If you have thoughts on how Extension and OSU Department Specialists can help your operation or a particular industry, this is the time for you to participate.
Get Started Now On Your Ideas for the …
March 25, 2022
9:30 – 11:00 a.m. EST
You have received an invitation to join this quality conversation about CFAES research and Extension support for Ohio Specialty Crops Partners. CFAES will:
- Provide updates on our priorities, existing support for specialty crops, and actions we are taking related to research and education for specialty crops.
- Explore emerging trends for specialty crops agriculture in the state.
- Listen to the industry needs and how CFAES plays a role in the industry.
We’re anxious to get started in this conversation and want to give you time and opportunities to give us your thoughts. If you would like to, please go ahead and get started by answering a few questions for us at this link https://go.osu.edu/listenspecialtycrops .
Please plan to attend the virtual session even if you complete this form. We want you to have as many opportunities as possible to provide feedback and have your voice heard.
Please send your thoughts back to us no later than March 23.
And don’t forget to register for the virtual session no later than March 24, 2022 at register me now!