MGV Minutes – November 2020

November 2020 MGV Meeting

  • The November MGV Meeting kicked off by President Carol Smith leading us all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Kristen reported that a virtual wrap up meeting took place at the Pest and Plant Clinic on Tuesday November 9th. The members of the clinic have chosen to continue virtual clinic through the winter months. The clinic will meet every other Thursday from 10:00 am to 12 noon, November to April. The clinic will then meet again as a group in March to see what the environment is like to start back up for regular clinic.  David wants to think of ways for the new MGV trainees to get involved with the clinic.
  • Pam will be presenting Holiday Container and Arrangements the first week of December.
  • Eric reported on the Valley Grows Section of the Newspaper.  Articles are still needed and he is asking all of us to write about what interests us for the paper.  Eric sent out an email on November 19 with a list of ideas about gardening and nature that may spark our creative juices.  The paper is improving about including pictures with the articles. Just send the caption with the photo. You can also send a plug for the page by sending Eric a sentence of interest along with the fact sheet.  Drop Eric an email with the subject matter to make sure another person is not writing about the same thing.
  • Grounds Committee did a lot of clean up of the landscaping at the Extension Office last Tuesday. The large room in the back of the office acquired since the BMV moved out, is getting a new 20 year plus warranty floor.  Some wood working will be required to renovate the countertops.
  • The Wreaths For Vets will take place December 12th at 10:00 am at the Vaughn Cemetery at Lake Milton.  If you are not on the committee and want to help, give Mike an email asking him what time for you to be there to help lay wreaths at the veteran grave sites.
  • Kari reports that the Junior Master Gardeners have cleaned up and finished for the year and are making plans for next year.
  • Thresea reported that the kids had fun and learned some gardening skills as well in the Good Nature Garden Partners with help from Kristen.
  • Kristen asked if anyone wants to do an online class, please give her a call because she is looking at dates in January and February
  • The Virtual Recognition Banquet this year will be held December 3rd at 6:30 pm.  Lori and Kristen have been working on putting together a lot of fun activities for us to enjoy. Enjoy your favorite desert while attending the banquet.
  • The VMS system is going away.  Keep your hours after November 1st on paper until the new system arrives.

– Rick Patterson  Secretary  MGV

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