Spotted Wing Drosophila Update – Jim Jasinski, IPM Program; Celeste Welty, Dept. of Entomology

Various OSU cooperators, mostly specialists and Extension educators, have been monitoring for spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) adults in a statewide network since around mid May. So far positive detections have been made in Franklin, Greene, Clinton, Clark, and Wayne counties, with an unconfirmed report from Champaign county. Several other counties in the SWD trapping network have not reported yet so this is what we know to date.

While the captures are still relatively low, they are higher than this time frame last year.

If you grow raspberries, blackberries, grapes, peaches, strawberries, or blueberries that have ripe or ripening fruit, you should be alert to any SWD reports in your area and be prepared to start a treatment program if found on your farm. Here is a quick SWD factsheet and insecticide list for your reference (

Frame grab of latest SWD video explaining trap set up.

If you don’t have ripe or ripening fruit yet, it is still not too late to put a trap up and look for adult flies. A new 3 minute video showing how to set up the SWD trap we currently recommend, the Scentry trap, has just been created and posted on the OSU IPM YouTube channel at (Fig. 1). Remember that any SWD trap will catch non-target insects, so be sure to have your catches inspected for the right species. The Scentry trap and lure can be purchased at Great Lakes IPM (

2 thoughts on “Spotted Wing Drosophila Update – Jim Jasinski, IPM Program; Celeste Welty, Dept. of Entomology

  1. The SWD Factsheet and Insecticide use states “Insecticides for home use: see separate document” but there is no link. I did a search but could find the separate document. Thanks for your help.

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