Welcome First Year Students!

Welcome to our new first year students who will be studying agricultural communication, agriscience education and community leadership. We’re so excited to have you be part of our ACEL family!

Agricultural Communication
Bethany Armstrong
Rachael Billups
Emily Bookless
Benjamin Garrigus
Ashley Hawvermale
Rebekah Large
Rachel Lokai
Macee Mercure
Maria Moore
Lindsey Okuley
Ruwaida Osman
Lauren Preston
Olivia Rinesmieth
Elizabeth Sahr
Chasidy Schmucker
Natalie Snyder
Chandler Wilson
Sofia Zampino

Agriscience Education
Tyler Adams
Emily Allison*
Austin Becker
Korryn Berry
Kalyn Blue
Chad Bostic
Faith Brandon
Joelle Cecil
Kelci Cooper
Logan Core
Megan Drake
Morgan Garrett
Gage Harris
Justin Hartman
Elizabeth Kohler
Alandra Liskai
Jonna Nissen
Annell Prochnow
Matthew Roth
Kalyn Strahley
Annalee Warrens
Leah Winchell
Rose Zeedyk

Community Leadership
Madyson Little
Michael Peyton
Emma Phillips
Elizabeth Strine
Megan Schulte

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