MGV Minutes for November 10, 2022

MGV Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2022

The MGV meeting was opened with the pledge being led by Bob Eister on November 10, 2022, at 6:30 pm. Bob Eister recognized all the Master Gardener Volunteers with November birthdays and the MGVs sang “Happy Birthday” to them.

Committee Reports:

Plant and Pest – David Sprague reported the clinic review will be on Thursday, November 17 at 11:00 am at the extension office. Lunch will be provided. If you plan to attend, call or email Candace. Any MGV is welcome to attend. The clinic staff will review the processes of the clinic and discuss any changes that need to be made. David also said the clinic received 10-15 questions about plants and pests from the Canfield Fair.

Community Outreach – Patty Kacenski commented that the Jr Master Gardeners had a wonderful year.

Education – Stephanie Barkay and Pam Baytos said they need help with some painting and greens for the upcoming Garden Art Classes. The Holiday Container Class will be on November 15th and the Holiday Centerpiece will be on December 13th and 14th. Pam said the Holiday Centerpiece class had 30 people sign up, so they decided to have an additional class. Pam said the Hypertufa class was also a big class. Stephanie also told us they want to restart Coffee with Master Gardeners next year but may rename it.

OSU Extension Grounds and Veterans Committee – Mike Beaudis told us the Wreaths for Veterans will be on December 3 at Eckis Cemetery. He asked MGVs to be at the cemetery by 9:00 am to help prepare and label wreaths.

Bob Eister told us to save the date of January 12, 2023, for the MGV Banquet. The banquet will be at A La Cart Catering.

Administrative Reports:

Haley told us our banquet will be at A La Cart Catering because of the construction at Canfield Fairgrounds for the new event center.

There will be a Hands-On Connect Open House on Tuesday, November 15th from 9 am to 7 pm. MGVs can come in anytime for help with HOC.

If you haven’t picked up your shirts, you can pick them up after the meeting.

If you are interested in helping out with the Garden Art Classes or being a speaker, you can email Kristen.

MGV Business

Bob told us that the main purpose tonight is to understand the duties of the committees and make nominations for chairs of each of the committees. Haley did a brief overview of each committee. The MGVs also received the Master County Gardener Volunteer Handbook at the October meeting with a description of the committees. There are more handbooks available.

Nominations were taken for the committees for chairpersons and co-chairs for 2023:

Communication – Pam Baytos told us the emails she sends out about upcoming education are one of her responsibilities as co-chairperson of communication.

Co-chairperson nominations were Pam Baytos and Marilyn McKinley.

Canfield Fair – Bob also told us that there may also be co-chairs for the Canfield Fair. The co-chairs would work together to set up the Columbiana County Fair and the Canfield Fair using the same theme and materials.

No nomination was made during the meeting.

Community Outreach – Bob said this committee assists with community gardens and includes the Jr. Master Gardeners.

Co-chairperson nominations were Lois Martin-Uscanowski and Theresa Harris.

Education – Stephanie Barkay told us this committee is a large committee. It includes planning education for the public and MGVs. Stephanie also added that last year as chairperson, she had co-chairs to help with some of the different roles.

Co-Chairperson nominations were Stephanie Barkay and Marge Greenisen.

Garden Conference – There were 2 chairpersons nominated: Marianna Eister, and Jim Merva, (Lillian Quaranta and Carolyn Fankhauser offered to run the craft sale.)

Hospitality – Chairperson nomination was Peg Zeleznik.

Pollinator Gardens – Marilyn mentioned that the Pollinator Gardens is now a separate committee. Before, it was included in the community outreach committee. This committee includes active pollinator gardens in Columbiana County and new pollinator gardens requested.

Co-chairperson nominations were Gail Siembida and Marilyn McKinley.

Plant and Pest Clinic – Chairperson nomination was David Sprague.

OSU Extension Grounds – Mike Beaudis requested that any MGVs that sign up for this committee to show up and help when asked.

Co-chairperson nominations were Mike Beaudis and Paula Kohler.

Veterans – Co-chairperson nominations were Al Leonhart and Mike Beaudis.

BOTO – Pinky Steffen told us as chairperson she made sure plants were available for the plant sale. She also organized the Buy One Take One (BOTO).

No nominations were made during the meeting.

Bob told the MGVs that we are still taking nominations for chairs and co-chairs. He asked that we consider taking on or sharing responsibility for one of the available committees. We encourage everyone to step up, try something out of their comfort zones and try something. We have event plans on file. Many experienced helpers are available to offer assistance and guidance.  Eric told us he may make some phone calls to encourage MGVs to fill all the committee chair positions.

Marilyn McKinley thanked everyone by name that helped with the pollinator gardens. She also told us that Salem had asked us to design a new pollinator garden and that was done.

Marge Greenisen told us Smucker House was having a home tour On December 3rd and 4th. Marge provided a flyer with the details.

Eric was presenting a slideshow on his trip to the Gardens of France after the meeting.

Bob adjourned the meeting.



Kathy Costa