Adams County Junior Fair A Go

The Adams County Junior Fair is on for 2020.  Due to COVID-19 the Junior Fair will be shortened to run from Wednesday, July 15 through Saturday, July 18 and the modified schedule will focus on showcasing livestock, crop and shop projects. Plans to recognize special interest projects such as food and nutrition, sewing, fishing, rocketry, etc. as well as horse members are in the works for later this summer.

While the schedule will look different, Junior Fair rules and guidelines, including weight limits, quality assurance requirements and code of ethics will still apply.  Market rabbit exhibitors will see a slight change as they exhibit single fryers in place of a pen of two.  Check-in and release times have also been modified.  Please check the updated schedule for show dates and times.

The Junior and Senior Fair Boards are working with the Adams County Health Department to follow recommended health protocol to protect our members and families.  Social distancing, additional hand washing stations, increased sanitation and limiting crowds inside buildings will be part of the fair this year.  Fair participation is not required for completion of a project and families should make the best choices for themselves.

Continue to watch your email and follow the Adams County Junior Fair Facebook page for details as they are confirmed.


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