MGV Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2022
I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance
Stephanie Barkay, Vice President, opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. welcoming and leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Those having July birthdays were recognized as we all sang “Happy Birthday” to them.
II. Speaker Intro (VP – Stephanie B)
Stephanie Hughes gave an excellent presentation on vanilla. It included the history of vanilla, growing areas, details on growing vanilla, the labor-intensive production of it, and the importance of carefully reading the labels on bottles to make sure you are buying quality vanilla.
a. Secretary Recording – Marie Belfast
After Stephanie’s presentation, Eric B. paid tribute to former MGV Hugh Earnhart who recently passed away on June 16. One of Hugh’s loves was growing Dahlias and teaching others how to grow them as well. In honor of Hugh, those wearing their nametags at the meeting received bags of caladium flower bulbs to plant. Eric encouraged and informed all MGVs to bring their lovely leaves from the bulbs (and other flowers) to the upcoming Canfield Fair. Hugh was often a judge at the flower show and many appreciated his talent and wisdom in this field.
Many reminisced about Hugh’s life contributions and wonderful sense of humor. Thank you to Pam Baytos and Marilyn McKinley for making a beautiful floral arrangement for his memorial service. Hugh will certainly be missed.
Eric will double-check that all interns are on the newsletter list as some in attendance have not been receiving the emails with that information.
Hailey S. announced that she and Kristen will be presenting a revamped “Writing and Teaching” class on Wed. July 20 from 5:00-6:30 at the OSU Extension office. This will help with writing articles for the Vindicator and teaching presentations.
Following this class is the Naturalist series on trees.
b. Committee Reports
i. Bring One Take One – Pinky S. reported:
This year’s event is scheduled for August 20 at the OSU Extension Office, and plans are to work the event the same as last year. Members are asked to identify now the plants you can contribute and make plans to bring them in. Pinkie has pots and labels (cut blinds) she can give you.
Members are also asked to bring in used garden items for sale. There are extra pots in the shed on the OSU ext. grounds. Rhonda H. announced that boxes are being provided by Aldi’s. Garden art left over from the Spring Conference will also be available for sale.
Pinky announced that there will be a get-together at her house on July 29th at 10 a.m. to make succulent terrariums to sell at the BOTO event. She is in need of helpers to make these and if you can help, please bring small tools to reach into the glass terrariums, clear glass vases, succulents, and moss. Any of these items would be a great help in making the arrangements.
ii. Canfield Fair – Carolyn Fankhauser & Rhonda Harris
Rhonda reported: The outer gardens and flowers for the center garden are planned. They are requesting yellow and white potted flowers for this year’s fair theme, “Bringing Sunshine and Tranquility into Your Gardens.” White flowers will be used in the center display, and yellow flowers (like sunflowers) will be placed along the outside of the floral display/decorations. Also, lavender colored flowers will be incorporated into the theme. Please plan to help by loaning your pots of flowers for this big event. Eric said we need sunflowers and black-eyed Susans.
If you need pots, contact Rhonda; if you need soil, contact Carolyn. There are fifty days until the fair! The following planting areas and tables of different themes are being planned:
Lasagna pizza garden(To be announced)
Compost section (To be announced)
Three sisters’ garden (To be announced)
Raised bed – donated by Stephanie H. and Rhonda will get this bed
Bird table- Gayle S and Joann
Skulls- Stephanie H offered to bring her skulls for display if the office will wheel over one of the lockable display cases to ensure their safety.
Insect table- Eric will help with this. We will use the insect displays from the clinic.
Education table (ideas discussed…flower press, soil sample I.D., hand lenses, microscope for insect viewing/ flower parts)
Signage/easels- Karey
If you need supplies for any of the above, ask Eric.
Eric passed around the sign-up sheet for the fair. Those signing up to help at the fair will receive a parking pass for the OSU Ext lot for the time they are to work and one fair entry ticket. Please be on time for your time slot! Those not at the meeting can sign up online when the email is sent to us or call the office. You can sign up for one or two slots if they are available.
Set-up dates for the fair will be announced soon. Please watch your email.
Columbiana County Fair- Pinky/Hailey
The Fair begins Aug. 2. A volunteer sheet for this event was passed around to us.
iii. Community Outreach – Marie B, Kary S & Thresea H
Patty K. reports that Junior Master Gardeners are working well together. Their garlic will be entered in the fair. She thanked Stephanie Hughes for her presentation on skulls which was enjoyed by all. They had one student graduate recently from the program and we’re very proud of him.
iv. Education – Stephanie B., Eileen N, and Marge G.
Eileen reported: trolley tour is available at Mill Creek Park. The cost is $10 for adult Mahoning County residents (nonresidents $12), $7 for seniors (age 60 and over), and
children (12 and under). Payment is due in advance to Marge. The date will be Sept. 20 at 1:30 pm. Sign up sheet for this was distributed.
Marge also mentioned the Perennial Post events: field trip, 9 to 11 a.m. on July 22; Coffee with Clara – Daylilies, Phlox, Echinacea, 9 to 11 a.m. July 22.
Our next MGV monthly meeting is on Aug.11 at the Smucker House (purple house) and we will have a dinner/potluck that night. We are asked to bring a covered dish to share.
The Smucker House is located in Salem at 271 S. Broadway St.
Jim Z. will talk to Peg Z. about supplying paper products and drinks.
v. Garden Conference- nothing new to report
vi. Hospitality- nothing new to report
vii. Plant and Pest Clinic- David reminded us that the clinic is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9-12pm. Help is always needed.
viii . OSU Extension Grounds — Mike B
Mike thanked the six people that helped on June 29. They were greatly appreciated. There will be another work session from 5 -7 p.m. on July 27 Volunteers are encouraged and welcomed to help Please bring straight-edged shovels if you have them.
ix. Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B
Wreaths will be placed on veterans’ graves on Dec. 3 at 10 am. Eric requested that the committee remind him of the date in advance so he can put it in the Vindicator.
Al announced that there are plans to plant flowers around the Veterans building on the Canfield Fairgrounds (log cabin).
c. Administrative Report – Eric
i. Eric announced that we are continuing to collect food and toiletries for the Youngstown City School District. Collections will continue through July 28th and
items may be brought to the OSU Ext office from 8-4:30 pm. A flyer on this was provided. Please contribute to this needy project.
d. Business and Discussion
i. Bio and Pictorial Directory
Marilyn is awaiting short bios for the newsletter. Please email yours to Marilyn. Candace will contact us for bios and pictures from members in order to complete the MGV directory. Kristen will email the finished directory to the membership.
III. Planning
a. Administration and Communications- Marilyn M and Pam B
Marilyn announced that the State Conference will be live this year on Oct. 7-8 in Cleveland at the Warrensville Heights Marriott and encouraged us to attend.
Meeting was adjourned. Submitted by:
Marie Belfast, Secretary