AlumniSpotlight: Audrey Hoey Glass ’17


Audrey Hoey Glass ’17 graduated with a bachelor of science degree in community leadership, with a specialization in community and extension education. She now works for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation as an organization director for Pickaway, Ross, Fairfield and Hocking counties.

[ACEL]: Hi Audrey! Why did you select the major of community leadership?
[Glass]: I chose community leadership as my major, after changing majors multiple times, because I have a passion for working with others.

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
As a high school student, I always knew I wanted to attend Ohio State and be involved in the CFAES community, but was not ready to make that move right away. I completed my first two years at Ohio University-Chillicothe, then made the transition to Ohio State to pursue  a degree and career in agriculture. Leaving the small-town campus community that I had enjoyed so much was frightening, but I was able to find a similar environment through ACEL and CFAES that lead to experiences and opportunities that could not be matched at another university.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
Through my first two years of college, I thought I wanted to be an ag teacher. I am passionate about helping others, being involved in the community, and being involved in the agricultural industry, so naturally being an ag teacher sounded like a perfect fit! After being immersed in the greater community and network that ACEL and CFAES offers their students, I quickly learned that I could do all of those things I mentioned before without being in the classroom setting. This opened my eyes to a wide range of opportunities, ultimately leading to my job with Ohio Farm Bureau.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
CFAES Celebration of Students Committee – solicitations chair, Agriculture Future of America campus ambassador, Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, ACEL student employee.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education?
This one’s easy –  Dr. Jamie Cano! Dr. Cano always had a way of inspiring his students to be their best, not just inside the classroom, but more importantly in the activities and experiences they had outside the classroom. He encouraged students to reach out of their comfort zone and have new experiences, just as he did with me, my husband, and the many other students who studied abroad in Honduras with him over the years. His devoted passion for his work is contagious and he truly serves as an inspiration to not only his students, but all who come in contact with him.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Get involved, but not in everything. When I first came to Ohio State, I wanted to be involved in every organization, club, and event that was available. After a few months of attending what seemed like a different meeting every night, I found myself a little over-stretched. How could I possibly have an impact if I am spreading myself so thin? I decided to choose a small handful of my favorite organizations to get deeply involved with and focus my efforts where I felt most passionate. Testing out many different organizations is important, that way you can discover what you like and do not like. I recommend narrowing that down to a few organizations that you can dive into and become a leader within, this will help you build leadership and organization skills that will transition into your career after graduation.


Studying abroad in Choluteca, Honduras.

A Honduras study abroad reunion volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, Ohio.

Audrey and David on graduation day – May 2017.

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