Adult spotted lanternfly. Photo by Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bugwood.org
Join members of the OSU Department of Entomology and the OSU IPM Program for a workshop that highlights recent research results and reviews the latest recommendations for key practices in monitoring, identifying, and managing the spotted-wing Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug on fruit and vegetable crops. Although the spotted lanternfly has not yet been found in Ohio, this invasive pest has been detected in nearby states, so we’ll provide some tips to remain vigilant for this potentially new pest.
The workshop will be held Tuesday, March 26 at OSU’s Waterman Farm (2490 Carmack Road Columbus, OH 43210) in the Wittmeyer Conference Room in the Headquarters Building, from 9 AM – noon. The agenda is not yet finalized but will be modeled after the following outline:
Spotted-Wing Drosophila, on berry crops
-Overview of distribution and biology
-Key advances in monitoring, identification & management
-New streamlined approach to monitoring in 2019
-Additional Resources
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, on fruit & vegetable crops
-Overview of distribution and biology
-Key advances in monitoring & management
-Biological control update
-Additional Resources
Spotted Lanternfly, potentially on tree fruit & hop crops
-Overview of distribution and biology
-Monitoring techniques
-Management decisions / options
-Additional Resources
Coffee and light snacks will be served. Registration will cost $5 per person and be limited to only 35 attendees due to room constraints. All participants must pre-register using this link (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OSUinvasive). Registration will end March 22nd. Payment, cash or check, will be accepted at the door.
If you have any difficulties registering or have other questions, please contact Jim Jasinski, jasinski.4@osu.eduor 937-484-1526, or Celeste Welty, welty.1@osu.edu, 614-292-2803.