Traffic Accident

What you need to know:

  • Who can direct traffic off-property? (What are legal obligations?)
  • Have you prepared and given a map to local fire and rescue for easy access to farm areas?
  • If access blockage occurs, do you need additional signage for large crowds?
  • Are employees provided reflective or other appropriate gear for directing traffic on premise?

What other issues may arise from a vehicle accident?

  • How do you deal with vehicles stuck in the mud or off road?
  • Consider aggressive guest strategies to deal with those involved in the accident
  • Make a plan for closed or reduced access to farm
    • This creates additional issues
    • Directing Traffic, who?

What specific procedures should you consider?

  • Train staff to call 911 and give location
  • Treat as an off farm accident
  • Provide emergency access to first responders
  • Work with officials to mitigate risk to emergency responders
  • In this case, your specific procedures should be reviewed by the local police with jurisdiction at your location.

Sometimes accidents occur on the roadway. Keep in mind that this is outside the responsibility of the farm, but you can give assistance as needed. Train your staff to call 911 and give the location of the accident. You should be able to provide access to the scene if needed while  working with responding officials to try to mitigate risk to those emergency responders. This may include putting some signage up, helping with traffic or providing parking if needed.

Ideas of procedures you may choose to adopt:


  1. Determine if someone is injured.
  2. If someone is injured, refer to medical emergencies.
  3. If no injuries, clear area of guests. Call police to report. Give location.
  4. Stay on the scene to comfort guests and avoid the escalation of a tense situation. Use calm voices. Avoid discussing fault. State everyone is fine and the police are on their way.
  5. Work with officials to mitigate risk to emergency responders (the crowd and other tasks they ask you to assist with). Do not take on the roles of EMTs or police.


  1. Determine if someone is injured. Notify 9-1-1 of injuries.
  2. Work to provide alternative entrance and egress to property if needed.
  3. If no injuries, clear area of guests. Call police to report. Give location. Stay on the line.
  4. Encourage removal of vehicles from blocking road.
  5. Work with officials to mitigate risk to emergency responders. Do not take on the roles of EMTs or police.

Next: Chapter 6 Training Resources