer service in your organization. There are four steps to providing excellent, awesome customer service:

  1. Prepare – Write a plan, train and empower employees.
  2. Respond & Mitigate – Understand it is a long term relationship, not just about the issue at hand. Fix things. Respond on social media.
  3. Recover – Have a plan for potential customer service fails. Designate who is in charge. Communicate.
  4. Improve Practices – Update the plan. Prepare for next time. Anticipate future customer service issues.

Customer Service Discussion Guide 2020

Example of Keys


MGV Minutes – August 13, 2020

Minutes MGV Meeting August 13 2020

  • The August Master Gardener Volunteer virtual meeting took place via Zoom hosted by Kristen Eisenhouer and presided by Carol Smith and Pam Baytos.  Carol started the meeting off by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Eric said to watch the next newsletter for information about the new MGV and OCVN volunteers.  Pam asked about counting volunteer hours for this year. Eric replied that you can do some volunteer work now or wait till after the pandemic is over.  Just make sure you are following social distancing guidelines if doing something in person. There are many, many things you can do without going out of the house or being around people. Articles can be written and classes can be given or taken along with some local observation and community service. There is great flexibility with hours. Contact Eric if you have specific quesetions.
  • If you are interested in teaching a class, call or send Kristen an email.  She will show you how to give a Zoom presentation. We would like to keep everyone engaged, and have ways to connect when fall and winter come so we can be supportive of each other (and talk about something other than the pandemic!)
  • Eric commented about Valley Grows articles in the newspaper.  If you do not want to write an article, you may want to write a plug for the page.  (e.g.  Roses looking bad?  Find out what diseases you might have by checking out this fact sheet).  Send the plug and the fact sheet to Eric.
  • Dave commented that the Pest and Plant Clinic has been doing good and they have answered well over 100 questions so far this season.
  • Pam reported that Garden Art has been currently doing online classes.  The next class will be doing a leaf casting demonstration.  If anyone wants to do any type of garden or floral type of class let us know.
  • Theresa commented on Local Flavor. We will be having the Garden Party on August 24th for the youth in the Good Nature Garden Partners program . We will have social distancing along with face mask protocol.  We will be doing a trunk load competition by putting garden items in the trunk of the car or on a table for display. Gardeners are still working with the children.
  • Kary reported the Junior Master Gardeners garden at St Pats is doing well. The sun flowers are looking great and (5) dandelion detective kits have been given out.
  • Theresa said instead of decorating a tree at Fellows we could decorate a tree at the OSU extension office this year if possible.
  • Kristen said the Wreath for Veterans Program has been approved for December 12th at 10:00 am.  It will be held at the cemetery near Lake Milton off of Grandview. We have an exemption from OSU to do this in-person program. Mike is planning the details with Chester and will get the wreaths ordered.
  • Eric commented on the Recognition Banquet. It will be held Dec 3rd at 6:00pm. This years banquet will be a surprise!!   “ More to Come!!! ”
  • Kristen commented on the OSU Extension Office Grounds Committee.  The 2nd meeting of the committee had a clean up of the landscaping on August 3rd.  Mike wanted to thank Bob. Pat, Henrietta, Chester, Natalie, Diana, Rhonda, and Rick for a nice job.  Next clean up session is Tuesday August 25th at 4:00 pm till 7:00pm.  By this fall Eric, Margaret and Sheila are going to mark and display the names of plants in the pollinator garden ( south west corner of the property ) and the landscape around the extension office.
  • Marge reported on the Smucker House Gardens in Salem. There is plan for planting the garden area and the project is moving forward with great enthusiasm.
  • Pinky reported on the pollinator garden in Waterworth Memorial Park in Salem. She welcomes all to come and see the garden. It has come a long way in a short time.
  • Eric displayed a paniculata hydrangea.( great star hydrangea). This is one of the few fertile flowers that give a lot of pollen and nectar which is good nutrition for the pollinators into the fall.  The paniculata gets about 7’ tall.  The limelight by the office gets about 10’ tall. The vanilla strawberry 8’ tall and bobo will say under 30” .
  • Danita received mystery seeds from China in the mail. (Unsolicited seed packets sent out from China to mailboxes all over the country.) She called the USDA and reported it.  She dropped the seeds off at the Trumbull County Extension Office.  Eric answered question about the seeds during a radio broadcast on WKBN radio.
  • Carol will be doing a Zoom presentation on September 15th at 11:00 am on her trip to Ecuador also Carol and Johanne will be doing a Zoom presentation on herbal teas.

Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting Thursday, September 10th.

– Rick Patterson  Secretary  MGV