Mid-Late Season Check of Fertilizer Programs: Are They Right?

Four Rs are the cornerstones of successful fertilizer application: the Right Material, applied at the Right Time, in the Right Amount, and to the Right Place. In the last several weeks, troubleshooting with growers and others about under-performing squash, sweet corn, tomato, and watermelon crops led us to conclude that incorrect fertilizer application rates were probably to blame. The information available suggested that too little fertilizer had been applied to the squash and sweet corn while too much had been applied to the tomato and watermelon plantings.

Ohio growers produce many different vegetable crops, each with a farm-specific fertilizer program that is best or most “right” for them. Very important, those fertilizer needs are set by the biology of each crop and its growing conditions and market. Crops, growing conditions, and markets are diverse, and that calls for setting and monitoring fertilizer applications very carefully; material, timing, rate, and placement must be optimal to have the best chance of success.

Errors at each step in the application process from selecting the rate to applying the material can lead to under- or over-applying fertilizer. For example, target rates can be miscalculated. Hoppers and injection tanks can be under- or overloaded. Gears, valves, and other equipment can be poorly calibrated or malfunctioning. Applicators/spreaders can be driven over too much or too little ground. Irrigation and/or injection valves can be closed when they were supposed to be open or vice versa.

Overall, some appear to worry less about applying too much instead of too little fertilizer. Their desire to maximize yield and quality is understandable. That said, the consequences of significantly over-applying fertilizer should also be considered since they may be wider ranging and last longer. Applying too much fertilizer in one season can create the problems of under-application in that season (lost yield, quality, and income) while also complicating fertilizer programs in the following season(s), supporting unwanted changes in soil chemistry, and contributing to other issues. Benefit the most from investments in properly selected fertilizers by applying them at the right rates and times and to the right place.

Impacts of Drought on Vegetable Production and Potential Solutions

Much-needed rain on Sunday has given agricultural producers some reprieve from the “flash-drought” that has been building across Ohio over the past few weeks. Ohio has seen abnormally-dry to moderate-drought conditions across much of the state, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has activated its Rapid Response Team to address the dry weather and provide extension resources for agricultural communities, including commercial vegetable producers. More information can be found at the OSU Early Drought Response webpage.

Periods of drought have plagued humanity since agriculture began. In modern vegetable production systems, dry conditions can lead to issues at multiple levels. This article will unpack the impacts of drought on vegetable production and discuss possible solutions.


Crop moisture stress

Crops vary widely in their water use efficiency (WUE), i.e. the amount of carbon produced per unit of water taken up by the plant. Many grain crops have been specifically bred for high WUE to maintain productivity in dryland systems. Vegetable crops, on the other hand, have comparatively low WUE and are typically irrigated via drip tape or center-pivot. Due to their higher water needs in “normal” seasons, many vegetable growers are already set up for irrigation and so may not be witnessing as severe crop moisture stress as field crop growers who rely on the rain.

Heat stress

In addition to the lack of rain, temperatures in northwest Ohio climbed into the high 80s near the end of May. High temps can threaten young plants in other ways apart from increased water demand. When crops are transplanted into black plastic mulch they can be stressed by heat radiating off the mulch surface. Young plants can also be burnt if any plant tissue is contacting the black plastic, which may be common if soil moisture levels are below wilting point. Transplanting into wet soil, overhead irrigation, or applying kaolin clay to plastic mulch surfaces to temporarily increase sunlight reflection can help keep temperatures around the plant cool and conducive to crop health.

Dry weather pests

Hot, dry weather in the spring can lead to earlier and increased activity in plant pests like thrips, aphids, and spider mites. These insects thrive in warm and dry conditions, which is why infestations in greenhouse environments are common. Insect feeding can reduce crop yield and quality and the pests can also vector viruses that affect vegetable plants.

Outbreaks of thrips, aphids, and spider mites can be managed in part by supporting natural enemies of the pests. These include ladybeetles (adult and larvae), lacewing larvae, and minute pirate bugs. Aphids are also preyed upon by damsel bugs, assassin bugs, aphid predatory midges and several predatory wasps. Species of predatory thrips and mites can also help keep pest thrip and spider mite populations in check. Find information on identifying natural enemies in this guide from OSU Extension and this educational video from Dr. Mary Gardiner at OSU.

Insecticide/miticide recommendations can be found in the 2023 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide. Avoid broad-spectrum products to conserve natural enemy and pollinator populations in the field. Read more on the topic in this article from Zsofia Szendrei at Michigan State University.


















Pests that prefer hot, dry conditions: aphids (top), thrips (middle), and spider mites (bottom). Photos by University of Illinois Extension (top), Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (middle) and Mississippi State University Extension (bottom).

Weed control

Drought conditions also have implications for early-season weed control. With low moisture in the topsoil, weed emergence may be delayed and prolonged. Applying layby residual herbicides is important to keep weeds under control until canopy closure. Weeds that are heat/drought stressed also do not respond to postemergent spray applications as well as vigorous weeds. Plant leaves develop a thicker, waxier cuticle to minimize water loss which can also reduce herbicide absorption. Adjuvant usage may be needed to improve conditions for herbicide uptake. Weed growth and metabolism is also slowed, which reduces movement of systemic herbicides around the plant. Spraying in the morning can be advantageous for weed control, not only because of calm winds, but also because targeting plants at a time of day when they are the least heat stressed can improve performance of systemic herbicides. Read more on this topic in this recent article from Erin Burns and Christy Sprague at Michigan State University.

Wildlife damage

 Wildlife damage to crops can be worsened in hot, dry weather. Rodents and other vertebrates may increase feeding in vegetable fields when food and water is scarce elsewhere. Irrigation equipment may be damaged by wildlife (coyotes, mice, etc.) looking for a drink. Options for keeping away wildlife include netting, fencing, repellants, trapping, and other lethal/non-lethal deterrents. Resources include the Ohio DNR Nuisance Animal Control Manual and Wildlife Management Factsheets from the USDA/Michigan State University Extension.

Farm safety

Last but not least, the safety and well-being of agricultural workers is important to keep front of mind. Working in hot and dry conditions poses a risk of heat-related illnesses. Continuous hydration and proper attire can go a long way towards ensuring worker safety. Find more information on the major heat-related illnesses and their mitigation in this article from Penn State.

Dealing with drought-stressed crops and dusty fields can also take a toll on growers’ mental health. Ohio State University Extension offers resources to help handle farm stress. Farm worker/manager performance is dependent on good mental health, so be sure to take this aspect of your vegetable operation seriously.

To sum it up, hot and dry conditions impact multiple aspects of vegetable production. While the material here mainly addresses the consequences of a dry spring, drought can cause different issues depending on when in the growing season it occurs. OSU Extension is a resource to help vegetable growers through periods of drought by providing information and support. Please reach out to your county educator or a vegetable extension specialist to explore ways OSU Extension can help you make your vegetable operation more resilient to drought conditions.

Thank you to Ben Werling and Ben Phillips from Michigan State University Extension for observations and ideas that contributed to the writing of this article.

Chris Galbraith

Vegetable Extension Educator

Northwest Ohio
Ohio State University Extension
Office: 734-240-3178

Six Factors to Consider Given the Dry Season So Far

Although some areas of Ohio have received small but timely amounts of rainfall, the general lack of it across the state to this point in the season has become a concern, especially where dryland, non-irrigated crops are stake. As one example, according to one weather station at the OSU campus in Wooster, rainfall for the period May 15, 2023 – June 10, 2023 was the lowest on record for the same period since 1999 and roughly half the amount received during the same period in the previous driest year. Not surprisingly, stand establishment in a non-irrigated potato planting made on May 15 at the research station in Wooster has been much lower and slower than normal.

On the other hand, overall conditions for many irrigated crops have been acceptable, minus the damaging early season frosts and windstorms. Temperatures have been moderate for the most part, so damage due to the lack of rain has not been significantly compounded by problems associated with high temperatures. Also, a lack of rain can maximize the amount of time available to complete other work — although many would gladly trade some time for rain.

Indeed, dry conditions to date have interfered with crop establishment and development and other aspects of production, particularly where irrigation is not being applied. So, we welcome forecasts including a high probability of meaningful rainfall.

This article references six items to consider if rainfall begins to “even out” in terms of timing and amount.

1. Continued crop thirst. Irrigation tends to be beneficial in all but the wettest years. Even short periods of low water stress can damage crops. Therefore, those who have been irrigating or begin to irrigate may need to continue the practice until harvest, in accordance with rainfall amounts and other factors, per usual.

2. Nutrient availability. Dry fertilizers applied before, at, and/or soon after planting may begin to solubilize more completely, boosting nutrient availability. In-season applications may need to be adjusted to account for this increased availability, although later than planned. Consider in-season soil, tissue, and/or sap testing to assist in the process.

3. Weed control, particularly as affected by herbicide activity. Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie of Cornell University summarized this issue well in the June 7 edition of the Cornell Cooperative Extension VegEdge Newsletter. Contact Dr. Sosnoskie (lms438@cornell.edu), the Cornell Vegetable Program (cce-cvp@cornell.edu), or me (Matt Kleinhenz; kleinhenz.1@osu.edu) for a copy of the article, which summarizes factors to consider for weed control during extended dry periods and should rains resume.

4. Crop protection, especially disease. Soil moisture, nutrient availability, and weed growth may increase if rains begin and so may disease pressure. Crop protectants, application schedules, and other tactics may need to be adjusted to account for increases in leaf wetness periods, relative humidity, and, perhaps, disease inoculum levels.

5. Soil erosion. Ideally, this dry period will be broken by grower-friendly light rains capable of providing the most benefit with the least trouble. However, soil erosion is possible if rains are brief and heavy and fall on uncovered, unprotected soils. If possible, use the dry period to check, improve, and explore drainage systems and soil management tactics.

6. Crop growth and harvest readiness. The best-laid plans set before the season call for seeding and transplanting to occur on farm-specific schedules, partly to meet harvest timing and market goals. Following through on those plans is difficult under dry conditions since they slow growth and alter maturation schedules. For example, for fruiting vegetable crops, a rule of thumb has been that drought before flowering speeds maturation while drought after flowering can slow it. Regardless, early-season dry conditions followed by more normal rainfall patterns can complicate maturation timelines across plantings (early, mid, late) and variety maturities. So, monitoring and flexibility remain important.

Growers, Grafters, Researchers, and Extension Partner in Identifying Best Management Practices for Grafted Vegetable Plants – Watermelon in Ohio in 2023

Many growers know that grafting gives them access to much needed disease resistance – stronger resistance to some diseases than available in hybrids and more resistances than often found in them, too. Indeed, a quick scan of rootstock characteristics at http://www.vegetablegrafting.org/resources/rootstock-tables/ reveals that few commercial hybrid varieties of tomato or watermelon include some resistances found in rootstocks. However, the greater cost of grafted plants has many people asking how growers’ profits can be maximized when using them. Lowering costs and boosting yield and quality are key parts of the answer.

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are “how-to” guides used in commercial crop production. BMPs are developed over years of collaboration involving many people since they involve optimizing every aspect of individual production systems from site and variety selection through post-harvest handling, packaging, and delivery. Current vegetable BMPs are based on the use of nongrafted plants. However, grafted plants tend to be more vigorous than and different from nongrafted ones in other ways. More important, perhaps because of these differences, grower and researcher experience with grafted vegetable plants indicates that farm BMPs must be updated to lower the costs and maximize the grower profits associated with using grafted plants. Optimizing plant density (number of plants per acre based on in- and between-row spacing), and irrigation, fertility, and harvest management for many scion-rootstock combinations has become the focus of much on-farm and on-station research.

Four Ohio farms, The OSU North Central Agricultural Research Station (https://oardc.osu.edu/facility/north-central-agricultural-research-station), and OSUE will evaluate the effects of plant density using four scion-rootstock combinations in 2023. Drawing on previous work (e.g., https://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2021/08/21/grafted-watermelon-plants-under-what-conditions-and-practices-does-using-them-offer-the-best-return-on-investment/), plants provided by Tri-Hishtil of Mills River, NC (https://www.trihishtil.com/) will be set at a range of in- and between-row spacings affecting potential grower costs and, possibly, fruit maturation, yield, and/or quality. Within and across sites, the total plant population is expected to equal roughly 450 – 1,450 plants per acre in individual plots. The team is intrigued by the possibility that yield and quality will remain high in some treatments/plots although many fewer plants, rows, and various inputs will have been used.

We would like to hear from you if you have questions about making and/or using grafted vegetable plants or information on the topic. Please contact Matt Kleinhenz (kleinhenz.1@osu.edu; 330.263.3810).

Successful Production Begins with the Best Varieties: An Example from Potato Breeding

If you grow potatoes for profit, chances are you rely on varieties developed by a university-USDA-industry team dedicated to improving your success by improving the varieties available to you. This article outlines aspects of that process and The OSU’s participation in it in 2023, as in more than fifty previous years.

The overwhelming majority of potato varieties used in Ohio and the U.S. are developed by university- and USDA-based programs and teams. These teams are led by breeders-geneticists and include plant pathologists, entomologists, food scientists, horticulturalists, and others working closely with growers, grower organizations, processors, retailers, seed certification programs, and members of industry and government. The small number of teams in the U.S. are based in major production regions, e.g., Northwest North-central, and East, allowing them to develop varieties best suited to these regions. The OSU has cooperated with the Eastern team with breeding programs in Maine, New York, and North Carolina and partners in other states for more than fifty years (see https://neproject.medius.re/ and potato reports at https://u.osu.edu/vegprolab/technical-reports/). The OSU also collaborated with the North-central team with breeding programs in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota for more than forty years. Regardless of team, working from industry and consumer input, our goal has been to improve marketable yield regardless of production constraints (e.g., disease, nematode, abiotic stress), tuber quality (including sensory properties and nutritional value), crop use of natural resources (e.g., water, fertilizer) and other characteristics. Efforts completed here continue to benefit growers, processors, retailers, chefs, consumers, and others in Ohio and throughout the Eastern U.S.

Potatoes are clonally propagated – i.e., tubers are clones of their mother plant. This means that increasing the availability of seed for a new superior variety can be more straightforward than in crops requiring true botanical seed. However, in its early stages, potato breeding requires creating and evaluating experimental lines resulting from ‘hybridizing’ crosses, e.g., as in tomato variety development. Many crosses are unproductive while others result in experimental lines worthy of additional evaluation under a wide range of conditions. That is when a network of collaborating evaluators operating in various environments where the experimental line/new variety could be grown commercially becomes essential.

In 2023, The OSU will evaluate 126 experimental selections against 12 standard varieties. As before, selections from the University of Maine, Cornell University, USDA-ARS in Maine, and North Carolina State University will be featured and our evaluation process will focus on the interests of growers, processors, retailers, chefs, and consumers. Plots are located at the OSU-Wooster/OARDC and can be viewed anytime. If possible, please contact Matt Kleinhenz ahead of time so he can welcome you properly and help you benefit fully from the tour (kleinhenz.1@osu.edu, 330.263.3810). Also, seed is available to growers who wish to evaluate experimental selections on their farms.

A subset of the information that will be collected for each experimental line through November-2023 is listed below.

Before Harvest
1. Percent stand (# seed pieces planted versus number of plants established)
2. Plant maturity
3. Tuber bulking period
After Harvest
4. Total yield
5. Percent tubers greater and less than 2 inch in diameter
6. Percent of tubers that are misshapen or have a similar market defect
7. Basic tuber characteristics (9 options for each of the following six characteristics – 531,441 possible combinations!): a) skin color, b) skin texture, c) shape, d) flesh color, e) eye depth, and f) uniformity
8. Tuber internal quality (incidence of defects)
9. Specific gravity
10. Chip quality (color, blister), including as chipped directly after harvest or storage (with or without reconditioning). Chip-stock production in Ohio is mainly for situations in which crops are chipped directly after harvest with no storage period.

Regardless of market, on all but a small set of operations, potato vines are removed before harvest either mechanically (quickly) or chemically (slowly). How vines are removed is important to growers and all members of the potato value chain. They all want tubers well suited to a specific end use; however, some varieties may respond less desirably to quick, mechanical vine killing, especially if vines have not died naturally or are not actively senescing. Applying a desiccant that kills the vines slowly and promotes tuber skin set and stolon detachment is most common. However, some growers may choose or be required to harvest crops “green,” when vines have not died or have been chopped very recently, a typical approach to mechanical vine killing. Importantly, vine killing methodology can affect the condition of the tubers at harvest and after, during processing, storage, shipment, and preparation. Killing vines quickly and harvesting soon after can influence various tuber properties including: a) stolon attachment, b) skin integrity/scuffing, c) physical damage, d) relative abundance of starch versus reducing sugars, e) incidence of bruises, and f) storability. Buyer and grower tolerances for these issues can be low so identifying lines capable of being harvested “green” and used effectively can be important. Of course, some consumers prefer small “new” tubers with very thin skins so these crops must be handled carefully. Similarly, growers and processors are also keen to discover the optimal storage conditions for experimental lines and new varieties and the extent to which their tubers must be “reconditioned” before use as referenced in https://www.potatogrower.com/2019/03/top-5-factors-to-successful. Through the years, once popular processing varieties were displaced by new ones with less stringent storage-reconditioning requirements, a discovery made during collaborative testing by variety development teams and industry.

As always, the 126 experimental lines will also be evaluated for their resistances to multiple diseases, nematodes, and insect pests by other team members in Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. Cooking and consumer evaluation tests will be completed.

Information that will be collected before and after harvest is key because plant and tuber characteristics and yield strongly help determine the main end use and market for which a variety is best suited: a) general fresh market, b) specialty fresh market, c) processing (e.g., chip), or d) fresh-processing dual purpose. Of course, this also means the same variety profile also determines which farms and farmers will benefit most from using a new variety. Production for chip and direct-retail markets has increased in Ohio in recent years.

As shown earlier (see https://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2023/03/11/how-will-your-yield-and-efficiency-increase-this-season/), U.S. potato yields have climbed steadily for more than a century. This increase is due to better varieties and crop management. Regardless of your market, if potatoes are part of your business, it can be essential to watch for and test new varieties since they provide the greatest reward for your high-level skill as a grower. As much as possible, take advantage of that skill by using superior varieties instead of relying on it to overcome weaknesses of inferior ones. Future related articles will provide information specific to obtaining seed for new or “alternative” varieties that may benefit your business.

Maintaining Soil Productivity/Health in High Tunnels: What’s the Problem?

Soil health or productivity is important to all growers who rely on soil. This is very clear to high tunnel growers who, by definition, have covered a piece of ground with a structure they look to rely on in many ways and must also maintain. Natural forces working on the soils and the general nature of many high tunnel cropping programs can make it difficult to maintain the health or productivity of the soils involved. Click on the “video seed” below for a perspective on the big question of high tunnel soil productivity — what can go wrong and components of a productivity/health maintenance program.

Plant Biostimulants: What They Are and Including Them in Your Cropping Toolbox

Plant biostimulants are a large, diverse, popular, and enigmatic category of inputs. Many growers rely on them while others are skeptical. Most agree that more farmer-friendly information is needed to help ensure growers receive consistent and adequate returns on their investments in plant biostimulants. Click on the “video seed” below to refresh your understanding of plant biostimulants or help become more familiar with them as you consider their possible role on your farm.

How Will Your Yield and Efficiency Increase this Season?

Each season brings its own set of weather, yields, markets, prices, and more. However, reviewing what occurred over many previous seasons can represent a glimpse at what may occur going forward.

For example, records of average reported total yields for many major vegetable and other crops spanning up to more than a century give interesting clues, suggestions, and questions about future yields.

The three panels below show that average reported total yields for various crops have risen steadily for decades, but at different rates among crops and locations. Much in vegetable growing, etc has changed in the last 40-100+ years. So, what may have contributed most significantly to yield increases during that time and support additional increases going forward?

Most agree yield increases have resulted from and will continue to hinge on improvements in crop genetics (varieties) and management. For example, today’s sweet corn plants are generally smaller and grown at higher densities and with improved inputs and care than in previous years. The article referenced below mentions further increases in sweet corn yield may result from developing varieties that tolerate even greater densities.

Indeed, most agree that we have not yet achieved the theoretical maximum yield of any crop and that better varieties and improved crop management are both possible and necessary. The overall goal is to constantly push observed yields (total, marketable) higher while maintaining or lowering costs and increasing income.

Take a few moments as the 2023 season gets underway to ask important questions about your historical and anticipated yields. For example, have total and marketable yields of crops you have grown for the most years increased steadily over that time? Why or why not? What yields do your draft balance sheets assume for 2023? Do you expect yields to be higher than in previous years? What new steps do you plan to take to ensure your yields and cost-efficiencies are as high as possible?

Many inputs and steps shape crop yield potential. Therefore, drawing clear, reliable connections between a specific practice or input and its impact on yield in nearly all situations is difficult. However, most agree that using high quality transplants is key to maximizing yield and income potential, regardless of the size, location, and other characteristics of the operation. In fact, some say using high quality seed and transplants is responsible for 20% or more of production potential. Regardless of the actual number for your farm, there are at least three reasons to consider using only high-quality transplants.

1. Biology. Most crop plants must pass through various stages before offering growers a chance to make money. Plants from weak seedlings may not reach the required stage, reach it at different times, or be weak or of low market value when reaching it.

2. Time. There are two types of races. One type tends to get all the attention while the other occurs out of public view on farms from the start of each growing season. The most common race asks how quickly a contestant can run, swim, bike, etc a fixed distance. Over time, contestants have worked to become faster. Crop production is an example of the second type of race. There, growers have fixed amounts of time and are challenged to produce as much as possible as efficiently as possible during it. Low quality seedlings do not obtain or use resources efficiently or maximally and this can contribute to slow, non-uniform growth, possible below-optimal plant populations, wasted money, and less yield. Plants from low quality seedlings are also more susceptible to stress and will be affected by it more severely and recover from it more slowly and/or incompletely.

3. Diseases and Pests. Diseases and pests spread. One diseased or infested seedling can allow many others to be affected and the spread of disease and insect pests may affect other farms. Also, disease incidence and severity often worsen. As more plants become infected, previously infected ones become weaker and weaker and may succumb before providing the grower with a return on their investment in the seedlings.

In 2023, in addition to using high quality transplants, identify a practice that may be preventing you from seeing valuable gains in yield and efficiency and work toward improving it.

Efficient and Effective Management of High Tunnel Environments, 2: Ventilation Status

Growers use high tunnels (HTs) specifically to create environments near their crops that would be unavailable otherwise. Those environments can be very beneficial but difficult to achieve and maintain during many cropping periods. This article summarizes key observations about the challenges and opportunities presented to growers when setting the ventilation status of their HT(s).

HTs are essentially square or rectangular boxes with sides, ends, and, occasionally, tops that can be closed or partially to fully opened. The combined relative positions of a HT’s sidewall curtains, end wall doors, and end wall and/or ridge vents (if present) comprise its ventilation status. Farming inside this box, HT growers must use its ventilation status to manage key conditions inside it (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, air movement/exchange). This process is the HT grower’s opportunity and challenge. Setting the ventilation status is an opportunity because it allows the grower to respond to changing external conditions in their attempt to maintain target conditions inside the HT. Setting the ventilation status is difficult because it can demand large amounts of time, energy, and other resources and create questions and stress.

For example, while many vents operate automatically on temperature-sensitive pistons or controls, they generally do not take wind, rain, or other factors that may influence the grower’s interests into account. Also, very important, opening and closing end wall doors and sidewall curtains is typically done manually. Dynamic weather conditions and specific crop needs may then require repeated trips to the HT(s) to change ventilation status, robbing time and energy from other activities and costing fuel, etc. Further, once at the HT(s), there is the question as to what the ventilation status should be. Answering that question can be very difficult. Consider that the relative positions of two sidewall curtains and two sets of end wall doors represents eighty-one combinations at 0%, 50%, and 100% open for each (3x3x3x3=81) and a more realistic use of these four options at five positions each represents 625 combinations. Adding two end wall vents at three positions each to this list brings the total number of possible ventilation status positions to 5,625 (625x3x3). When growers consider tunnel compass orientation, outdoor temperature, wind speed and direction, sunlight and cloud cover levels, crop needs, that relatively small differences in ventilation status can have large effects on conditions inside the HT (e.g., https://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2023/02/11/efficient-and-effective-management-of-high-tunnel-environments-1-the-need-and-challenge/), and other factors, selecting the most sensible ventilation status understandably becomes important and potentially difficult.

Some growers simplify by setting a “compromise” status at some point each day or night and moving on, unable or unwilling to change the ventilation status more frequently and, thereby, possibly exposing crops to non-optimal conditions as outside conditions change. Stress created by that scenario has been clear to me in conversations with growers and it appears to be increasing as weather patterns become more dynamic and extreme.

We partner with growers, the research-extension community, and members of industry to improve growers’ success and efficiency at managing conditions inside their HTs, especially through setting their ventilation status. Participation in the Ohio Controlled Environment Agricultural Center and local to international professional working groups and recent support from the USDA-Ohio Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Competition (“Advancing High Tunnel Production: Research-based Support and Technologies to Speed and Enhance Grower Success”) assist in that process. Please contact Matt Kleinhenz (kleinhenz.1@osu.edu; 330.263.3810) for more information.













Efficient and Effective Management of High Tunnel Environments, 1: The Need and Challenge

Growers use high tunnels (HTs) specifically to create environments near their crops that would be unavailable otherwise. Those environments can be very beneficial but difficult to achieve and maintain during many cropping periods. This article summarizes three key observations about monitoring and managing HT environments gleaned from farmers, researchers, and year-round experience with multiple high tunnels at the research station in Wooster, OH since 2003.

1. Change is constant. As many experienced HT users know and new users discover quickly, HT environments can fluctuate a lot over short (minutes-hours) and longer (days-weeks) periods of time, especially during spring and fall. These fluctuations arise from natural conditions outside the HT and the HT user’s management of the structure. Regardless, severe or repeated fluctuations may disrupt crop development and/or lower crop yield and/or quality.

2. Multiple steps and tactics are needed to achieve desired outcomes. Positioning sidewalls, doors, and vents based on external conditions, crop needs, and other factors is the most common approach to managing these fluctuations and maintaining target air temperature, relative humidity, and other conditions in the HT. Actively heating the air and/or soil, shading the HT, circulating air inside the HT with fans, and other steps are also sometimes used. While some HT growers heat air in the HT, especially early in tomato production, fewer appear to monitor HT soil temperature, which also influences crop development and yield potential. Temperatures shown in the graph below are from unheated HTs and they make us wonder about the impact of heating air in a HT on soil temperature. Note that soil temperatures reached optimal levels long after planting.

More research is needed to determine the effect of heating air in HTs on soil temperature, given that most HTs are surrounded by cold soil, experience short, sometimes cloudy days, and are irrigated with cold water in late winter/early spring. Some of these dynamics are depicted in the drawing below.


3. HT environments respond to management, but in incompletely understood ways. Most commercial HTs, especially single bay ones, are rectangles (longer than wide) while multi-bay HTs may approach being square in shape. Regardless, inside, crops differ in height, timing, density, environmental requirements, and position relative to an end- or sidewall. This increases the importance of managing temperature and other conditions in the HT using specific combinations of door and sidewall position, perhaps especially for single bay HTs.

We work to help HT growers be more efficient and effective at managing their HT environments. Our approach involves interlocking steps. For example, we continuously record environmental conditions inside and outside of many HTs along with the positions of their endwalls, sidewalls, and vents. Next, we examine relationships among the: a) external conditions, b) sidewall, endwall, and vent positions, and c) internal conditions. Then, we analyze the status of those three factors alongside cropping outcomes (yield and quality). The overall approach is depicted in the graphic below. In time, we are optimistic this approach will help HT users predict and manage HT environments and crops more effectively.


Finally, weather in Wooster, OH on February 11, 2023, was clear, cold, and calm — ideal for illustrating messages outlined above. Note below how temperatures inside five high tunnels tracked sunlight, outside temperature, and endwall position. Even small differences in the amount one endwall was open influenced internal temperatures. Two important lessons can be taken from the numbers. First, similarly small changes in the position of another end- or sidewall are likely to have much larger effects on internal conditions. Second, effects of small differences in internal conditions created by small changes in ventilation status are likely to be cumulative. That is, relatively small differences in temperature like shown below on any given day are less important than those same differences repeated day after day and season after season. Since those cumulative differences are mostly set by growers’ approaches and management options, enhancing those approaches and options is key. Future articles in this series will focus on those topics. Contact Matt Kleinhenz (kleinhenz.1@osu.edu; 330.263.3810) for more information.

Environmental Conditions In and Immediately Outside Five High Tunnels in Wooster, OH on 2/11/23.


time 1 2 3 4 5 outside wind (mph/dir.) light (W/m2)
——— air temperature in deg F ———–
midnight 27.0 26.6 25.5 27.2 27.0 29.4 11.5/NW 0
7:35 AM* 17.4 18.1 17.8 18.9 19.9 22.5 5.7/NNW 8
8:35 AM 23.0 30.5 44.0 37.1 40.1 26.7 5.7/NNW 156
9:35 AM 39.8 50.6 64.0 50.7 60.0 33.6 5.7/N 314
vent note A B C D
10:35 AM 63.0 62.6 79.7 67.4 63.0 35.2 4.6/N 466
11:35 AM 78.2 72.3 83.3 74.3 68.2 36.2 4.6/N 546
12:35 PM 86.6 80.3 92.2 79.7 69.4 39.4 3.4/W 583
vent note E F
1:35 PM 86.7 80.8 85.7 77.4 76.5 38.4 5.7/SE 562
2:35 PM 84.3 83.9 83.5 75.2 74.3 39.1 5.7/W 488
3:35 PM 83.1 79.9 84.9 77.4 68.9 43.0 5.7/WSW 369
4:35 PM 56.9 54.5 53.7 52.5 50.3 39.9 3.4/SW 147
5:35 PM** 45.2 43.6 39.8 42.3 41.2 37.6 4.7/SW 28
9:35 PM 28.9 28.9 26.4 29.1 29.0 32.7 3.4/SW 1

*, ** sunrise and sunset in Wooster, OH on Feb 11, 2023 occurred at 7:37 AM and 5:57 PM, respectively.

Note 1.
All high tunnels are single-layer, gothic-shaped, unheated, and located at https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7739922,-81.9150824,574m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en. HTs 1 and 2 are 30 ft w x 80 ft long and oriented with their long axis east-west. HTs 3, 4, and 5 are 21 ft w x 48 ft long and oriented with their long axis north-south. All HTs have 2 sliding doors measuring 4 ft w x 8 ft h. When both doors are fully open, the opening created is 8 ft w x 8 ft h.
Note 2. During the time period above, all HTs (doors, sidewalls, vents) are closed unless indicated by a “vent note” below.
A. Sidewalls, doors, and vents closed until 9:51 AM. At 9:51 AM, east end doors open 2 ft (of 8).
B. Sidewalls, doors, and vents closed until 9:51 AM. At 9:55 AM, east end doors open 4ft (of 8).
C. Sidewalls and doors closed. At 10:14 AM, 16-ft2 opening in sidewall at SE corner at endwall-sidewall junction closed (small section of plastic had been released at top of sidewall by camlock failure during recent windstorm).
D. Sidewalls and doors closed until 10:02 AM. At 10:02 AM, north end doors open 4ft (of 8).
E. Sidewalls and doors closed until 12:42 PM. At 12:45 PM, north end doors open 4ft (of 8).
F. Sidewall and door positions unchanged 10:02 AM – 12:45 PM. At 12:45 PM, north end doors reduced to open 2 ft (of 8).