How did your social media work during the fall season?

Many farms have come to rely on social media for a majority of their marketing during the fall season. From apples to pumpkins and corn mazes to hayrides, the fall season is quite busy for just a few weeks. Sometimes posting regular updates and responding to customers on social media become daunting tasks. Answering questions and receiving heavy criticism takes time and sometimes a toll. But, all of this will improve your brand and your ability to deal with customers in the best ways possible.

Additionally, social media has added the ability to promote your posts or tweets for just a few bucks. These may be advertising dollars you are adding to your budget, or diverting from avenues such as print media.

Twitter announced in August that it was able to prove that paid for, promoted tweets indeed made an impact. The report through Food Navigator, said that these paid-for tweets caused consumers to not only feel connected to products, but they actually bought more of the brand’s products as well. Read the story here:

So, we are wondering how it went. Can you tell us:

What were your biggest successes?
What were your biggest challenges?
What frustrated you the most using social media?
Did you pay to promote your tweets or posts?

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