MGV Meeting Minutes – January 2021

January 14th 2021 – MGV Meeting

  • Pam presided over the January meeting in the absence of Carol Smith, who had another commitment.  A recertification e-mail will be sent out to ask members to recertify after the MGV/VMS site gets “reset.” This has been a challenge because we thought we were moving to a new system, but that will not happen until July 1. Please be patient with those working with the hours (VMS) system. It is appreciated!
  • Eric submitted the new totals for membership for 2021. There are 64 active,  11 interns and 13 emeriti  MGV members. This is the FINAL number for 2021.  The state only recognizes the active members for fees, awards and related activities.  If you have any changes in email and cell phones please call before we send out the new listing (email to
  • Pam said a notice will be sent out on the next MGV chat date we will be having on February 23rd at 1:00 pm. Lori will be sending an email to all members for sign ups for all the committee work. We still need chairpersons for Field Trips, Publicity, Garden Art Series, and Mentoring New MGV’s committees, along with a secretary to fill in for Rick who is leaving  soon. Kristen’s doing Zoom presentation classes on January 26 at 10:00 am and February 23rd at 3:00pm.
  • Eric is calling for MGV members to submit more articles for the Valley Grows Section of the vindicator.  Even if you have only enough words for part of an article you might give Eric a call to see if you are on the right track to finish it. Kristen will be sending out a list of classes that the community might be interested in having an article written about.  Pam submitted we are always looking for new ideas for MGV classes.
  • Dave said the virtual clinic is still running through the winter months every two weeks on Thursday. They had five questions today which is pretty good for January.
  • Need ideas for a new cemetery site in Mahoning County for the Wreaths for Veterans Program. The ideal location would be around 100 veteran grave sites, recent burials so families can be involved in the 2021 ceremony, and the possibility of a partnership to take over after two years.  Let Mike Beaudis know of the contact person for the cemetery if you have a cemetery in mind.
  • Pinky talked about the Bring One Take One / Shrub Sale.  The event  will be in August, depending on the pandemic. We have a license to have a plant sale. We will be having it at the extension office in the big back room and outside – with both events planned in conjunction, but maybe at different times. Pinky will lead the efforts!
  • Marilyn suggested we should work on state awards for our area because of the amount of successful MGV events coming out of Mahoning County compared to the rest of the state. Need to get a committee together to explore ideas.
  • We will be working on Community Outreach with the Pollinator Gardens and Smucker House in Salem when the weather breaks this spring.
  • Kary has some plans for a Three Sister Garden for the Jr. Master Gardeners this year. Kristen said we are having the 1.50 child abuse  Zoom training classes on January 21st and February 9th. Any volunteers for the committee would be greatly appreciated, please let Kary know. Any MGV working with a youth program MUST attend the in person training.
  • Kristen suggested that anyone writing an article for the Vindicator would also be able to teach a zoom class using the same material.  Eric suggested that he and Bill Snyder could do a “Stump The Expert” Zoom seminar.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm, next meeting February 11th

-Rick Patterson  MGV Secretary

MGV Minutes – October 2020

MGV Zoom Meeting – October 8th

  • We had a rather informal meeting covering not only items from our Oct. newsletter but questions and information from our members.
  • Kristen informed us that the office hours are now Monday Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 4:00 but are only offering curbside service.  From experience it’s best to call before you go to office to make sure the office staff are not attending zoom meetings.  Our virtual classes are being scheduled through next March.  We need master gardeners to sign up to teach these classes.  Kristen will gladly help you with subject matter and get you all set up to present.  It’s really a painless process!  BE BRAVE A shout out to Patty Kacenski and Marge Greenisen members of the 2020 class for volunteering to lead a zoom class.  Make sure to “tune in” and support them.
  • Marilyn informed us that the VMS system we now use will be changing next year.  You should save your hours on paper (after entering them Oct. 31 for this year) and the new system should be in effect by June 2021.  ——–NOTICE THIS IS OLD NEWS. READ FUTURE MINUTES FOR CORRECT, NEW INFO.
  • Wreaths for Veterans is being held Dec. 12th at Vaughn Cemetery Lake Milton Ohio.  This where we held it last year and will again order the wreaths from Tractor Supply complete with bows.  More information will be sent as event gets closer.
  • Our virtual banquet will be held Dec. 3rd at 6pm.  Lori and Kristen have been working on this for us and we will be enjoying dessert (of our choice!) together and they also have games for us to enjoy.  This will also have more information coming as our banquet gets closer.
  • If you are interested in being a person to look and report sightings of the spotted lanternfly call the office to watch the information video on how to go about this process.  This is an opportunity to get some volunteer hours and exercise at the same time.
  • Our listings of upcoming zoom classes are on the OSU website calendar.  If you have missed one call Kristen and she can send you the link to view the recording.
  • Articles are needed for the Valley Grows page. Eric sent an email with a few suggestions, but at this time fall going into winter articles are the best.  Drop an email to Eric or Kristen with subject matter to make sure another person isn’t writing about the same thing.
  • Eileen Novotny brought a new project idea to us concerning the rebuilding of the nature classroom at Hilltop Elementary School.  The idea is going to be presented to Eric for approval and information of this project (should we do it) will become available and committee will be formed.
  • The MGV virtual state conference is being held Oct. 22-23.  The conference is both days from 8:45am -12:30pm and costs $40. This includes a copy of keynote Brie Arthur’s book Gardening with Grains.  The Awards program is Oct. 22 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm and is free to all.   You must register for both of these events at
  • The clinic has served 250 people as of last month.  Thanks to Dave and his committee who have kept this service open to the public during this shutdown!
  • We discussed methods for storing elephant ear, canna, and dahlia bulbs over winter……this would be a great Vindy article.
  • Remember to log on to our next MG zoom chat on Oct. 20th at 1pm.  Hope to see you then.

– Rick Patterson  Secretary  MGV