Utah’s 1862 Land-Grant Institution: Utah State University

http://www.usu.edu @USUAggies

Founded as the Agricultural College of Utah in 1888. Through the years, there were various attempts to merge operations with the University of Utah, and for a short period of time the curricula of the Agricultural College were limited strictly to agriculture, domestic science, and mechanic arts. Eventually these restrictions were lifted for all areas of study except law and medicine. In 1929, the school was renamed Utah State Agricultural College. In 957, the school was granted university status as Utah State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, but the short name Utah State University is used in official documents to this day.

President: Noelle E. Crockett became the president of Utah State University in 2017. President Crockett has extensive land-grant credentials. Previously, she was the executive vice president and provost at USU, as well as having served as vice president for Extension, dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, director of the Utah Agriculture Experiment Station, and faculty member in the Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences. President Crockett also received her master’s and doctoral degrees in animal breeding and genetics from the land-grant institution Oregon State University.



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