Agritourism Ready

A One Stop Shop for preparing your emergency management plan

A publication of The College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Department of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering (FABE). FABE Bulletin #999.1

Ohio State University Extension is excited to bring this curriculum to farm families in Ohio and across the nation. This project is the result of two grant projects, focusing on the unmet need for emergency preparedness materials within the agritourism industry in Ohio.

The curriculum focus is seven units, comprised of chapters specific to Risk Management and addressing potential emergencies. Chapters within each unit strive to educate the farm management team to develop their plan, including the details needed to print a detailed emergency preparedness plan for use in their business. Part of this plan will be a posted flip-chart for hands-on access to employees and others who will assist with the response to and mitigation of the emergency.

This optimized website was developed for use by the management team in preparing the plan and to educate employees on how to deal with specific emergencies.  It can also be used by educators to teach this curriculum.

This project aims to increase the overall emergency preparedness capacity of agritourism and direct marketing enterprises, which in turn increases the preparedness of the communities in which they exist.

This material is based upon work supported by USDA-NIFA under AwardNumber 2013-41210-21191


First published 2015. Revised 2017, 2019, 2021.

Start Here:

 First Unit: How to Start Your Plan 

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