Congratulations to the students in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership who were named to the Dean’s List for the 2014 Autumn Semester.
The students with an asterisk(*) beside their name received a 4.0.
Agricultural Communication
Devon Alexander
Meghan Bennett*
Megan Besancon*
Alexandria DeWitt
Kelley Dickman
Tonya Fender
Diane Gress*
Katelyn Johnston
Brooke Rieke Schanowski
Leah Schwinn*
Stacie Seger
Jessica Shanahan
Jarred Shellhouse*
Demi Snider
Nicole Steiner
Erin Williams
Agriscience Education
Katherine Beeney
Nathaniel Birkhimer*
Emily Burns
Michael Clark
Maverick Liles
Rachel McClellan
Charity McMullen
Aaron Miller
Megan Moorman*
Bethany Myers
Cole Riddle
Tanner Schoen
Carley Snider
Katherine Terrell
Christopher Thomas*
Community Leadership
Zachariah Bartenslager
Sarah Bookman
Nolan Champer
Alexander Davidson
Christine Dubler
Haley Duff
Michelle King
Haley Kocher
Lydia Kuhn
Mariah Stollar*
Spencer Williams*