Junior Fair Board: Fair and a Whole Lot More

If you’ve been to the Adams County Fair you’ve probably seen Junior Fair Board members in the barns, around the show ring or working in the office.  They are pretty easy to identify, not only because of their matching shirts and smiling faces, but because they are often the ones doing the work to make things happen fair week.  In Adams County we are fortunate to have a Junior Fair Board that helps run Junior Fair.  They work the make up ring, take over the mic and log weights.  You can find them in the office answering questions, on the computer helping finish show bills or in the barns helping our youth move livestock.  During fair week they log a ton of hours and do a lot of heavy lifting, but Junior Fair Board is a whole lot more.

Our fair year starts at the October meeting.  This is our organizational meeting each year where we welcome new members, fill empty board seats and elect our new officer team.  Over the past three years we have grown as a board to now include 36 members from 4-H, FFA, Scouts, FCCLA and SkillsUSA.  This diversity in groups and members help make us a stronger board, with each member having different experiences and expertise.  Through the fall and winter we work hard to come together as a board, form committees and start planning for fair.  Planning means making lots of decisions.  Each suggestion that is submitted during fair and through early October is reviewed, discussed and voted on by the Junior Fair Board and their recommendations are forwarded to Senior Fair Board.  Our Junior Fair program is truly a youth led organization.

In January we send a delegation of our members to the annual Ohio Fair Manager’s Conference for Junior Fair Day.  This is a terrific opportunity for professional development, gathering new ideas and sharing some of our own strengths with Junior Fair Boards from across the state.  Members who attend are asked to share with the full board something they learned that could help improve and grow our own county fair.  We’ve had some really great ideas, interesting suggestions and a whole lot of laughs come out of this Columbus trip.

As soon as the calendar turns to spring, we start hitting the pavement.  Our Junior Fair Board members are responsible for soliciting donations for all those terrific awards we hand out fair week.  This involves writing letters, making personal contact with many of the donors, and thanking them for their continued support of the youth in our communities.  Spring also brings weigh-ins, tag-ins and clinics.  Everything from unloading trailers, to tattooing livestock to recording weights is handled by our Junior Fair Board members and advisors.  Again, these events couldn’t happen without those who show up and do the work.

And then we get to fair season.  Junior Fair work days have become one of my favorite experiences.  In two days we clean, weed, plant, bed, paint and organize everything we can get our hands on.  With the help of our Ag teachers, 4-H Clubs and Senior Fair Board, we make sure the grounds are ready and waiting when move in day arrives.

It sounds like a ton of work, right?  Well, I’m not going to lie, it is a lot of work.  It’s also a whole lot of fun.  Most members come onto the board early in their high school career and keep coming back until they age out.  During our monthly meetings we work hard, we laugh a lot and we form friendships.  You gain leadership experience, conflict resolution, and communication skills.  Junior Fair Board is some serious on the job training that you can’t get anywhere else.

If you are interested in joining us on the 2021 Adams County Junior Fair Board, download the application here.  Completed applications are due September 1 to the Extension Office or by emailing watters.92@osu.edu.  You must be at least a freshman in high school and active in an Adams County Junior Fair organization to apply.  If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Kristy or a current Junior Fair Board member.  Hope to see you around the board table!

Important 2020 Junior Fair Information

This year the fair, like everything else, will look a little different.  Fair will run Wednesday, July 15 – Saturday July 18.  We will be following social distancing guidelines, recommending masks and encouraging extra sanitation.  We are able to hold a Junior Fair because we have agreed to work within these guidelines and know that our members, exhibitors and their families will help us put forth our best effort to run a safe and successful Junior Fair.  Here is some information that will help us all have a smoother week:

In Order to Show

  • Complete Quality Assurance if needed.
  • Complete your livestock record book or the livestock record supplement.  Turn this in to your advisor. They will provide the Junior Fair office with a list of members who have completed before 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15.
  • For 2020 ONLY skillathons are optional but encouraged.  They will be posted online on Monday, June 29 through Saturday, July 4.  Watch for more details.
  • Follow all other Junior Fair Rules.

Fair Week

  • Large animals can begin moving in Tuesday, July 14.  Please do not move tack in on Monday as Junior Fair will still be working to ready the grounds.
  • All large animals must be in place by 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15.
  • Small animal check-in begins Wednesday morning.  Please check the schedule.
  • Crop and shop check-in will be Wednesday evening, 4 – 5:30 p.m. at the Floral Hall.  Interviews will be Thursday morning.
  • All livestock will be released at 9 p.m. on the day of their show.
  • Junior Fair Board will not have bedding available for purchase.  Please plan accordingly.
  • Weight limits have not changed for livestock.  Over or under weight projects will not be eligible for awards but will show.
  • While there will not be a sale, there will be a market for your project.  At weigh-in you will be asked if you wish to send your livestock to the packer or take it home.  If you choose packer, you will receive payment directly from the packer/stockyards.
  • Champions in market beef, market hog, market goat, and market lamb must go to the packer.
  • 2020 will be a premium show.  Exhibitors that come to the fair and show their project will receive a premium.  One premium per market livestock exhibitor, not one per project.  The details for this will be released as soon as they are finalized.
  • 4-H Booths are not required for 2020 but space will be provided for clubs that wish to display projects.  Clubs that would like to have a display should contact the Extension office no later than Thursday, July 2.

Health Precautions

  • If you or your family member have a fever, cough or shortness of breath, please stay home from the fair.
  • High risk individuals are also encouraged to stay home.
  • We are working with community supporters to provide a live stream of the livestock shows for those not able to or comfortable with attending.
  • Please observe social distancing in barns, show arena and throughout the grounds.  Maintain 6 feet between your family group and others.
  • Please give families of exhibitors in the ring priority in the show arena.
  • Hand sanitizer and hand washing stations will be placed throughout the grounds.  Frequent hand washing is encouraged.
  • Barns will be closed to the public during their show.
  • Masks are recommended, especially when indoors or social distancing is not possible.

Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

I encourage all of our members and families to exhibit an extra dose of patience, kindness and respect as we navigate these changes.  Although we may have different opinions and views, I believe we all want the best for our youth.  If we continue to work together we can provide an opportunity for them to safely and successfully showcase their hard work.  If you have specific questions, please email watters.92@osu.edu.

Adams County Junior Fair A Go

The Adams County Junior Fair is on for 2020.  Due to COVID-19 the Junior Fair will be shortened to run from Wednesday, July 15 through Saturday, July 18 and the modified schedule will focus on showcasing livestock, crop and shop projects. Plans to recognize special interest projects such as food and nutrition, sewing, fishing, rocketry, etc. as well as horse members are in the works for later this summer.

While the schedule will look different, Junior Fair rules and guidelines, including weight limits, quality assurance requirements and code of ethics will still apply.  Market rabbit exhibitors will see a slight change as they exhibit single fryers in place of a pen of two.  Check-in and release times have also been modified.  Please check the updated schedule for show dates and times.

The Junior and Senior Fair Boards are working with the Adams County Health Department to follow recommended health protocol to protect our members and families.  Social distancing, additional hand washing stations, increased sanitation and limiting crowds inside buildings will be part of the fair this year.  Fair participation is not required for completion of a project and families should make the best choices for themselves.

Continue to watch your email and follow the Adams County Junior Fair Facebook page for details as they are confirmed.


Breeding Livestock and Market Rabbit Registrations Re-Opened

Due to the change of plans for the 2020 Adams County Junior Fair the following registrations have re-opened and are due by the dates listed:

2020 ACJF Beef Breeding-due June 22

2020 ACJF Breeding/Dairy/Other Goat Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Dairy Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Breeding Sheep Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Breeding Swine Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Breeding Rabbit Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Poultry Registration-due June 22

2020 ACJF Market Rabbit Registration – due June 26


Please submit your information in a timely manner so we can accurately plan for fair week.  If you have questions, please email watters.92@osu.edu.

Adams County Jr Fair King and Queen Contest

The 2020 Adams County Junior Fair Royalty applications are available at https://adams.osu.edu/…/4-h-youth-develo…/policies-and-forms.  Applicants must be a current member of a Junior Fair organization between 16 and 18 years of age as of January 1.  The Queen, King and their court serve as positive role models throughout the Adams County Fair and beyond.

Applications are due by June 1, 2020 and can be submitted at https://go.osu.edu/acjfroyalty.  Dates and times of interviews and crowning are subject to change.

Livestock Registration Links

In place of on site tag-in or mail in registration for 2020 we will be using an online submission form to register animals for the Adams County Junior Fair.  Livestock tags will not be distributed prior to fair check-in.  If your animal has an existing tag, tattoo, or ear notch, please enter that information in the appropriate box of the form.  If your animal does not have a tag or other identification and you are able to tag it using a farm tag you are free to do so.

All market animals will be required to upload photos as an additional identification method.  Breeding animals will not require photos.

Below are the links for each species.  These links and other important livestock information can also be found on our Livestock Projects Page or Horse Program Page.

2020 ACJF Market Goat Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Market Lamb Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Feeder Calf Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Market Hog Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Equine Registration  Due May 13

2020 ACJF Beef Breeding  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding/Dairy/Other Goat Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Dairy Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Sheep Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Swine Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Breeding Rabbit Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Poultry Registration  Due June 1

2020 ACJF Market Rabbit Registration is coming soon!  Due June 18

For Market Livestock Exhibitors:
You will be required to upload 3 photos for each market animal you are registering, 1 of each side and one front/tag view.  Make sure to include all the required information listed on the registration submission.  If you are tagging in a “family animal” be sure to include it on one of the registration forms.  If the “family animal” box is checked, you can switch exhibitors at fair check in.  Each exhibitor MUST have at least one animal that is not a family animal.

For Horse Exhibitors:
If the horse is leased, you should upload the completed Lease Agreement.  If you are participating in the Shared Horse Program, please be sure to complete the Shared Horse Agreement and upload it as well.  These forms can be found at https://adams.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/horse-projects.

If you have questions, please contact the office at 937-544-2339 or e-mail Kristy at watters.92@osu.edu or Barbie at rowe.316@osu.edu.

Adams County Junior Fair Quality Assurance

Youth Quality Assurance is an important part of the educational experience for 4-H and FFA members.  Members who plan to exhibit livestock at the 2020 Adams County Fair will be required to complete Quality Assurance prior to exhibition.  The Ohio Department of Agriculture has waived the 45 day before exhibition rule for 2020 only.  ODA has also authorized OSU Extension to deliver Quality Assurance virtually with specific guidelines.

This gives us greater flexibility in planning and delivering the required material to our members.  In Adams County the following options will be available to meet the Quality Assurance requirement for 2020.

Virtual Quality Assurance via Zoom – Kristy will be offering 5 sessions of Quality Assurance through May and early June.  Members must register for the session at least 48 hours prior to the start time and will be emailed a link 24 hours in advance of the session.  Members will need to log in using a computer or the Zoom app available for free to download to your device.  Members will be required to view material, respond to questions and type into the chat box.  If you do not have a microphone on your computer, you can communicate through the chat option.  Register at https://go.osu.edu/adamsqa.  All 5 sessions will cover large and small animal QA and are open to all Adams County 4-H and FFA members.  Attendance will be limited to 40 families per Zoom session.

Online YQCA – For 2020, online YQCA is an approved option to complete Quality Assurance training.  The online course costs $12 per member and each child will be required to have a unique email address.  A help sheet providing step by step instructions for families interested in utilizing this online option is available on the Livestock tab of the Adams County Extension page.  The $12 fee associated with this option is not refundable, cannot be waived by nor is it paid to OSU Extension Adams County.

There will be no test out option for 2020.  Clubs and chapters will receive a list of members who need to be certified from the Extension office.  If you have questions regarding Quality Assurance please contact Kristy at watters.92@osu.edu or Barbie at rowe.316@osu.edu.


Spring Tag-In Goes Virtual

Spring tag-in for the 2020 Adams County Junior Fair will be done online due to the restrictions in place during COVID-19.  Exhibitors will complete online forms to register their livestock for the fair using a combination of photos and farm tags, scrapie id’s and ear notches for identification purposes.  Official fair tags will not be distributed prior to fair check in.  Online registrations are due May 13, 2020 for market goats, market lambs, market hogs and feeders calves.

Both 4-H and FFA members planning to exhibit livestock at the 2020 Adams County Fair will need to complete this online registration.  You will need to submit 3 photos of your animal, one of each side and a front/tag/ear notch view.  Sheep and goats are required to have a scrapie id and cannot be registered without this number.  If your market hog does not have ear notches or a tag or your feeder calf does not have a tag, it is preferable for you to tag these animals prior to submitting your registration.  If you are unable to self tag these animals, please email Kristy at watters.92@osu.edu for further instructions.

2020ACJF Market Goat Registration

2020ACJF Market Lamb Registration

2020 ACJF Feeder Calf Registration

2020ACJF Market Hog Registration

Members enrolled in these projects were emailed the links on April 22, 2020 to the email address provided during enrollment.  If you did not receive an email and are enrolled in one of these projects, please notify the office.

Horse, dairy, breeding livestock, market rabbit, poultry, and specialty goat online submission forms will be released in the near future.

If you have questions regarding the market registration forms please contact the office at 937-544-2339, rowe.316@osu.edu or watters.92@osu.edu.

Market Hog Exhibitor Information

The deadline to submit market hog registration cards and pictures has been extended to May 13 for 2020.  We have been unable to distribute hog tags in the usual way and are working with the Adams County Senior Fair Board to finalize a new process.  We will notify exhibitors by email when we have further details.

If you are purchasing your market hog projects, please remember to have the producer sign the required affidavit stating that the animals are ractopamine free from birth until the time of purchase.  The producer affidavit can be found at https://adams.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/animal-projects#Swine along with the exhibitor affidavit.  Both of these signed and completed forms will be submitted at the time of fair weigh in.

Livestock Exhibitor Information Available

4-H livestock exhibitors and head advisors should have received livestock exhibitor information via email.  Species other than swine went out on March 3 and swine information was distributed on March 8.  Please pay close attention to the livestock exhibitor letter and project requirement chart you received and mark your calendar with important dates.  These documents can also be found here on our county website.

If you did not receive this email, please check with the office to be sure we have the correct email address on file.  Email us at watters.92@osu.edu or call 937-544-2339.