QualLab Signature Events
QualLab Lunches [2019-present] provide an excellent forum for world-renowned qualitative researchers to discuss social justice, equity, and innovation-related topics over the duration of a lunch hour.
Advanced Methods Institute (AMI) [2021-2024] features award-winning qualitative scholars who will share innovations in qualitative inquiry and strategies for application for readers’ own research projects aimed to advance equity, diversity, and justice.
- 2023 AMI Conference: Advancing Qualitative Inquiry toward Innovation, Equity, Diversity, & Justice
- 2024 AMI Book: Advancing Qualitative Inquiry Toward Methodological Inclusion
- 2021 AMI Conference: Advancing Culturally Responsive Research and Researchers
- 2022 AMI Book: Advancing Culturally Responsive Research and Researchers: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Unapologetic Educational Research Series: Addressing Anti-Blackness, Racism and White Supremacy (A QualLab & Educational Studies Research Series) [2020-2022] aims to engage researchers in thinking about and reflecting on what it means to conduct educational research from a standpoint that honors Black lives in the research process, while also disrupting racism and white supremacy. Given the unprecedented moment we are all experiencing in our lifetime we are committed to shifting the landscape of qualitative research and using this research to shift our sociopolitical context toward racial equity and justice. Each OSU Alum engaged in discussion with Dr. Lori Patton Davis, Professor and Department Chair of Educational Studies (now at UCLA), and Dr. Penny A. Pasque, Professor and Director of QualLab. Faculty continue to use this series in qualitative courses.
[Em]Power Hours [2023-2024] was a monthly in-person collaborative learning/working gathering focused on qualitative inquiry and methodology for the EHE community, but support for this initiative was discontinued by the college due to financial constraints. Consider starting your own student-led group
Graduate Student Board [2020-2024] was a gathering of graduate students who learned qualitative research as they worked on 1) research apprenticeships, 2) grants, 3), international & Ohio State presentations, and 4) publications. The support for this initiative has been discontinued by the college due to financial constraints. Consider starting your own student-led research!
#SoCGrad Support Colloquium [2021-2022] was a space for graduate students of EHE at the college to come together and learn from EHE faculty member of color and each other. Each month, we invited a faculty host of color to speak on a topic related to graduate student experiences around research and graduate school. We provided opportunities for caucus groups/small group discussions where Latinx/Black/Native/AAPI/multi-racial students could connect with each other. Sponsored by the Racial Justice & Equity Task Force “students” subcommittee (chairs – Colette Dollarhide & Penny Pasque; Noelle Arnold chairs the full task force for the college).