Talk the Talk

Communications Contest Participants, left to right: Kole Henderson, Madee Henderson, Vanessa Trotter, JR Liston, and Erin Simpkins

Public speaking is a fear of many, but a skill that is important to have. However, a few brave 4-H’ers stepped up to test their presentation skills in this year’s Communications Contest.

The Communications Contest is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and present on an issue you are passionate about. Often contestants’ demonstrations will be about their 4-H project. Each youth is asked to give an illustrated talk or demonstration 5-10 minutes long, using visual aids or a slide show. They present in front of a judge and an audience.

This year, five competed at our county level contest on June 24, and qualified for the state contest on August 5. We were very impressed at our county contest and know they will represent Adams County proud.

Good luck to all contestants!

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