OSU Prepares to Host Earthkeeping Summit on Sept. 24

hope_leaves-300x200On Saturday, September 24, The School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) will co-host the 2016 Earthkeeping Summit with Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and multiple community and university partners.  The Summit provides resources and inspiration for the creation care work of Ohio faith communities, and will be held at the Nationwide 4-H Center on OSU’s Columbus campus. Keynote speaker Dr. Melanie Harris of Texas Christian University will address the Summit’s themes of hope and renewal in environmental justice work, and panels and workshops will follow to highlight current examples of creation care work across Ohio faith communities.

Several sessions during the day will focus on creative modes of understanding earthkeeping such as storytelling, art, and ritual, including a display of the environmental art creations of Shelly Casto’s Columbus-area high school students at the Wexner Center. Ohio native Luke Sulfridge will introduce OHSUN, a solar cooperative program facilitating residential solar installations in Ohio; SENR EEDS graduate Rebecca Mellino will present environmental stewardship resources of Columbus Public Health’s faith community climate change program; and OSU’s Michelle Kaiser and SENR graduate Nick Stanich will facilitate an afternoon workshop on addressing food deserts featuring the sustainable urban food production programs at Franklinton Gardens. More information, schedule, and registration details for the Summit can be found here.

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