Employees will be the front line for the future of your business in the case of an emergency. Training them to effectively implement your plan is an important task. Planning for the training of employees should begin now and be part of the process that develops the first draft of the farm’s emergency preparedness plan.
To prepare the management team for training, we suggest asking these questions:
- What is the objective of the training? Use the objectives and ‘posting page’ for the specific, potential emergency will help you plan the sections of your training. The details in our sample plan have categorized potential emergencies to make these easier for your to plan for, and for training. The introduction to the training should emphasize the importance of being a leader and a good communicator during an emergency situation.
- What are the principal steps in the task and in what sequence should they be done? We recommend following your emergency preparedness plan in order of the flipbook. That is the order of this website, as well. You may not need videos and scenarios for each section, but they are here if needed. You may decide to use specific scenarios from your business. While this works in some circumstances, using certain specific examples can lead to longer training times. Too much time is spent on the, ‘what could have been,’ instead of an action plan for the future.
BE PREPARED – Having answered these two questions, you are now ready to prepare equipment, materials, learning aids and the work place for the actual training. Make a list of what you will use for training for each flipbook page – i.e. – computer/large screen to show video, scenario for that section, role play or other form of interactive training.
The actual instruction can be aided by a five step teaching method:
- PREPARE the learner. Learners are prepared when they are at ease, understand why they need to learn the task, are interested in learning, have the confidence that they can learn and the trainer can teach. The most important part of learner preparation is creating a need to know or desire to learn on the part of the trainee. It helps to show enthusiasm for the task, relate the task to what the learner already knows, help the learner envision being an expert in the task, have the learner explain how the task will relate to success on a dairy farm, add fun and prestige to the task when possible and associate the task with respected co-workers.
- TELL the learner about each step or part of the task.
- SHOW the learner how to do each step or part of the task. In demonstrating the task, explain each step emphasizing the key points and more difficult steps. Remember the little and seemingly simple parts of the task. Get the learner involved by asking questions about what is being shown.
- Have the learner DO each step of the task while being observed by the trainer and then without the trainer observing. Ask the learner to explain each step as it is performed. If steps or parts of the task are omitted, re-explain the steps and have the learner repeat them.
- REVIEW each step or part of the task with the learner, offering encouragement, constructive criticism and additional pointers on how to do the job. Be frank in the appraisal. Encourage the learner toward self-appraisal.
Now that you have an outline for your training, double check additional training resources in the link below.