Master Gardener Volunteer Meeting
July 11, 2024
Opening and Pledge of Allegiance
President Pam Baytos. MGVs acknowledged Pam’s return with a standing ovation and round of applause!!! Welcome back, Pam!
Committee Reports
- Bring One Take One – Ryan Emmet-Luchansky and Debbie Tominey: Ryan thanked Marilyn and Pinky for donating many plants from around their homes for the Aug.10 BOTO event. We are encouraged to start plants for this event as we still have time to get them established. Debbie reminded us that there will be Garden Art that day, too. We are invited to attend a crafts workshop on July 18 from 1 -4 pm at the office to help put together more items.
- Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik: Jim announced that a sign-up sheet was available and that he will be checking with those that have signed up to donate items. The theme is “Education”. Windchimes are appreciated, too. Kristen reminded us that if we sign up to help at the fair, we will receive a free entry ticket and may park at the office in the back parking lot. If you cannot attend and have signed up, please return your ticket/parking pass to the office and thanks. The fair is Aug.28-Sept 2. If you want to help with set up or take down, the dates are Aug.26 and Sept.3. Let the office know or contact Jim.
- Community Outreach – Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski: Thresea thanked MGVs that have attended the recent Veggies and More Monday night events. The next one is on Mon. July 15 at Todd Lane Jubilee Garden 6pm. Thank you to those that donated seed packets for the December garden tool MGV Christmas tree. We could use more seed packets. Please remember to make a festive garden tool for the tree.
- Education – Mariann Mannion and Karen Gates No report.
- Hospitality – Peg Zeleznik, Natalie Fraser, and Rhonda Harris No report.
- New and Active Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida, Marge Greenisen, and Pinky Steffen: Committee is still weeding the area at the Columbiana Fairgrounds. If you can help, contact the members for day and time.
- OSU Extension Grounds – Paula Kohler and Mike Beaudis: A big thank you to Paula and those that have stepped up to help make the OSU grounds look so lovely! They are meeting July 12 8-10am again. On Fri. July 19, they need help spreading mulch from 8:30-10:30. If it rains it will be rescheduled.
- Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague: David said the clinic has been very busy especially with tick and Japanese beetle questions.
- Recruitment and Retention – Bob Eister and Bob Ferguson No report.
- Veterans – Al Leonhart, Mike Beaudis, and Chester Kaschak: Al will choose a date to work beds around the log cabin and then another time for planting.
Administration Report
- MGV Apparel- Some items are on back order. Kristen announced that if all of your order came in it was placed on back table. Partial orders received will be distributed when all of the order is filled. If anything is incorrect with printing on shirts let her know.
- Volunteer Opportunities are listed below. If you would like to present/speak and would like another MGV let Kristen know. Marilyn M. volunteered to attend with anyone that volunteers. Please review the many opportunities and let Kristen know if you can help.
- OSU Extension Building Update: The office has received new siding, and they are finishing up with a new roof. Please note that during the week of July 22 the parking lot will be repaved. The office will be open, and parking will be across the street. (All Week).
** Also keep in mind that there are multiple programs and events going on that the Extension Office is in charge of. We will get to your questions and concerns, but please give us time as summer is a busy season.
Old Business
- Winter Holiday Donation: We are thinking about making a donation to a local organization possibly in Jan. Some possible organization suggestions are Diaper Bank, Sleep in Heavenly Peace. If you have suggestions let us know.
New Business – Stephanie told us after the meeting we will have education on IPM for one of our required education hours.
- Adjournment – Next Meeting: August 8th
- Reminders:
- Vindy Articles are needed! Still contact Eric.
- Villa Maria Field Trip: July 13th (Contact Karen Gates at 727-492-8605)
- Southside Community Garden Butterfly Festival -July 20th Contact Lois for Questions: Lois is in need of new pollinator/flowering plants as some of theirs were lost to lawn mowing. The event is from 1-4pm at 112 Williamson Ave. She said they are always open for monetary donations! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lois at 330-727-8340.
- Spotted Lanternfly Training: August 1st (See email from Candace on July 12)
- Bring One Take One: August 10th
- Canfield Fair: August 28th thru September 2nd
- We are looking for fresh, unwashed, donations picked the morning of August 14th for the Garden Art Vinegar Class. Herbs loosely wrapped in paper towel and slid into an open Ziplock labelled with the name of plant and from whose garden it came. Please place inside back kitchen fridge by 3:30pm. Herbs needed: Organic garlic, Organic lemons, Spicy red pepper, Mild red pepper, oregano, thyme, basil, purple basil, rosemary, sage, bay leaf, marjoram, mint, lemongrass, lemon balm, chives, tarragon. The flowers of many of these would be great! I am so thankful for those who donated last year, and those willing to donate this year. Contact Anissa for any questions.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Please See Kristen if you are interested.
- Greenford Community Library – Saturday or Wednesday in the Summer: talk about native plants, may be interested in other topics and lessons for youth. Please let Kristen know if you would be interested to help.
- Library Mini – Series for the Fall: Open to any gardening topic. Please let Kristen know if you would be interested to help.
- YMHA Starting Gardens. Please let Kristen know if you would be interested to help.
- Lowellville Park- W. Wood Street., Lowellville, OH 44436
- Norton Manor- 1400 Springdale Ave, Youngstown, OH 44505
- Vasu Manor- 137 Roosevelt Dr., Campbell, Oh 44405
- Birds of Flight Native Pollinator Garden. Please let Kristen know if you would be interested to help.
- South Range School would like help with a school apple orchard. Please let Kristen know if you would be interested to help.
- Idabelle’s Gathering Place- 8/15/2024 at 12:30 pm. Careers in horticulture. Contact Haley Shoemaker at 330-967-7249 or
- Salem Historical Society- October 2024 or May 2025 Native Appalachia Plants. Contact Haley Shoemaker at 330-967-7249 or
Submitted by:
Marie Belfast, Secretary