Global Catholic Climate Movement: Climate Change Facts

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The Global Catholic Movement created a page of climate change facts that include videos, statement from faith and science leaders, and resources. To view this page of facts, click here.

Climate Change | It Changes Everything

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Climate Change | It Changes Everything is a video produced by the Catholic Relief Services. It shows the impacts climate change has on communities around the world, especially in developing countries. To watch this video, click here. 

Live Laudato Si’

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Live Laudato Si’ is a resource created by the Global Catholic Climate Movement. Its’ purpose is to raise awareness of the encyclical’s message and to encourage the Catholic community to take action with the urgency required by the climate crisis. The website offers resources to assist Catholics in living out the message in their congregations and day to day life. To view the website, click here.

Catholic Relief Services Hurricane Relief

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Catholic Relief Services has created a way to help areas, especially in the Caribbean, recover from the disasters of the recent hurricanes. They have been working on providing shelter, clean water, and critical supplies to families that have been affected. To see all of their work and how to donate, click here.

Global Catholic Climate Movement

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The Global Catholic Movement is a global network responding to the Pope’s call to action. Their mission is to turn Pope Francis’ encyclical into action for climate justice by transforming lifestyles and widening the climate movement. To view their website, click here.

Newman Center Animal Blessing

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The St. Thomas More Newman Center, the Roman Catholic campus ministry for Ohio State University, is having a short prayer service and blessing of animals in the Newman Center Garden on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 12:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. The event is free, but donations for the CHA Animal Shelter are encouraged. Click here for a wish list of items.

Click here for the entire event description.

GoodLands Climate Change Map

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GoodLands has created a map to show the Catholic Church that they have the influence and power to implement environmentally conscious property use in the United States and beyond. This map includes 92% of listed Catholic-affiliate properties in the Official Catholic Directory from 2015. When you click on a point on the map, you can learn about the property and its surrounding land use and habitat. To view the map, click here.

GoodLands: Making Land Work for Good

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GoodLands is an organization that provides information, insights, and implementation tools for the Catholic Church to promote caring for creation, serving the poor, and improving the state of the world. Their main goal is to help the Church develop a deeper geospatial understanding of itself and to use this towards the Church’s mission to care for all creation. They are working towards a vision where Catholic conservation and sustainability can become the largest non-governmental global network of its kind, comparable to Catholic healthcare and Catholic education. To view their entire website, click here.

Catholic Covenant Energies

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Catholic Covenant Energies is a new program meant to reduce energy use in Catholic owned buildings. There are three key components to the program: free and low-cost incentives, which works with local utility companies, retrofit program, which provides financing assistance, and a teachable moment, which highlights Catholic teaching on caring for creation. To read the entire document, click here.

Pope Francis Criticizes Climate Change Deniers

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In reaction to hurricane and tropical storm season devastation’s, the Pope recently criticized those who doubt climate science, and suggested that they “go ask the scientists….They are most clear…Then let the person decide, and history will judge the decisions.”  In response to a question about why governments have been so slow to respond to climate change, Francis replied: “There’s a phrase in the Old Testament, I think in one of the psalms, where it says man is stupid; he’s stubborn and does not see.”

Click below for some coverage of the Pope’s comments: