The workbook is the framework for the plan. Completing the workbook will result in a complete plan that can be used and continually updated by the farm team. The workbook is available in both PDF or PowerPoint.

Agritourism Workbook Authors

Eric Barrett OSU Extension Educator
Dee Jepsen, PhD OSU Extension State Specialist
Rob Leeds OSU Extension Educator

DOWNLOAD: AgritourismReady Workbook – PDF

– This file will open in a new tab (write-in only), not a fill-in document.

DOWNLOAD: AgritourismReady Workbook – PPT

– This file can be used to edit each page for individual plans. You can use it to make your farm’s plan.

– Extra pages for different kinds of emergencies can be added by using the ‘duplicate slide’ function. Then, simply change the information on the page to meet your farm’s plan.

-We encourage farms to add their own color scheme, logo and other identifiable marks to this plan.