MGV Minutes for November 9, 2023

I.          Opening

a.   Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance (Veteran Volunteers and spouses) – Bob recognized the veterans and their spouses for their service and sacrifices they have contributed toward our freedom. Marilyn read a heartfelt letter honoring all veterans for their service and sacrifices they made for keeping America strong and free.

b.   Special Speaker – Kristen introduced our OSU staff speaker, Alex, who did a presentation at the end of the meeting on Team Building.


II.        Reports

a.   Officer Reports

i.      Secretary Recording – Kathy C & Marie B

ii.    Co. Coordinator – Pam B (State Awards Report) – Pam showed us an award sticker for this year to be applied to our existing award’s plaque. Pam told us we won a $100 cash award for Invasive Species, (featured at the Canfield Fair) and another $100 cash award for our Veggies and More/Good Nature Garden Partners program.

b.   Committee Reports

i.      Plant and Pest Clinic – David S.

The clinic review is scheduled for November 20th and MGV officers are welcome to attend. The clinic is in winter hours and mostly answering questions now. Email if you are planning to attend the review.

ii.    Community Outreach – Thresea H reported we will use a patriotic theme for the Christmas tree at Fellows Gardens. Thresea asked to have a subcommittee for decorating the Christmas Tree. The plan is to decorate the tree on November 29th at 10am.

Lois expressed sympathy on the passing of one of our MGVs, Maggie Wellington, and has prayer cards from her services.

iii.   Education – Stephanie B told us we now have 7 educational kits. The kits are kept in a storage closet near the office kitchen. Some of the kits are incomplete. We will have a sign-up sheet to keep track of the kits. Stephanie asked if anyone has another one of our educational kits to bring it to the office to be cataloged. Stephanie said she believes we have more kits that have not been located as yet. She said a list of the kits available for MGV training and speaker use will be completed soon.

iv.   Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Mike B – The Wreaths for Veterans will be on Saturday, December 2 at 10am at Canfield Cemetery, 315 E Main St, Canfield. Mike asked for MGVs to be there at 8:30am to put tags on the wreaths. American Legion Post will present a ceremony with our Chester K as speaker. This event will be held regardless of weather.

c.   Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen

i.      HOC Connect Open HouseàDecember 12th from 9 am to 6 pm. Kristen asked those attending to bring their username and password. You may bring your own laptops, iPads to use. We were reminded again to enter our MGV hours by Dec. 31 into HOC. Please enter HOC hours ASAP!

ii.    Each MGV in attendance received an invite to the MGV Banquet to be held on January 11th at A La Carte restaurant at 6:30. Doors open at 6pm. Kristen will mail invites to those not in attendance. Please RSVP by Dec.18.

iii.   Get ready for Elections:  Kristen described the duties of the officers and Leadership Team members as well as reviewing qualifications and terms of service.

iv.   Expectations of Committees – Chairs Responsibilities: Bob E. reviewed the MGV Committee chairpersons’ responsibilities/guidelines. Committee descriptions were also read.

v.    Kristen passed out the MGV Survey for 2024 for us to complete on the strengths and suggestions for the MGV program. If you want a response from the office, please put your name on the form. Kristen said the surveys can be put in the box when turned in tonight. The surveys may also be taken home and returned to the office before our December meeting begins. There will also be an online version of the survey in the December Newsletter. Please try to get the survey returned soon so the results can be included in our program review scheduled for the December MGV meeting.


III.      Business and Discussion

a.    Nominations for Officers and Chairperson

President: Pam Baytos, Bob Eister

Vice President:  Stephanie Barkay

Recording Secretary:  Co-secretaries:  Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

Communications Liaison: Co-liaisons:  Marilyn McKinley and Kary Shively

Bring One Take One: Co-Chairs:  Debbie Tominey and Ryan Emmet-Luchansky

Canfield Fair: Jim Zeleznik

Community Outreach: Co-chairs: Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski

Education: Co-chairs: Karen Gates and Mariann Mannion

Garden Conference:  Co-chairs: Marianna Eister and Jim Merva

Hospitality: Co-Chairs: Natalie Fraser, Peg Zeleznik, and Rhonda Harris

Pollinator Gardens:  Co-Chairs: Gail Siembida, Pinky Steffen, and Marge Greenisen

Plant and Pest Clinic:  David Sprague

OSU Grounds: Co-Chairs:  Mike Beaudis and Paula Kohler

Recruitment and Retention:  Co-Chairs: Bob Eister and Bob Ferguson

Veterans:  Co-Chairs: Mike Beaudis, Chester Kaschak, and Al Leonhart

(Kristen will arrange for online voting as we did previously)

IV.     Planning

a.   Future Action R&R- January 16 Open House -Bob E reviewed the MGV position list used in the September Open House. He asked those who helped previously to confirm their willingness to assist in the January event and urged us to place it on our calendars. He also reminded us that there will be an R&R Zoom Meeting on Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 pm.

b.   Future Training Objectives

PowerPoint Slideshow Creation Class

Projector-Computer Troubleshooting Class

*If you have a topic you would like to see next year, please email Kristen.

V.       Adjourn

Note: *** Following the MGV business meeting we had a fun team-building and personality activity led by Alex!


 Wednesday, November 15th,  6:00PM à Mahoning County Master Gardeners 2023 Garden Art Series.

Topic: Holiday Containers

Saturday, December 2nd at 10 a.m. à Wreaths for Veterans – Canfield Cemetery – 315 E Main Street, Canfield, OH 44406

 Tuesday, December 5TH, 6:00PM à Garden Art Series

Topic: Holiday Centerpiece

Tuesday, December 5th 7:30 pm à Next R&R Meeting Date: Zoom

Wednesday, December 6TH, 6:00PM à Garden Art Series

Topic: Holiday Centerpiece

Sunday, December 31st à Hours MUST be entered in Hands on Connect

Thursday, January 11th Doors open at 6 pm à MGV Banquet at A La Carte

Tuesday, January 16th from 3 pm to 5 pm à Next MGV Open House Date:

Snow Date: Thursday, January 18th from 3 pm to 5 pm

 Submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa, secretaries.