This hour-long webinar was created by Catholic Climate Covenant and Earth Day Network to address the exponential growth of plastics and how it is threatening the survival of our planet. Earth Day Network discusses the resources they offer to help end plastic pollution and their Earth Day campaign: A World Without Plastic Pollution. The webinar then discusses Catholic Climate Covenant’s program, Beyond a Throwaway Culture: Reduce Waste–Grow Community, and describes how faith communities can celebrate our common home on Earth Day and every day. To watch the Reducing Waste and Moving Beyond a Throwaway Culture Webinar, click here.
Catholic Climate Covenant: Earth Day 2018
Catholic Climate Covenant has created their 2018 Earth Day with the theme of reducing waste. Titled Beyond a Throwaway Culture: Reduce Waste- Grow Community, the focus is on single-use disposable plastics and how they contribute to land and marine pollution. The program includes prayers, readings, actions, and a video. To read more or download the program, click here.
Climate Change: A Matter of Faith
Climate Change: A Matter of Faith is a list of talking points created by Blessed Tomorrow. The talking points are meant to be a starting point for faith communities providing a prophetic voice to inspire others to work towards a healthier and safer world. The list also offers possible counterpoints and how to respond. To read Climate Change: A Matter of Faith, click here.
Ideas for Earth Day Sunday Celebrations
Creation Justice Ministries has created a list of ways to celebrate Earth Day Sunday this year. They include educational ideas, prayer examples, leading by example, and celebrating in God’s creation by immersing yourself in it. To read more, click here.
Creation Justice Ministries Earth Day: Sense of Place
Creation Justice Ministries 2018 Earth Day theme is Sense of Place. They aim to educate and offer insight about living in harmony with local ecosystems and watersheds, sharing places with a diversity of peoples, and respecting the history of your place. To read more or download the Earth Day Sunday promotion toolkit, click here.
Becoming a CreatureKind Institution
“Having compassion for others begs the question of who ‘the others’ are. The animals whom we farm are sentient beings and individuals in their own right, even when they are crowded together in barren cages or windowless sheds. They are surely – in their billions – ‘others’ who deserve and desperately need our compassion. I wish CreatureKind great influence in bringing compassion to these fellow-beings of ours.”
– Joyce D’Silva, Ambassador Emeritus,
Compassion in World Farming
CreatureKind is a Christian animal welfare group that works to help institutions improve their practice as it impacts farmed animals, with benefits for humans, animals, and the environment. Becoming a CreatureKind institution means committing to a cycle of reviewing current sourcing, setting goals for improved practice, and acting on them, together with engaging your community about the program. The program have two major goals: reduce consumption of animal products and obtain remaining animal products from higher welfare. To read more about how to become a CreatureKind organization, click here.
Sikh Environment Day
In 2018, Sikh communities will be celebrating the 8th annual Sikh Vatavaran Diwas (Sikh Environment day) on March 14th. It is a day for Sikhs to celebrate and reflect on their bond with the environment. Gurdwaras (local congregations) can hold divans (conferences) on nature themes and try to inspire sangat (companies) to install solar panels, host workshops, participate in kitchen gardening, and story sessions for young children. By joining in, Sikhs across the world will share what the environment means to them, and raise awareness about the state of ecology across their spiritual homeland, Punjab. To read more or register for Sikh Environment Day, click here.
Global Faith Leaders Unite to Restore our Earth’s Balance
A campaign by Religions for Peace, worldwide religious leaders call on heads of state to respond urgently to the threats of climate change, commit to 100% renewable energy by 2050, and build a more flourishing, inclusive, and balanced world. Leaders of the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Indigenous, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Shinto, Sikh, Taoist, and Zoroastrian faiths pledge to do their part by embracing the moral responsibility to care for our world. To read more, click here.
CreatureKind Church Course
CreaturKind has created a 6-week course to help Christians think about what their faith means for animals. The course is free and is meant to assist churches in learning about animal welfare and how to care for animals faithfully. They aim to encourage Christians to consider what they believe about God’s creatures and how they might move toward living out those beliefs as members of the body of Christ. To read more or watch a short video about the course, click here.
EarthCare is a Christian organization that exists to promote stewardship of creation within the Christian community. They seek to raise environmental awareness and participation through various education programs and by modeling creation care values in their daily lives. They also seek to provide a medium for fellowship, interaction, and inspiration for Christians concerned with the biblical mandate to be stewards of God’s creation. To read more about EarthCare, click here.