On July 5th I posted an article acknowledging the difficult spring and early summer planting conditions most Ohio growers faced, and asked to let us (OSU specialists and Extension educators) know what kind of issues you were experiencing. Once these issues were identified, I began researching possible solutions in order to help growers salvage as much of the season and market as possible. Attached at the end of the article is a PDF with my responses to your questions.
I wanted to thank the 36 growers farming just over 500 acres who took time to respond to the survey. In general, most growers were delayed 2-4 weeks but had a crop in the ground now. The biggest concern besides the ability the control the weather, was that OSU specialists continue to post current information about crop management, pest management, and markets. Several articles along those lines have recently been posted to the VegNet Newletter and we will continue to do so, but if there is a specific topic that has not been addressed, please reach out and contact that specialist directly. Below is a list of OSU specialists and Extension educators with their contact information.
Best of luck to you for better weather this summer and a fair harvest this fall.
Specialist Area Contact
Doug Doohan Weeds doohan.1@osu.edu
Celeste Welty Insects welty.1@osu.edu
Sally Miller Diseases miller.769@osu.edu
Jim Jasinski IPM/Insects jasinski.4@osu.edu
Brad Bergefurd Horticulture bergefurd.1@osu.edu
Matt Kleinhenz Horticulture kleinhenz.1@osu.edu
Steve Culman Fertility culman.2@osu.edu
In case you are not aware, we are having a Pumpkin Field Day on Aug. 22 at the Western Ag Research Station. Read more about it here https://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2019/07/25/pumpkin-field-day/
Response to Cucurbit Growers Early to Mid Season