MGV Minutes April 2022

MGV Minutes for April 14, 2022
Bob Eister opened the meeting welcoming the new 2022 MGV’s in attendance. Tom Petrilla led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob then introduced MGV Marge Greenisen, who gave a comprehensive presentation on Invasive Insect Species. This counted as 1 hour of Continuing Education for those present. After the Invasive Species presentation, April MGV birthdays were announced and honored. All MGVs in attendance introduced themselves so the new interns would get to know them and stated their year graduating from the MGV program and stated the town where they live.

Committee Reports:

Bring One Take One-Pinky Steffen announced committee emails and meetings start in June. She suggested we collect garden essentials to be donated and propagating plants for the event.
Canfield Fair-Carolyn Fankhauser reported that this group met before our meeting and decided on flowers for the fair. The theme is “Bringing in Sunshine and Tranquility into Your Gardens” and will be using white and yellow flowers for this event. Also, there will be an outside children’s Italian garden (pizza/lasagna)! Please get in touch with her or Rhonda Harris if you can start seeds to bloom for the Fair time.

Community Outreach-Thresea Harris informed us that Local Flavor will begin on the first Monday of June and continues on Monday nights through the summer. A calendar for this is in the process of publication with dates and garden locations. The Good Nature Garden Partners program also starts in June.

Kary Shively reported that the Junior Master Gardeners have planted peas, checked their garlic and adopted three apple trees. Their next meeting is April 26th at 5:30. Kary also informed us that City Scape on June 14th. This is an event that involves many people in the community of Youngstown. Leslie Moore and Katie Shipka volunteered to help out at this event.

Education-Carolyn Fankhauser discussed field trip events. The first is to the Warther Museum/gardens on May 7th. Cost is $13 check or cash only. Let her know if you are interested. Trolley tours in Mill Creek Park are in May/June and there is a fee. Trolleys hold seven people.

Stephanie Barkay announced the following: There is a need for a speaker in the morning of April 18 at the Jewish Community Center to teach children about gardening. The City of Canfield is in need of a MGV to lead children on a walk-through of the Fair Park on May 5 from 5-7pm.
The Shenango Valley Garden Club would like a guest speaker as well. They meet the 2nd Monday of the month and are willing to come to our OSU office. (about 20 adults)

Garden Conference-Marianna Eister shared information on the Spring Horticulture Conference taking place on Saturday, April 23 and April 30 at our OSU Extension site. The office opens at 8a.m. Parking lot volunteers should be on site at 8:15. Parking is very limited and she suggests carpooling. There are other big events in the area at the fairgrounds both days and parking on both dates will be very limited. You may want to consider meeting at spots nearby.
There is a $10 charge for a full day workers’ lunch. You may pay at the registration table the day of the event. If you have an emergency and are unable to work on the day that you volunteered,
please call Marianna Eister at 330-402-5157. Bob and Marianna Eister thanked everyone who signed up to help work the Garden Conference. Lil Quaranta announced that she is still collecting garden art items to sell at the Conference (even garden books). Contact Lil if you have anything to donate. They will take cash or checks only for any items purchased at the sale.
Hospitality- Peg Zeleznik and Natalie Fraser thanked all those that helped provide food for the 2022 MGV class training sessions. The 2022 MGV’s in attendance also thanked the committee for the delicious food provided! Sign-up sheets to provide dessert for the two upcoming conference dates were passed out. We need donations of muffins, brownies, cookies (3 dozen please) and these can be dropped off at the office on Friday before each event date. Please put your name on the items. If you would like to contribute and were not at the meeting you may call Peg Z. If you would like to bake something and haven’t taken the “Occasional Quantity Cooks” course you may call Kristen for info on it. You must complete the course prior to your donation of cooked or baked items.
Plant and Pest Clinic- David Sprague says that the clinic is now open Mondays and Thursdays 9-12 and the next refresher to help in the clinic is on April25 at 12:30. Let him or Kristen know if you want to attend.

Veterans – Al Leonhart told us that there was a work session April 13 and that they expect to have the area mulched by Memorial Day.

Administrative Report- Kristen reminded us to spread the word about the Garden Conference, Naturalist series, classes on-line, and upcoming classes at the Extension office including Garden Art monthly classes. Please share on social media. Marilyn McKinley provided colorful flyers on each of the Garden Conference days’ events to pass out and post. Kristen also announced a 4-H Fabric Frenzy fundraiser on May 5 from 8-8pm and May 6 from 8-4:30pm.

Bob reminded us to continually log all our volunteer and CE hours into HOC (Hands on Connect). It is each MGV members personal responsibility to input their own hours for credit in HOC. If you need assistance to log in – call the office. Your hours working for the Garden Conference need placed in the Garden Conference category.

New Business-
We have a new Community Outreach Opportunity- Bob announced that the Veterans Administration of Youngstown and East Liverpool are looking for programs and education to help Veterans. The VA is taking are taking a new whole person approach to healthy living and is requesting gardening instruction. There is a possible place to demonstrate at Jubilee Gardens for these Veterans to garden. Eric is currently checking on providing Zoom programs for the veterans to begin the program. A sign-up sheet for MGV’s interested in developing the program was passed around. Contact Bob Eister or Stephanie Hughes if you are interested in helping to develop this program. We already have some volunteers on the helper list, but could use more.
If you haven’t filled out the Specialty Topics and Skills sheet for MGV, please do so. Bob would like to use this info to identify our strengths for requests made for volunteering opportunities. Survey forms are in office and available tonight. The Survey codes and worksheet will be emailed to everyone soon.

MGV Katie Shipka will be our guest speaker at our next meeting on May 12th and will speak on Bluebirds.

Finally, Bob reminded us to be patient, look to our left and right! Get to know our new Interns. We are all volunteers, let’s get involved! See you at a Spring Conference session.
Bob Eister adjourned the meeting at 830 pm.

Marie Belfast-Secretary & Leslie Moore-Assistant