Training Resources

Management Team Review:

  1. Discuss each chapter, using the workbook page.
  2. Answer the questions on the workbook page. (Fill in the numbers you need and the information to know.)
  3. Look at the resources to review listed on workbook page and brainstorm other resources as needed.
  4. Review scenarios to help process similar situations that may happen at your business.
  5. Edit procedures to follow specific to your business.

Employee Training:

For chapters which are to be included in your Flipbook (Lost Person, Aggressive Guest, and Armed Intruder), you need to do the following:

  1. Introduce the topic at an employee training.
  2. Show the appropriate video(s).
  3. Use the activity sheet to train employees on your business’ specific practices, discussing how to respond to situations.
  4. Review the corresponding Flipbook page for your business.

 Activities – Scenarios to be used for employee training:


Filpbook pages

Workbook – security

Next Unit: Recover Practices