MGV Minutes – February 2020

MGV Monthly Meeting , February 13, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President, Carol E. Smith who also led the pledge to the flag.


Marilyn McKinley introduced the program speakers, Meredith Konya, MD,physiatrist, and Matt Lorenzi, DPT.  They are with the Cleveland Clinic, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy.  They shared ways to keep ourselves healthy while gardening.


Business Items:

Al Leonhart gave an updated list to Pam for additional plates for the memory bench.  Additional names are being checked.


2020 Membership Year:  all MGVs are up to date and the new contact list will be emailed soon. You can pick up a hard copy at the OSU Extension office at any time.


MGV Training:

There are 18 trainees.  Mentors are needed, so please sign up.  All MGVs are encouraged to attend some of the classes.  Let office know if you are going to attend.


OCVN Training:

There are 17 in the new class.


Spring Seminar:

Will be held two days:  April 18th and April 25th at the Extension Office.  Both days will include a walk about the gardens on the property and a garden art topic (make and take).  The classes for making a garden art project will be offered in the am or pm both days –  but the tickets for entry will specify morning or afternoon session to keep people from overcrowding sessions.  Hours will be from 9am to 3pm.  Cost will be $40 each day.  MGVs who work will be $10 to cover lunch. MGVs who are a speaker will be $0.  Topics for the two days will be April 18th:  sustainable gardening; and April25th:  Laura Deeter’s topic will be “Good things in the Landscape.”

Please sign up for one or more of the subcommittees to help one or both of the days.


Committee Reports: All MGVs should now be signed-up to be on at least one committee. Eric is sending messages to all members who are not signed up to be sure they understand the committee requirement.


Clinic:  David Sprague reported that he will be introducing the new class to the Plant and Pest Clinic.  Clinic will be opened beginning April 1st on Mondays and Thursdays from 9am to 12 noon.


Hospitality:  Rhonda Harris reporting for Peg Zeleznik asked sent sign-up sheets around for lunches for the MGV classes. MGVs must complete the “Occasional Quantity Cooks” training in order to provide home cooked food or can purchase food if you don’t have the state training.  (Training must be completed every three years). OSU staff and Peg will help you with whatever you need for the training.


Garden Art Series:  P. Zeleznik will chair this committee.  Anyone interested is encouraged to sign up for the committee. We promise it will be TONS of fun!!


Community Outreach:  Judy Rodkey is looking for speakers for Earth Day (let Judy  or Eric know if you can do this one) and for one of the garden clubs.  Contact Judy if interested in other opportunities. The OSUE office takes calls for garden talks, then contacts an MGV based on the topic. If you are willing to help – we can get you the info you need to do a simple show-and-tell talk with the kits Eric provides for us.


Save the Dates:

April 18th is the 4-H Endowment Dinner and Fundraiser.

December 3rd will be the Volunteer Dinner to be held at the extension office.


Marilyn McKinley let everyone know that our MGV Secretary, Rick Patterson had a detached retina with surgery and will be out for at least 8 weeks.  We wish him a successful surgery!


Respectfully submitted,

Becky Borman for Rick Patterson, secretary